Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Marjorie Finnegan Temporal Criminal #1 Review!

Marjorie Finnegan Temporal Criminal #1 is just good, time traveling, adult fun with over-the-top violence and language!  It is an eight issue limited series from Upshot.  The creators are Garth Ennis who is a draw as writer and Goran Sudzuka.  Ennis’ comic book, The Boys, a twist on superheroes is a hit on Amazon Prime.  My favorite is his mini-series, Just a Pilgrim (2001), a post apocalyptic tale featuring a survivor with a past which is a little shocking and brilliant.  This should be expected from a Ennis comic, fantastic concepts with some crossing of lines of decency, expect wild rides.  Sudzuka worked on Y: The Last Man and A Walk Through Hell with Ennis for Aftershock Comics.  The first issue has multiple covers; the regular cover by Andy Clarke has our hero, in overalls and a shotgun with her treasures and a cyborg head surrounded by angry historical people, there is also the Mike Deodato cover with the cyborg head in the background, Marjorie and the faces of other women, finally, the Frank Cho cover has Marjorie running as spears and arrows whip past her and we see clocks and a T-Rex.  

Pay attention to the mature readers label, it has adult language and violence to the extreme!  The beginning has sunset on the Sphinx and pyramids.  A ceremony is being held for Rameses.  Sudzuka has great composition skills and detail with all of the workers with headdresses bringing in treasure.   This focuses on servant girls and the one with the goofy expression is our hero.  Sudzuka’s faces remind me of Bret Blevins’ art.  The historical setting is time travel fun, but it can’t be taken seriously.  She is reacting to the sacrifice of all of them including the pharaoh’s treasure.  Marjorie tries to interrupt the priest’s speech.  The priest has the guards attack her, she is swiped by the curved blade of the khopesh, but it just takes off her wig.  Marjorie’s salty language is fun.  She takes out a shotgun and we get a splash page of her shooting Doctor Twelve as we get the titel, “Let All The Children Boogie.”  The title refers to the “Starman” David Bowie song which Marjorie later sings.   We get the credit page with the number of variant cover artists.  Then, it opens on village about to be raided by Vikings.  Their ship is about to land and one cowardly villager tells his wife carrying their child to delay the raiders.  A commander with a fur coat, Otto, has villagers load a WWII cannon and it destroys the Viking ship!  The villagers fire the cannon again.  A Viking with one leg emerges on the beach.  The cannon puts a whole in him!  The commander is confronted by a woman, Harri, with leather jacket, eyepatch, and sheriff outfit.  She tells him that he violated temporal laws.  

A commander with a fur coat, Otto, has villagers load a WWII cannon and it destroys the Viking ship!  The villagers fire the cannon again.  A Viking with one leg emerges on the beach.  The cannon puts a whole in him!  The commander is confronted by a woman, Harri, with leather jacket, eyepatch, and sheriff outfit.  She tells him that he violated temporal laws.  Back to Marjorie who is taking on the guards on a sarcophagus.  One guard’s swing manages to put off the head of a fellow soldier!  This knocks Marjorie onto a treasure chest and she likes the riches.  She keeps blasting away and dodges a khopesh revealing a device strapped to her leg, the K-2001 Re-Aligner which fixes time problems.  Marjorie slams the butt of her shotgun into a guard’s throat and then explains that Thotep the Lazy, very funny, choked on a fig.  The other deaths Marjorie explains as accidents that didn’t involve time travelers.  The priest sends hordes of soldiers after Marjorie.  She takes a locket and tries to time jump.  Spears surround her and finally she jumps in a flash of light!  I have the feeling that all of her thefts may turn out to save the treasures in time.  Viking times, Otto tries to cut a deal with the Temporal Police Department Deputy Marshal, but she doesn’t take any bribes.  

A villager threatens Harri with a hammer saying that Otto is the sky god.  Harri uses an automatic pistol that uh, puts holes in the villager, and his historical fate is uh, nasty.  Otto tries to run and uh, Harri blasts him in the private part, ouch!  The cyborg head, Tim, has a miffed expression as Marjorie enters singing in her bathrobe.  Her apartment is a mess, but does have a David Bowie Ziggy Stardust poster.  Tim is responsible for Marjorie’s time jumps.  She explains that she was responsible for Tim’s decapitation and hoped to get a replacement body, but hasn’t gotten around to it.  Tim mentions that it is difficult to get their base hidden and stabilized in the time stream.  The tower-like base held with a chain has swans with boxing glove heads(!) fly past it.  Marjorie chomps on some cold pizza as Tim laments his missing body.  Then, we get security footage of Marjorie dancing around as two people are watching the footage.  Her dance is so exuberant that Marjorie loses her towel.  We find the peeping camera watchers are Marjorie’s ex-husband and his son.  An alarm sounds and Marjorie races out to the tower steps carrying around Tim by his head cables.  The intruder surprises her.  Marjorie Finnegan Temporal Criminal is perfect for readers who like some adult comedy, violence, and a tough woman who carries around a shotgun!  

Four K-2001 Re-Aligners out of Five! 

#MarjorieFinneganTemporalCriminal, #GarthEnnis #GoranSudzuka, #Harri, #Tim   

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