Thursday, May 20, 2021

Wonder Girl #1 Review!

Yara Flor, is the key to the future of Wonder Woman, now we glimpse the past of Wonder Girl #1!  She first appeared in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1 and her adventures were seen in Future State: Wonder Woman.  The writer and artist, Joëlle Jones, from the latter continues with “Homecoming Part One.”  Jones did the cover art with Yara carrying a sword with mysterious images behind her, a swirl of currents, and shadowy forms.  The story opens with young Yara’s eye being covered.  The Amazons loose arrows as we get the spiel from an airplane crew on descent in the present.  There is some impressive, dramatic colors by Jordie Bellaire.  We see Yara protected by her mother who wears a green headpiece.  

The Amazons surround them with bows as shadowy men in armor approach.  Yara runs at them with a knife and stabs one in the knee.  This is all in moody panels like snap shots.  The leader says he doesn’t want to kill a child, he brings his sword up, and Yara’s mother stands in teh way of the blade!   We see Yara taken away by another warrior and closeup to Yara’s eyes.  This moves to adult Yara’s eyes on the airplane.  She talks to the elderly passenger who is also on the Heritage tour to Brazil.  This is where she was born, but she was raised by Aunt Renata.  We shift to Themyscira, the lettering of the Amazon island is stylish by Clayton Cowles, we see an archery contest witnessed by Queen Nubia.  This is the character seen in Wonder Woman #75 (2019) and her adventures were in the back-up of Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman.  She fears the presence of a shadow.  

Then, we get Mount Olympus, Hera meets with Zeus.  She drops her wine goblets surprised at something.  Then, it shifts to Bana-MIghdall, a hidden world of the Amazons in Egypt.  It was first seen in Wonder Woman #29 (1989).  Their ruler, Queen Faruka, watches a fighting contest, she is told they were trained by Artemis.  This is the character introduced in Wonder Woman #90 (1994).  Then, Queen Faruka senses something wrong.  We have an impressive two page spread with Yara Flor in her sweater while she is surrounded by heroes; Wonder Woman, Oracle, Harley Quinn, and even the fairy, Caipora seen in Future State: Wonder Woman.  On the tour bus, Yara is annoyed at the party bus.  She does take notice of an accident and asks the bus driver to open the door.  

Yara runs towards an overturned car and pulls free a man before the car explodes!  The driver, João, introduces himself to Yara.  Then we get a stunning horizontal page, Hera has summoned Eros to activate “the weapon.”  Queen Nubia wants to remove the Amazon, Yara?, with her fellow Amazons behind her.  Last, we have Queen Faruka who wants Yara killed or they will face Hera and her votaries.  It is interesting to see three groups all with mysterious motives, but it will be fun to see this resolve somehow.  Podcaster Kevin is taking his show “Kickin It with Kevin” to Iguaçu Falls.  This is on the border of Argentine and Brazil.  The tour group just complains and Yara finds that there is something haunting in the waters of the falls.  A golden boleadoras, the weapon that we found Yara used, wraps around her and pulls her into the water!  Wonder Girl #1 brings Yara back to Brazil and it looks like the Wonder Woman world may find her dangerous!  

Five Boleaoras out of Five! 

#WonderGirl, #YaraFlor, #JoelleJones, #JordieBellaire, #ClaytonCowles, #QueenNubia, #QueenFaruka 

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