The finale of Hawkeye is here! Recap of last episode, Maya fights with Ronin, she is defeated and Clint removes is hood. He threatens her if she tries to go after him or his family. Clint reveals that her boss wanted her father dead. This enrages Maya who takes the sword, but it is knocked away by Kate’s arrow from a rooftop. Maya is met Kazi and she asks why he didn’t go to the meeting where her father was killed, he’s the informant! Kate reveals that the woman they fought is Natasha’s sister, Clint knows about Yelena. Eleanor is followed by Yelena to a hotel, while Clint is at Grills’ place joined by Kate and Pizza Dog. Grills has gotten Pizza Dog to do tricks which doesn’t work for Kate. She gets text messages that stuns her. The title features the John Lennon Christmas song, which was covered by Celine Dion, but I don't think it shows up on screen.

Yelena texts that she found her employer is Eleanor. Then, Kate gasps and shows the phone to Clint. It is a picture of her mother with the Big Guy Hawkeye was worried about, the Kingpin! Not only the Kingpin, but the version played by Vincent D’Onofrio, the Daredevil series is MCU canon! A mysterious man walks in a room filled with Christmas decorations with a cane. It’s Kingpin from the cane alone, by the by, Kingpin has a long association with Daredevil. Still, he started out as a Spider-Man villain, first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #50 (1967). He greets Elenor and apparently they have a business relationship, she was paying off her husband’s debt to him. She took care of Armand(!) and Jack, but wants out because of her daughter.
Kate watches the scene from her phone, the video was taken by Yelena, which she explains to Clint. He wants her to calm down and tells her that she is his partner. Maya enters the room where Kingpin and Kazi sit. She says her vengeance to find her father’s killer is over and wants some time off. When she has left, Kingpin rages over the situation; Ronin, an Avenger all involved, and Eleanor leaving the organization. Finally with Maya’s betrayal, he wants everyone to know he runs the city! On the subway, Clint admits they will need more trick arrows. In a workshop, he fashions trick arrows, a can of pepper spray, and jagged-edged arrows assisted by Kate. She tells him that she was scared during the Battle of New York, but he showed her what heroes can do even without powers.

Trucks head to the party on the night streets. Kazi is in position and has the Tracksuits ready to deal with Eleanor Bishop. Kate and Clint, in formal wear, head to the Christmas party, and he asks her what she sees in terms of threats and assets. She mentions all of the assets, the LARPers dressed as workers, at the party. LARPers vs. the Trenchcoat Mafia? Jack has returned from jail. Kazi assembles a sniper rifle. Yelena walks in. Then, Elenor is with a security guard in a tux. Kate spots her mother. She takes her away to show her the video. Clint has given an all clear from his agent when he spots a targeting laser on him, uses the drink tray to deflect the bullet, and takes cover. He starts running, past Yelena, Kazi reports that Clint is there with his partner.
Kate tells Eleanor to stay in the room with Jack. Clint sends an agent LARPer to find Eleanor. Grills orders his crew to shut off the lights. Kazi loses sight of Clint. Kate meets with Yelena at the elevators and tells Kate that after she kills Clint, she will eat appetizers. Yelena also knows that Clint is in an elevator, Kate says she doesn’t know which floor, when the floor indicator dings twelfth. She goes into an elevator and Kate slips in. Kate tries to reach for another floor, Yelena slaps her hand away, then Kate slaps Yelena in the face. They struggle and Yelena removes Kate’s formal wear to reveal her Hawkeye uniform! Kate pushes the buttons of all of the floors and Yelena takes off her coat to have her black outfit. The LARPer, Orville (Robert-Walker Branchaud) reports that Eleanor has left the room. Clint removes his tuxedo jacket and then takes out his bow.

Kate blocks the doorway and Yelena kicks her down. Then, Yelena slides Kate’s face on the window, very funny. The duo is great and I hope there is more for them in the MCU. Clint sees the targeting laser from Kazi’s rifle, he looses an arrow which strikes the wall behind Kazi. It starts to release purple gas. He asks for a report from Kate who is fighting Yelena across office rooms, nice shot, Yelena throws a baton out a window, and Kate hits her hand with some bolo. Yelena fires her grapnel into the floor and leaps out of the window. Kate warns Clint. Yelena slides down the side of the building, Clint dodges her gunshot, as she lands on the ground. Kate attaches a rope around Yelena’s grapnel rope, passes Clint, and awkwardly lands! Kate sees the van with the Tracksuits and reports to Clint who takes up some arrows. The Tracksuits recognize her, Kate takes on them, and one Tracksuit thanks her for advice with his girlfriend before being knocked out!
Another gunman takes aim, but is slashed by Jack’s sword. Jack takes care of several more Tracksuits, but tells Kate that he lost her mother. I'm not exactly certain if Jack is the good one of the family, but he does become the Avenger, Swordsman. Good comedy while the action goes at full speed. Tracksuits are searching, Clint throws devices around a room, activates them, but is struck by Kazi. Clint is able to slip away and activate the detonator that brings down the ceiling onto the Tracksuits. He takes down Kazi in a wrestling move. Then, has to run from more Tracksuit gunmen and leaps out of a window. His grapnel arrow snaps and Clint slams to a stop in a Christmas tree where he sees a tiny owl! Love it! He contacts Kate who has the LARPers evacute the area as Jack takes on more Tracksuits. Kinda absurd with all of the window crashes, explosions, fighting, and gunshots and no police?

Grills wants Wendy and Missy that is time for their costumes. Maya begins packing her essentials and sees a photo of her father, Kazi, and herself. More Tracksuits spill out of a van, a tricycle smashes through a window, and Kate is there with her bow on top of the Big piano. How many Tracksuits are there? The LARPers are joined by Orville in uniform and they direct civilians and manage to take down Tracksuits. Kate says she has found away to get Clint out of the tree. She severs the cords holding the tree and then looses an acid arrow to the trunk. This sends the tree crashing to the skating rink. Tracksuits surround Clint in every direction. Kate slides in on her knees loosing arrows to send out extinguishers to cover them. Clint looses an arrow that has all of the Tracksuits’ gun magnetized.
He takes off the rest of his tuxedo to reveal his new Hawkeye uniform right out of the comics. The duo takes on the endless hordes of Tracksuits using their trick arrows. I like the one that sends out tiny spikes in every direction. Kate and Clint are a seemless team, moving around each other to loose and strike Tracksuits, Archers United! A van is about to crash into them, but Kate looses an arrow that shrinks it down to toy size, Pym-style! Very funny! The owl swoops in to take the truck away as you hear tiny voices scream in worry! Kate heads out to find her mother at the side door. Clint has to deal with Kazi and two gunmen, he uses an arrow that splits in three. Then, Yelena tackles Clint, and Maya shows up to confront Kazi. He knows that he has to kill her and they begin to fight.

Yelena wants to know what happened to her sister. He says that she sacrificed herself to save the world. Yelena doesn’t believe him and kicks him back. Maya closes on Kazi and he says he wants this life. Eleanor walks with security guard and finds another dead in the car. The door is ripped away and it is the Kingpin! Kate tries to loose a few arrows at him to no real effect! Then, Eleanor rams the car into him, he gets better! Maya fights with Kazi and he doesn’t shrug it off like Kingpin. She has not become Echo yet. Yelena doesn’t believe Clint and gets out her baton to beat him again and again. Kate uses an arrow to set up an electric web trap to keep him in the store. He bashes her around, snaps her arrows, and it looks like it is the end for Kate! Will Clint return to his family in time for Christmas? Don’t forget a mid-credit’s scene! Some hard truths must be faced, but a very rousing finale and conclusion of season 1 for Hawkeye!
Five Trick Arrows out of Five!
#Hawkeye, #SoThisIsChristmas, #ClintBarton, #JeremyRenner, #KateBishop, #EleanorBishop, #VeraFarmiga, #HaileeSteinfeld, #YelenaBelova, #MayaLopez, #AlaquaCox, #KaziKazimierczak, #Kingpin, #VincentDOnofrio, #Grills, #ClaytonEnglish, #WendyConrad, #AdentinpoThomas, #Missy, #AdelleDrahos