Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Episode 1, Review!

The Spider-Man series is the latest animated show, It was created by Jeff Trammell who was a writer and story editor for the Cartoon Network show, Craig of the Creek. The first episode has the clever title, “Amazing Fantasy”, the first title that introduced Spider-Man in issue #15 (1962) by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. The episode is directed by Mel Zwyer and written by Trammell. Zwyer directed episodes of Star Wars: Rebels. The animation is by Polygon Pictures who worked on Tron: Uprising, and CGCG, Inc., who provided animation for Jurassic World: Chaos Theory. We push into the neighborhood of Queens in the massive font like in the MCU. This however is apart from that universe, there was an earlier version called Spider-Man: Sophomore Season tied to the MCU. 

The door is knocked for Peter’s room by Aunt May (Kari Wahlgren) and he wakes up with an Amazing Adult Fantasy comic on his face, #14 (1962), the issue before Spidey’s intro, clever! Wahlgren provided voices for characters in the What If…? Animated show. Peter is voiced by Hudson Thames who also voiced Spider-Man in the “What If… Zombies?!” (2021) episode in season one of that series. He reaches for his glasses and finds out that he is late for the Midtown High orientation! We get split screens like comic panels of Peter awkwardly getting ready. He has blue jacket, yellow shirt, and backpack. May has given him a bag of his oatmeal breakfast. Peter gives May a quick hug before stumbling down the street, but misses the subway. The designs are very clean and the animation is a bit herky jerky. Peter opens his backpack to reveal - the oatmeal. 

May has pulled up to drive him to school, an Iron Man ornament hangs from her rearview mirror!, he mentions that she will be late for work. He has been trying to get into Midtown because of its robotics program, I hope it is not to build Spider-Bots, I wonder if this will tied into the Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure ride. May stops at Midtown High and Peter says May has always been there since the loss of Ben. She wipes away a tear and gives him a hug. There is some real humanity in this show. Peter Parker is not just about being a superhero. He steps out of the car and gives himself a pep talk. Then, looks to the sky as a portal has opened! The students and May all look at the swirling, green portal. Out of it slamming into the street is a black Symbiote demon like Venom with spider fangs. May pulls Peter away and the demon is about to attack a student! Then, mystic Eldritch Whips tie around it. This is from Doctor Strange, frosted hair, and mystic symbol on his chest like the comics. 

Doctor Strange (Robin Atkin Downes) restrains the symbiote, Peter sees him as a “wizard guy”, and Strange realizes that they are in a different world. Downes provides various voices for What If…? The symbiote slams him down and then uses its spikes to drive Strange back with his Shield of the Seraphim. It rams through the entrance of the school. Strange struggles with the symbiote as we see a tiny spider descend from the portal! I love this origin!, not a radioactive spider, it could be anything from another dimension! Strange has the symbiote pressed against his shield and then twists the floor of the school. A kid starts to fall and he sends his Cloak of Levitation to save him! He opens a portal to send the symbiote slamming down to a garbage truck outside. Doctor Strange checks on the student. sends his cloak to look for others, and then leaps through the portal! 

The symbiote throws the truck and Strange shifts into his astral form as it crashes into the school! He tries to use his magic on the damaged school, but the symbiote slams him back! His cloak wraps around him, but he is rammed across the football field. Peter and May see the destruction and the student we know is Nico Minoru runs targeted by the symbiote! In Symbiote Vision we see Nico has fallen and it heads towards her! Peter rushes to help, the symbiote grabs Nico by the neck, and then it struck by a brick thrown by Peter! This is the true hero even without super powers. It stomps towards Peter and then the Eldritch Whips again restrain it. Strange also six arms, like a spider?, to throw the whips! He flies it into the portal and closing it, snaps the tiny spider’s web line sending it falling! As Peter helps Nico (Grace Song) up and the spider lands on his collar!

Song is in the romantic comedy, Paper Marriage (2024). Nico has dark hair with blue tips, black clothes, and a purple locket. She first appeared in the Runaways #1 (2003) and had blood magic using the Staff of One. Nico notes she is also a freshman. We get a split screen of the two characters as they make introductions and then the spider bites Peter’s neck! He starts to sway, nice pov, and then collapses. May rushes over to Peter, Nico tries to explain, and the spider crawls into the backpack before Peter goes unconscious! This is the end of the first segment which ends with comic panel credits and the song from the classic 1967 cartoon! This goes into the “Neighbor Like Me” song by The Math Club. The style feels like Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018).

We pick up “A Few Months Later”, May again wakes him up, but we find Peter was hanging upside down! So he is used to his spider powers, learning to use them is in the prelude comic book, so there is a jump from Peter becoming Spider-Man. I would have liked to see the first use of his spider powers, his first adventure, and building his spider suit. Peter still slips through the crowd, but then gets hit by a car! Still too late for the subway, but he goes to open his backpack, this opens to his spider mask! On a rootop, Peter puts on his spider suit, blue and white striped jersey, red kneepads and blue and red athletic leggings. He turns the valve for a tank connecting pipes to his webshooters. Maybe pressurized to send out the webs? He leaps off the roof to web swing across the city, this is a thrilling scene even with all of the movies and cartoons! 

He almost thinks he can be on time for school when he hears a cry for help! Harry Osbourne (Zeno Robinson) with green jacket and striped shirt, is threatened by bullies. Robinson provided voices for Spidey and His Amazing Friends. He falls into the street with an approaching truck! Harry is saved by Spider-Man who takes him to an alley. The head bully has his two buddies and is ready to take on what he thinks is a Spider-Man pretender. Stevie Sherman takes a video of the beating. One takes up a brick to hit Spider-Man who kicks away the brick, then web swings it into the back of his head! A four panel shot of others cringing at the pain! The leader, a redhead with glasses, goes to fight Spidey, but he dodges all of his swings, clinging to walls. 

Five+ Webshooters out of Five! 

#YourFriendlyNeighborhoodSpiderMan, #AmazingFantasy, #MelZwyer, #JeffTrammell, #HudsonThames, #GraceSong, #ZenoRobinson, #KariWahlgren, #RobinAtkinDownes  

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Writers' Pens and Artists' Pencils: Dan Abnett!

Dan Abnett has written for comics, creating many characters, and worked in many worlds of fiction! This covers only some of Abnett's work. He contributed to Doctor Who Magazine starting about issue #148 (1988). Abnett created Knights of Pendragon for Marvel UK that started in July 1990. He started a writing team with co-author, Andy Lanning, dubbed DnA, with Mutatis (1992).  It was a sci fi title for Epic Comics, an imprint of Marvel. Next, Abnett worked on the long running British sci fi anthology title, 2000 AD, with a Judge Dredd story in #895 (1994). He wrote various stories for the comic anthology to 2008. The DnA team created the character of Elsa Bloodstone in the Bloodstone mini-series (2001-2002). Abnett and Lanning co-wrote the tie-in to the first X-Men movie with X-Men Movie Prequel: Rogue #1 (2000). One of their most impressive accomplishements was the Annihilation: Conquest limited series. The last issue, #6 (2008) was the first appearance of the MCU’s Guardians of the Galaxy. 

The team existed and many of the characters, but the writers brought together Star-Lord, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Mantis, and Groot. This of course was the group in the MCU’s Guardians of the Galaxy (2014). Abnett and Lanning wrote the two issue series, Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude #1-2 (2014). He later wrote the novel, Avengers: Everybody Wants to Rule the World (2018). For DC Comics, DnA co-created the character of Mitch Shelly in Resurrection Man #1 (1997). In 2000, Abnett and Lanning relaunched the Legion of Super-Heroes with the Legion Lost #1 (2000). In 2014, Abnett worked with artist I.N.J. Culbard on Wild’s End, following an alien invasion! For Titan Comics, Abnett wrote Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (2017). Abnett has written the limited series, Immortal Red Sonja (2022-2023) that involves Sonja, Merlin and the Green Knight! For Valiant Comics, Abnett worked with Lanning on Ninjak starting with issue #14 (1995). Abnett explored the Fallen World (2019) in the post apocalyptic Valiant Comics world of 4002 with the cyborg samurai Rai X! 

He also wrote in the world of Barsoom with Dejah Thoris staring with issue #1 (2019) collected into the trade paperback, Dejah Thoris: An Outcast of Mars (2020). Abnett has contributed many Doctor Who audiobooks starting with The Harvest (2004) with the Seventh Doctor. For novels, he co-wrote the novel, The Story of Martha (2008) filling the missing year of Martha Jones in the “Last of the Time Lords” (2007) episode of Doctor Who. She found herself on her own from The Tenth Doctor on an Earth ruled by The Master! His original novel, Triumff: Her Majesty’s Hero (2009), that features Robert Triumff, an explorer in an Eliabethan England with Elizabeth XXX! In the Warhammer 40k line, Abnett wrote First and Only (2015). It is the first book for the Gaunt’s Ghost series. He wrote Horus Rising (2018), the first Warhammer 40k novel in the Horus Heresy series. For Warhammer Fantasy, Abnett co-wrote with Mike Lee, The Daemon’s Curse the first book following the Dark Elf, Malus Darkblade. Dan Abnett is a writer with extensive credits with comics, different franchises, and his own comics and novels. 

#DanAbnett, #DoctorWhoMagazine, #KnightsOfPendragon, #Mutatis, #2000AD, #AnnihilationConquest, #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy, #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyPrelude, #ResurrectionMan, #LegionLost, #WildsEnd, #CaptainKronosVampireHunter

#ImmortalRedSonja,#Ninjak, #FallenWorld, #DejahThoris, #TheHarvest, #TheStoryOfMartha, #TriumffHerMajestysHero, #FirstAndOnly, #GauntsGhost, #HorusRising, #HorusHeresy, #TheDaemonsCurse, #MalusDarkblade 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Re:tro Re:view - The Land That Time Forgot (1974)!

Enter the land of Caprona filled with dangers like dinosaurs in this B-Movie, B as in Burroughs, The Land That Time Forgot! The 1918 novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs was followed The People That Time Forgot (1963) in his trilogy of Caspak novels. This was adapted into a 1977 movie which was the last film from Amicus Productions. The studio was known for low budget horror movies and also two Doctor Who films. Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965) was the first time that Dr. Who appeared in color with Peter Cushing playing Dr. Who. The director, Kevin Connor, directed the three adaptations including At the Earth’s Core (1976). Connor also directed a television mini-series that adapted Frankenstein (2004). 

The screenplay is by fantasy novelist, Michael Moorcock, who created the swords and sorcery anti-hero, Elric of Melniboné. The other writer is James Cawthorn and this is sole movie credit. The film was adapted into black and white comics form in Marvel Movie Premiere #1 (1975) by Marv Wolfman and Sonny Trinidad. It is streaming on Amazon Prime with a title mix up with the sequel, but just check the release date with the sequel two years later in 1977. All three movies are on Amazon Prime. There is mist as we pan down to sea with a floating capsule. It reaches a bay and then drifts to the rocky shore where the capsule is found by a bearded sailor. He removes pages that tell the story of Bowen Tyler (Doug McClure). The actor is a b-movie and cowboy icon parodied in The Simpsons.You may remember him in such Western shows as The Virginian and also as Wikiki in the surf classic Gidget (1959). 

Bowen says that his experiences took place only in the span of three months. We drift to the sea and then back to the beginning. It is June 3, 1916, during World War I, and there is a ship, the S.S. Monstrose, sailing next to a submarine periscope! This is the submarine, U-33, whose crew targets the ship. Captain Von Schoenvorts (John McEnery) has two torpedoes fired at the bow of the ship! McEnery played Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet (1968). The torpedoes explode into the ship! The special effects supervisor is Derek Meddings who worked on James Bond films including The Spy Who Loved Me (1977). The captain tells Dietz (Anthony Ainley) that the ship was all civilians. Ainley was menacing as The Master who went up against the Fourth Doctor in Doctor Who

There is a lifeboat that we find Bowen Tyler (McClure) with his white sweater and Lisa Clayton (Susan Penhaligon). The actress played Lucy Westenra in the tv movie adaptation, Count Dracula (1977). They hear singing and Bowen calls out them in the mist. A group of sailors including Bradley (Keith Barron) are in another life boat. Barron played Dowsett in the film, At the Earth’s Core. The sailors brings Bowen and Lisa aboard and Bradley says they are the only survivors. Captain Von Schoenvorts orders the submarine to surface. The survivors hear something in the water and Bradley discovers it is a U-Boat. Bowen says they can surprise them coming out of the hatch. It is strange that he is taking charge being familiar with the building of the submarines, he is referred to as commander, but Bradley has the highest rank. 

They board the submarine, ready with improvised weapons, at the hatches. Bowen takes the captain prisoner. The group start to take out submariners one by one, but an alarm is activated! It is a struggle with fists and guns taking out the enemy. The action is good hidden by the fog. Bradley drops down the hatch to cover the submariners inside the U-Boat. Bowen is saved by Susan using a Luger while she is on the lifeboat. I like that Susan saves Bowen and the war time action is not too violent. She is taken aboard and Bowen takes the captain down the hatch. Captain Von Schoenvorts wants to know their plans. Bowen says he will take the sub to a British port. Dietz runs back to sabotage the radio. Bowen orders the captain to make an announcement that he is in control. 

Later, at the conning tower, Bowen spots a British warship, and Bradley begins signaling it. Instead, the ship fires its cannons at them! The signaling doesn’t work so Bowen orders the U-Boat to dive. The submarine is rocked by the cannon fire! The captain says the sub can only reach 65 meters deep. There is creaking of the hull when they reach that depth and drop lower! The sub finally reaches the sandy bottom. Later, the U-Boat surfaces and Bowen narrates that they could only reach an American port which is neutral. He tells Bradley that they have been going west for six days with no signs of a ship. Bowen goes to Dietz and says that the compass has been changed. He realizes that they have been going south! In the hold, Bowen looks at a map to find they are near South America. 

Captain Von Schoenvorts has a Luger and his men with rifles take back the sub! He says that there is a supply ship that is close. The captain knocks at his cabin currently occupied by Susan, he has come to collect some of his items. Susan says she is a biologist, but admits that she doesn’t understand Captain Von Schoenvorts. He says nature can be destructive. Susan counters that the ship had women and children. The captain says that it also had weapons and ammunition. This is a great scene with some sharp dialogue. Captain Von Schoenvorts orders the periscope lowered and sees the supply ship. Susan sneaks out of the cabin to check on her friends. The submarine surfaces, closeup it looks too much like a model, but another shot moving diagonal, it looks great.  

Susan has opened the cabins for Bowen and the others. After taking out a few of the crew members, Bowen looks out of the hatch to see the captain and Dietz signaling the supply ship. He goes down to whisper to Bradley that they are directly pointed to the ship and says they can give them a surprise. For some reason, he doesn’t lock the hatch. Bowen fires two of the torpedoes. Captain Von Schoenvorts is shocked as the ship explodes and then starts to sink. Bowen has a Luger pointed at the captain who says the ship carried food and water. They only have a week of supplies. Bradley says they can go on half rations and drift with the current. Later, Bowen spots icebergs through binoculars. He goes to take the captain out of his cell to meet with him in his cabin. Bowen admits that he needs his help. They have a drink and Captain Von Schoenvorts agrees to help with “No tricks.”  

The captain at the conning tower has seen an icy island that he shows to Bowen with the binoculars. Captain Von Schoenvorts brings up Caproni, an Italian navigator, who in 1721, found a “new continent in the South Seas.” He called it Caprona.They have to find a place to land or as Bowen says they will die. Later, sailors pull up a bucket of warm, fresh water with a plant frond. The captain points out a cave-like entrance that holds a river with the fresh water! The submarine submerges to enter the underground tunnel. The underwater scenes are pretty good. Bowen guides them with the periscope. The captain steers them through a maze of tunnels. They grind against a rocky wall, but finally Bowen sees light from above. The U-Boat emerges from a cave covered by tropical plants. Bowen is startled by the jaws of what looks like a plesiosaur! Great effect since it sweeps past very fast. 

Bowen opens the hatch and is blinded by the light of this lost world. It has mountains and a forest of prehistoric trees, probably matte painting and miniatures, but still beautiful! Lightning crackles in some clouds surrounding Caprona. The others join him and three pterodactyls, identified by Susan, screech in the sky overhead. Through the binoculars, Captain Von Schoenvorts recognizes a diploducus. Now the creatures are realized through puppets and I don’t have a problem with them since I watched the tv show, Land of the Lost. They are not the stop motion creations of Ray Harryhausen or the CGi dinos of Jurassic Park, but I can forgive these beasties. Don't let effects get in the way of enjoying the adventure. A massive dino has slipped into the river and then rises up to grab a crewnmember in its jaws! Again, it is a big dino that looks to be a sculpture at a zoo, but it pulls the man down and pool of blood floats up with his boot! 

It heads towards the captain who is able to escape down the hatch. The plesiosaurus turns to Susan who also makes her way into the sub. Bowen is left topside and a rifle is given to him. Olson (Declan Mulholland) joins him to pepper its throat with bullets! The plesiosaurus collapses onto the deck. Olson brings in a dish of the plesiosaurus to the clapping of the diners! Captain Von Schoevorts suggests to Bowen that the war doesn’t apply in Caprona and that they work together. Bowen asks what happens when they escape and the captain says they will surrender at a neutral port. Then, he asks who will be in command, Captain Von Schoevorts says he will command his men, Bradley is in charge of his men, and Bowen will be a neutral leader in their triumvirate. The captain is very rational. They toast to their alliance. Later, Susan says that she thinks Caprona was a volcano, and Bradley notes that it covers 200 miles. Finally, Bowen orders the U-Boat to stop, and they take a boat to shore. 

Captain Von Schoevorts is amazed that the land is like all of the geolocial ages of Earth. Hidden in tall grass are ape-like faces of neanderthals, very greyish, that watch them! They call themselves Bo-Lu. Bradley finds water that is not full of the parasites that was examined by the captain and Susan. The others carefully watch two allosaurus dinos, they really look Land of the Lost here, while the neaderthals sneak up behind them! They make their attack, but an allosaurus’ roar drives them back! Bowen carries away one of the wounded neanderthals. The two allosauruses attack, they do look like museum toys, and the crew shoots them with rifles. One slumps down, it looks almost stop motion, under the gunfire. Then, the other. They crew look at the Kaiju sized bodies slowly twitching. Captain Von Schoevorts says that their brains can’t register the bullet hits so they keep attacking before dying. The neanderthal (Bobby Parr) revives and tries to run, Bowen catches him, and he points to himself and says, “Ahm.” He really reminds me of Chaka and the Pakuni. The Land that Time Forgot is a fun adventure, with war time struggles, a lost land with dinosaurs and a hero in Doug McClure! 

Five Binoculars out of Five! 

#TheLandThatTimeForgot, #KevinConnor, #MichaelMoorcock, #JamesCawthorn, #DougMcClure, #SusanPenhaligon,  #JohnMcEnery 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The New Gods #1 Review!

 Darkseid, the villain who is central to the New Gods story, is gone! In last year’s All In Special #1, he had merged with the Spectre, and takes on all of the Justice League. A magical group of Zatanna, Deadman, Dr. Fate, and Raven formed to separate Darkseid. Wonder Woman and Batman take on Darkseid to buy time as Zatanna gives power to Superman. He frees Darkseid who thanks them with the words, “Darkseid ends.” There is a thunderous BOOM like a powerful Boom Tube. It leaves behind what the Flash recognizes as a rip in time and space. Darkseid was the villain created by Jack Kirby in Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #134 (1970). 

Orion reports that the New Gods have no sign of Darkseid. He says that creation needs a Darkseid and that it will create a Darkseid if he is gone. He leaves to discuss matters with Highfather on New Genesis. Darkseid had corrupted an universe that has become the Absolute Universe with new versions of familiar characters. Orion and the New Gods first appeared in New Gods #1 (1971) by Kirby. The New Gods #1 launched with the creative team of writer, Ram V, and artists Evan Cagle and Jorge Fornes. Ram V is the writer of Detective Comics. Cagle is the one of the pencillers of Superman and the Authority #2 (2021). Fornes provided artwork for Batman #124 (2022). 

Nimit Malavia is the cover artist for the regular edition, it has Highfather looming over a descending group of New Gods; Orion, Mister Miracle, Big Barda, and at the bottom is Metron. It begins with narration that Amaxazu created the stars. Then, she witnessed another universe, a close-up of Darkseid creating it. Amaxazu, a female with flower-like petals across her face, like Starro, and New Gods-like outfit is in an asteroid formation and ends her life with a supernova. She is introduced in this issue. Amaxazu begins to drift away and the red fragments, her dreams, drift across space. It goes to the Source, which lies beyond the Source Wall that was introduced in New Gods #5 (1971). 

The techno-organic wall sends out a ray to the starry form of Metron. He is the New God in the Mobius Chair. Text reads, “The Old Gods died…” There is narration from Himon, New God advisor to Highfather, about the Source. He theorizes that it came from the void, what he calls the great darkness, the Great Darkness Saga was the epic Legion of Super-heroes that featured Darkseid. Himon goes on that it is the “first knowledge” that contains all ideas, in other words everything, everywhere, all at once, which only gods can understand. We see Metron struck by the light, a closeup of him screaming as it flows into him, and then the Mobius Chair struck by it. These surreal pages feature the artwork of Fornes. 

There is a splash page, a closeup of Metron’s face pierced by woven circles and text encircling a sphere. It notes that when “eldest ichor is split”, the death of Darkseid?, then “the last avatar” is made, which may be in this issue. Then, there is the “great steed” which will bring “the reckoning of all”, the end of the Absolute Universe? A prophecy that will end this universe?, interesting. This shifts to New Genesis with the floating city of Supertown. The Kirby origin had the formation of New Genesis and Apokalips, the world of Darkseid, which emerged from the destruction of other worlds. This was hinted at as Ragnarok from the Marvel Thor title that Kirby worked on before leaving for DC.

Racing towards the city are two streaks of light, the speedsters Lightray, red haired with a body of light, just ahead of Fastbak, a helmeted hero in green uniform, he has aeropads on his boots to fly at high speeds. Lightray says to Fastbak that he can take over the morning patrols. His fellow New God asks if he talk to Highfather about it. Fastbak says that he was sent to find Lightray because Highfather has as visitor. We see on a platform before a cosmos is Highfather contemplating the stars. Metron walks up steps to tell him about the death of Darkseid. He tells Highfather about the prophecy from the Source. Metron says the “forces of creation” are out of balance. We see an approaching army including a large figure with an axe, a “new hand of darkness”, and then he says the prophecy. 

Then a closeup of Highfather with his eyes closed and then the symbol a circle around a triangle. Darkseid’s symbol was the omega which had a half-circle so this looks like completion of it. The child could save them or destroy them. Metron leaves and sits on his Mobius Chair. Highfather asks the burly Akala about his champion. Lightray appears and bows before Highfather who places his hand on Lightray’s head and says the task is not for him. He asks for Orion. The hero was Darkseid’s son traded to New Genesis in exchange for Highfather’s son.This was to broker peace between the two world. He wears the helmet to hide the features of his father. Uxtrum VI, the moon of the Blombar Mining Corporation, a new setting for DC. There are mine workers speakign in Blomkarian. 

There is a crash below as we see shrieking parademons. They are endless hordes from Apokolips. Orion in his helmet and red suit takes on a swarm of parademons shouting to them that Darkseid is dead! He pauses at the words of Highfather that are the size of sign! He activates his Mother Box, the all purpose device, in his hand and the face of Highfather looms behind him like the entity in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989). Orion reports that the parademons have spread from Apokolips across space. A closeup of Orion’s face as Highfather tells him about a task he has to take without question. This shifts to Glendale, California as we see Scott Free calling out for Barda as he struggles with cleaning the baby who is crying. He calls out to Barda who is crashing on the couch. Mister Miracle, the son of Highfather, was sent to Apokolips.  

He fell in love there with Big Barda, the leader of Darkseid’s Female Furies. Scott ended up on Earth with Barda and became the greatest escape artist at a circus. His first appearance was in Mister Miracle #1 (1971). Barda was introduced in Mister Miracle #4 (1971). This is the first appearance of baby Olivia Free, collector’s item! He sets Olivia to sleep, disposes of her diaper, and tucks in Barda. Then goes to park bench to collapse. Orion joins him and tells Scott about the prophecy, the child, and Highfather’s task. He takes off his helmet and says he has to kill the child. Orion says only Mister Miracle can escape him. Scott refuses since he has a wife and child, he has his hands full. We see a backdrop of Mister Miracle’s circus billboard. Orion transforms his face into his gnarled form as Darkseid’s son. He knows he will kill the child. Only Mister Miracle can save the child of the prophecy! The New Gods #1 brings a cosmic dimension to DC, a prophecy that coudl end his universe, and a conflict between Orion and Mister Miracle! 

Five Mobius Chairs out of Five! 

#TheNewGods, #AndTheNewGodsWereBorn, #TheFallingSky, #RamV, #EavanCagle, #JornesFornes, #AllInSpecial, #Orion, #Lightray, #MisterMiracle, #BigBarda, #Fastbak, #Metron, #Highfather, #Akala, #Amaxazu

Friday, January 24, 2025

Re:tro Re: view - The Appearance!

A medieval murder mystery and behind it supernatural horror within in The AppearanceThe film is directed by Kurt Knight who was the director for four seasons of the fantasy show, The Outpost (2018-2021). The Appearance is currently streaming on Amazon Prime. There are whispers in the dark and then a scream!  Into a room, a bearded monk, blind in one eye, Felix (Adam Johnson) walks to a circle of other monks. Johnson returned to play Thane in Mythica: Stormbound. He played Munt in The Outpost. Felix is looking down at an unseen body and says it is murder. The abbot, Scipio (Michael Flynn) says, “It was her.” Flynn played General Calkussar in The Outpost. He was Vagamar in the first film, Mythica: A Quest for Heroes (2014).  

Felix replies that she is in a cage. We see the pale body of the monk, his chest slashed, with a bloody dagger. Felix is writing a letter, he hears a creaking, and turns. There is some creepiness in this movie! A young boy (Lex Lindsey) opens a door and in the darkness sees disturbing images of a white cross and screaming. Then, we see a closeup of his eyes as a man, Mateho (Jake Stormoen). Mythica: Stormbournd was directed by Stormoen. He had played in the series, Dagen, with the last film, Mythica: The Godslayer (2016). Stormoen starred as Captain Garret Spears in The Outpost. He sits up in his white cloak. Across from him is Johnny (Kristian Nairn) setting clothes on a line. Nairn is known for playing Hodor, in Game of Thrones. He was Tek in Mythica: The Godslayer.

Johnny asks about his dream and if he entered the room. Mateho says he never does enter it. We hear the voice of Felix from his letter to Mateho about the monk who died at Hedgerow Abbey. He requests an inquistor of the True Dawn. Felix writes that the abbott suspects the death is from the witch and wants to kill her. Mateho places his letter on his journal. Johnny is kneeling in prayer in his pauldron armor with his hand on his sword. Mateho walks past him, he is not a believer. They break camp and then walk with heavy packs and white cloaks. The duo walk from the forest to a hill overlooking the abbey. It is in a clearing surrounded by forests below some mountains. Mateho says he is nervous returning to it. They reach the abbey and see a body covered by a cloth. 

Johnny notes that it is the plague. A woman screams at the inquisitor that the witch has to burn. The people are suspicious of them. They see the gate, but Mateho turns to see a pole, Johnny says they are too late. We see the woman’s body, charred, and tied to the stale! Grisly. The duo calls up to the closed gate. In response, the villagers come out of the mist, there is some creepy images, but this one is bizarre. Mateho introduces himself and a man with a plague doctor mask, black lens and long raven-like beak, appears as the portcullis is finally raised. The monk says he is young for an inquisitor. He takes off his mask and it is Felix. He says he will take them to the abbott, but Mateho insists that he see the girl. 

Felix takes them down steps and Johnny stops saying that he will question others. Mateho explains to Felix that Johnny has claustrophobia. Then, they continue into the tunnels carrying torches, Felix warns that the tunnels can be confusing. Mateho says he remembers. Sunlight brings square patches on a dark cell occupied by a girl (Baylee Self). She has her back turned to them, shuddering, in chains. Mateho asks about the condition of the prisoner. Felix says he is only a scribe. Mateho kneels to say he is going to help her. No response. Then, he asks if she confessed. He has an answer, “Not yet”, from Scipio. It feels like Scipio personally wants the girl to die. The abbott wonders why is there and Felix admits that he requested the inquisitor. 

Mateho says the girl is too young to practice black magic. He wants to remove her chains which Scipio says there has no problems since they put her in chains and has a crucifix tied to the cell. Scipio wants to put her through a test and Mateho says that’s only a last step, but he agrees to it. He holds up the crucufix and asks the girl to look at it. The girl turns and there is an almost smile. She doesn’t look at the cross. Mateho says it is because she was tortured by the monks. The abbott says the girl has no family and if she was set free the townspeople would kill her. Scipio insists that Mateho leave, but he refuses to go. I like the tension between them. The abbott leaves and Mateho asks Felix to see the murder scene. There is still a blood stain and Felix shows Mateho the dagger. He says there was no signs of a struggle. 

Then, Mateho asks to see the body, and Felix leads him around the abbey to a room with Francisco’s pale body wrapped in white. Mateho asks to be alone and then rips open the cloth to see markings on the chest. Then, he pours an orange liquid on the wounds, wine was used as a disinfectant. Mateho places a cloth on the chest and the wounds form the cross that was in his journal! He calls in Felix and asks if he was asked in particular to investigate. Mateho says all of the monks are suspects! Felix is leading Mateho and Johnny down steps to their room. Felix explains to Mateho that Francisco was part of the inner circle. He had spent time in the sanctum which Felix says only members of the circle can enter. 

Felix lights a candle before Johnny enters his room and then for Mateho. The crenel is in the shape of the cross which projects the sunlight on the room’s wall. A full moon and Mateho can’t sleep from the noise. There is a thumping noise behind a door. It is Johnny whipping his back in flagellation. There must be a reason behind his punishment. Mateho manages to sleep and is back to his dream as a boy. He is checking out a room of boxes.Mateho is restless with the dream and then skinless, red hands reach out to calm him! Shivers. Young Mateho reaches out for the door and then a scream wakes him from the dream! Mateho lights a candle and then something lifts from his sheets! He is disturbed by a knock. 

Mateho opens the door and looks around the dark corridor with his candle. A whisper is heard. This movie is really chilling. Mateho heads down to the tunnels with a torch. Something sweeps past him and then enters the cell with Isabel who is asleep. He looks at a door and then is shocked by images of his past! Mateho takes out the cloth with the bloody symbols. The door is locked. The sanctum or its secrets must be behind the door. Then, Isabel surprises him, she does not have on the chains, and Mateho shows her the cloth. She says she is not the evil that haunts the abbey. He asks her about the monks and she shows him the bloody scars on her wrist. Mateho then asks her about the dead monk. Isabel says she knows the inner circle and then smiles. He asks her if she knows why she was accused. Isabel says, “Help me.” Then goes to write the symbol on a cloth. We see Mateho earlier in a church scribbling the symbol in his journal. The Appearance is a horror movie set in a medieval time with Mateho investigating the mystery tied to his past! 

Five Daggers out of Five! 

#TheAppearance, #KurtKnight, #JakeStormoen, #KristianNairn, #AdamJohnson, #BayleeSelf, #LexLindsey, #OscarRSanchez, #MichaelFlynn