Monday, November 12, 2018

Star Wars: Resistance, “Signal from Sector Six”, Review!

Morning on Colossus Base, Neeku and Kaz are sleeping in their bunks, Yeager wakes Kaz.  Bucket blares a wake-up call.  Neeku is left out of this episode.  Tam watches them, she’s a real nosy character, that checks on everyone else’s business, but doesn’t seem to work on her own.  Yeager says they are going on a salvaging job.  Kaz tries to get a morning drink and keeps pressing the button and Tam fills it and walks away.  Kaz yawns and falls asleep in the ship as it pulls away.  He sees the sun and wakes up.  An X-Wing fighter appears with blue stripes, Poe Dameron, who misses his droid.  Yeager tells Kaz that he is going to have a mission off-world.  He has an X-Wing for Kaz!  He has to air jump from the shuttle to his X-Wing.  BB-8 bumps him into the cockpit.  His astro droid is CB-23, same model as BB-8 with red coloration and a conclave dome.  BB-8 jumps into Poe’s X-Wing.  They break atmosphere, the first time since the pilot, and Kaz updates Poe on the First Order.  

STAR WARS: RESISTANCE -- “Signal from Sector Six” -- Disney/Lucasfilm. 

Poe sights an astroid field so they go racing with Poe showing Kaz the backward tail slide.  Kaz attempts it, but bangs into the asteroids.  They get a distress signal and fly towards it.  They find a freighter and BB-8 detects survivors.  Poe pulls open a door and he walks with his blaster.  CB-23 bangs into BB-8.  Alien crew members are attacked by some creature. Something scurries across the corridor.  A Kowakian lizard monkey hops over the droids and into a hatch, then launches at Kaz’s face.  The same snarky lackey that was at Jabba’s side.  Poe fires his blaster at it as the monkey lizard runs away.  Two Kowakian lizard monkeys (voiced by Dave Filoni and David Acord) open a steam vent on Kaz.  One steals Poe’s blaster and runs away.  Poe throws a crate that makes the lizard monkey drop his blaster.  The lizard monkey bashes Kaz and runs away, then he hears a growl.  Kaz trips over BB-8, then sees the lizard monkeys taking on the droids.  BB-8 catches hold of one lizard monkey and begins spinning it around, very funny.  Poe catches up to them.  

CB-23 finds containers which hold a pink-skinned alien woman.  Kaz carries her as Poe faces the creature taking hold of a door and opening it to roar!  The creature, a giant lizard monkey?, stomps after them.  Poe fires on the beast, but is just able to escape it.  Poe and Kaz carry the woman away and they escape in their X-Wings.  They get warnings that three pirate ships are attacking.  Kaz flies towards the asteroid and is able to pull off the maneuver smashing the pursuing pirate ship into it.  They head to see Yeager’s shuttle.  Poe wants her taken to a med droid and then sent on her way. Poe says farewell to BB-8.  CB-23 flies the X-Wing.  The woman revives and socks Kaz.  She says her name is Synara (Nazneen Contractor) and locked herself into a crate when the lizard monkey broke loose.  Her species is Mirialan, the same as the Jedi Luminara Umduli, which I didn't recognize.  They land on the Colossus.  Kaz registers her and then leaves.  Yeager is wary about her.  Synara gets a hologram of Kragan, the pirate from the first episode.  So the station doesn't have any records of the pirates?   This is strange, more a Star Trek episode, investigating a freighter, alien creatures, than a Star Wars story.  A Poe Dameron adventure is welcome, especially an off-planet mission, but the story of the Resistance, the spy, and the First Order seems to be lost.      

Three Lightsabers out of Five!   

#StarWarsResistance, #SignalfromSectorSix, #CB23, #Synara

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