Friday, September 3, 2021

The Outpost, “The Pleasing Voice of the Masters”, Review!

The Outpost, last episode, had Talon, Luna, and Naya find the skevicor key, leaving the Reliquary,  and then facing all of the Masters riding up on horseback!  Again, another new Outpost character, Luna (Maeve Coutier-Lilley) has enough moments thinking back to when she lost her sister, that makes her an excellent addition to the cast.  Talon tells Naya to run once the battle has begun, she was good with a bow last episode.  Luna takes her sword.  The newly awakened Kultor throws a fireball at Luna.  Tobin appears and slashes Vorta.  Naya appears on horseback and takes away the wounded Luna.  A fireball is thrown at Tobin by Kultor.  Talon is struck by the staves of two of the Masters.   At the lab, Wren and Janzo check on 313’s naviaspore wounds.  Tobin suddenly appears at the lab.  He looks at 313 and draws his sword.  Tobin uses his zinj to teleport back.  Janzo tells Wren that 313 could be helpful with the skelikor key.  Tobin returns to the Reliquary and sees the sword with Blackblood.  Zed runs into Nedra waring a dress.  She admits to wanting to try on the dress and notices that Zed is staring at her and smiles.  Yup, she’s a woman, but Nedra says he always saw her only as a fighter. 

THE OUTPOST -- “The Pleasing Voice of the Masters” -- AARON FONTAINE  --  Photo: Aleksandar Letic/NBCU International -- 2021 Outpost TV LLC. Courtesy of Electric Entertainment.

Garret examines the key with a table of Janzo, Wren, and Zed, an Outpost Council?  Wren and Janzo question that Garret calls 313’s people, an army.  Zed admits that he is on the side of Janzo and Wren.  Garret gives them three days to figure out the key before it is destroyed!  Talon wakes up in chains at the Masters’ chamber.  She hears about the other Masters; Golu, Aster, and Levare.  Vorta wants to wait to awaken the Betrayer.  Talon pulls at her chains and Tera says that the Masters want to take her world!  Tobin ports back and sees Garret throwing down her sword.  He has lost Talon and tells Garret that she said the Masters wouldn’t kill her.  Of course, her zinj would be free, leading me to thinking that she could open a portal and somehow trap them in the Plane of Ashes!   Garret tries to run after Talon, but Tobin tells him about the Zinj of the Masters.  Night in the woods, Naya checks on Luna still wounded and vows to save Luna.  The stakes are so high for this episode.  Munt checks on the contemplative Tobin staring at the fireplace.  Munt admits that he saw no life without his mother, the Mistress, but she told him to take care of Janzo.  

At the tomb, Janzo checks the key at the coffin, Tobin wants to destroy it.  The coffin contains the Betrayer?  Did he use Talon’s kinj to trap the other Masters from the Plane of Ashes?   Tobin orders Janzo to destroy it, but Janzo defies him!  He leaves and puts Garret in charge of watching over Wren and Janzo.  Morning, Janzo asks 313 about his time in the cocoon, where he was sleeping, and continues eating his soup. He asks if his people lived with the Blackbloods.  313 says he only lived in a world with his people and the Masters.  313 goes to look at a jar of what Janzo says is a night beetle.  Janzo asks him about the naviaspore and realizes they are kinjes!  A revolt of 313’s people may overwhelm Vorta if they are connected.  At the coffin’s chamber, 313 calls it the Chamber of the Masters and calls his people the Kahvi, Janzo thinks the key can be used to waken the Kahvi.  313 says they were put to sleep when their world died and would wake in paradise, the world of The Outpost is not exactly paradise, but there are some fun people there.  He says the Plane of Ashes was a green world, so the Masters may have destroyed it?, and may do the same with this world!  Garret takes Janzo aside to say that the Kahvi are dangerous.  He reminds Janzo that he has to destroy the key.  Janzo sends 313 with Garret.   

THE OUTPOST -- “The Pleasing Voice Masters” -- ANAND DESAI-BAROCHIA, IZUKA HOYLE, MAEVE COURTIER-LILLEY, ADAM JOHNSON   -- Photo: Aleksandar Letic/NBCU International -- 2021 Outpost TV LLC. Courtesy of Electric Entertainment.

Janzo goes to the town square with Wren and then sees Luna, deathly ill, and Naya!  Wren is surprised by Naya.  Janzo sets Luna on a table and sees she has an infection.   He has Wren get concentrate that he says “taste like Munt’s sweat”, ack!  Janzo introduces Naya, his former lover and sister, to Wren.  Naya tries to explain the situation and is happy that she is going to be an aunt.  Uncomfortable situations all the way through, but Janzo seems to be taking it well, no fainting here.  Janzo says they only have to worry about Luna’s fever.  He has Wren take Naya to be “cleaned up” especially her wounds.  Night at The Outpost, Luna wakes up and hears voices, she talks and also wakes up Janzo.  Wren joins them and Luna continues to hear the voices from the key.  Wren says to Janzo that Luna is a Dragman!  They have Luna write down what she has heard from the voices.  Wren brings up Janzo hiding his sister.  Luna touches the key and says the sequence of Master names starts with Janya.  Janzo heads to the prison to see 313 and brings up if the Kahvi would all waken without the naviaspore, no connection to Vorta, 313 doesn’t say it, but they would have to adjust, and would be like him.  Janya and Kultor call Talon the “carrier of the Betrayer” and the “child of the Betrayer”, because she holds his kinj?  Janya strikes Talon with her staff.  

Garret and Tobin enter to find the key, Luna hears the voices screaming, and runs to hear the blacksmith trying to hammer the key.  Tobin gets a vision of Talon screaming and also Zed, she is set on fire by Kultor!  Vorta says she wants them to return or Talon will die.  Zed starts to run and Tobin tells Garret and Luna about Talon.  Tobin meets with everyone that tells them that Talon is at the Capitol.  He wants to use his zinj to free Talon.  Munt hugs Naya who says her goodbye to Wren.  Luna, her outfit looks nice with the addition of yellow to her tunic, all brown is too drab, hugs Naya to also thank her.  Then, Naya hugs her brother.  A nice moment as Naya is taken away in a cart.  They outfit Tobin in armor.  He gives Garret his ring and authority.  Tobin zinjs away while Talon’s back is crisped by Kultor.  She sees the glowing yellow crystals on Vorta’s hand.  Tobin appears, cuts Talon free, and stays behind to delay the Masters.  Couldn’t he zinj them away?  Talon fights with Janya, Tobin ports behind Kultor and slashes him!, and then Vorta brings down a rock trapping Tobin.  He zinj ports and slashes Janya, double Master slayer!  Tera runs his staff through Tobin and then uses his zinj!  A brave act and another cast member, farewell Tobin Aegisford, Aaron Fontaine!  I hope there is some magic or memory that can bring the fallen back, I would like to see the Mistress, Elinor (Robyn Malcolm), Marshall Wythers (Andrew Howard), Gwynn (Imogen Waterhouse), Queen Falista (Georgia May Foote), and King Tobin, one last time.  

Five Daggers out of Five! 

#TheOutpost, #ThePleasingVoiceOfTheMasters, #AaronFontaine, #RobynMalcolm, #AndrewHoward, #ImogenWaterhouse, #GeorgiaMayFoote   

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