We have been following the stories of Dok-Ondar, who seems more talkative than he is now at Galaxy’s Edge, offering a peek at Black Spire Outpost during the Age of Rebellion. The issue features a cover by Tommy Lee Edwards which has Hondo Ohnaka, an important character in Galaxy’s Edge, full with stolen goods, clinging to a tree overlooking Black Spire Outpost. The artwork showing Batuu gives an incredible vision of it that you don’t get wandering around at street level. Ethan Sacks and Will Sliney, the writer and artist team, continue the Galaxy’s Edge story. It opens with the bounty hunter Reme on the run at Merchant’s Row. One towns person is carrying a glass of blue milk next to the Milk Stand, this is across from the First Order base. Blasters fire and there is an unfortunate victim, he may never have another taste of blue milk! Stormtroopers are trying to arrest Remex, blasting a target really doesn’t keep someone around to arrest, then he slips into a cargo hatch. One stormtrooper gets hit from his return fire. They find a woman in an orange robe. They leave and he shapeshifts back to his normal form.
He is caught in an alley by a tall alien and slammed against a wall in a chokehold. This is Varg who works for Dok-Ondar! Then, we get a one and a half page spread of Oga’s Cantina. This is an overhead shot, again not something you can see at ground level, there are Jedi, droids, and some familiar aliens. Remex enters right by the booth next to the DJ station. This is correct from what I saw besides the aliens and droids. He meets his boss, Kendoh, there to ask about leaving Batuu. She wants to sell the relic and pay off their debts. It looks like there is betrayals on betrayals as we move along with this story. There is also an insert of DJ Rex, he of course is the pilot droid (canon from Star Wars: Rebels), from Star Tours. The business and the characters bring a good story for the place, but I didn’t see any signs that Galaxy’s Edge has such things yet. Kendoh meets with an Ikototch fortune teller, same species as the horned Jedi Master, Saesee Tiin. The fortune teller has cleared her for her boss in the next booth, Hondo Ohnaka! He of course is the bad penny showing up in Star Wars: Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels, and now Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run! Hondo loves to tell stories, he brings one up about the Guardians of the Whills, watching him on hologram is Dok-Ondar. Kendoh is looking for a pilot who can help them escape.
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Dok-Ondar at Galaxy's Edge, has he found his peace?, photo by the author. |
It is Jedha, the setting of Rogue One, and a guardian in samurai-type armor is knocked out by a sonic weapon used by Hondo. Dok-Ondar takes off his hood, eager for the relic, then they are ambushed by monks using blasters. I think they are on stun blasts, but they are red in color, not blue. Still, Hondo fires back, and wounds a monk’s arm. While they are struggling, Dok-Ondar sees a crystal sculpture, he says carved by a lightsaber. He explains that his parents on Ithor were killed for a relic. Dok-Ondar searches for relics to connect with his parents, an interesting character motivation. The monk smacks around Hondo while Dok-Ondar uses a laser torch to free the sculpture from kyber crystal. It causes a cave-in and Dok-Ondar then uses a lightsaber to cut the sculpture free. Again, the nature of lightsabers are not understood by comics writers, you can hold one, but to use it for any kind of work is difficult, but the energy makes it light and the blade cuts like a heavy weapon. They run into another guardian whom you probably may know from Rogue One. Hondo sees the relic taken by Kendoh and her gang. It is connected to a mysterious fan favorite character! Great action and design by Sliney. An important issue showing more areas of Galaxy’s Edge, develops Dok-Ondar’s character, and tells its own story!
Four Lightsabers out of Five!
#StarWarsGalaxysEdge, #HondoOhnaka, #DokOndar, #Jedha
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