Sunday, February 6, 2022

Peacemaker, “The Choad Less Traveled”, Review!

The Ex-static Electrical van is back on the road in the morning.  The group is tired from the mission, Peacemaker says he shot the butterfly last episode, and Vigilante worries about his pinkie toe.  Judomaster then slumps down all tied up.  Peacemaker and Vigilante take out their guns to the shouts of Emilia and Leota.  They are unloading supplies to the headquarters while Vigilante limps to a chair.  Murn walks in and has Emilia go through the evidence taken from the Goff house.  He takes Peacemaker into his office to address how he hesitated on the assassination of the Goff family.  Peacemaker says he needed a dove of peace on his weapons.  He doesn’t want to kill kids on Murn’s order.  

Murn then thinks about Vigilante whom he needs to stay close so he doesn’t reveal anything.  Peacemaker brings up teaming up with Matter-Eater Lad who finishing eating up a restaurant.  Another strange reference, the character, Tenzil Kem, was a part of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the future, he made his debut in Adventure Comics #303 (1962).  He leaves with Vigilante.  Leota apologizes for not killing the bodyguard to Emilia.  She goes to the bathroom mirror to collect herself and then sees Economos strap Judomaster onto a couch.  On their drive, Vigilante unmasked as Adrian Chase, thanks Peacemaker for letting him be tortured.  They stop by the house of John’s father, Chris walks in and hears about a stolen gorilla at a zoo.  I think this is somehow connected to the overall story, but it is a brief mention.  

He enters the code for his father’s lab, takes helmets, and then sees the White Dragon uniform.  I think that White Dragon outfit should be destroyed.  Adrian remarks about the costume and Peacemaker says it is a quantum unfolding room.  He takes out the bag of helmets and the elderly neighbor gets into an argument over supervillains.  Also that his father is in jail. Chris calls up Murn to vent his angry at the frame up.  Murn looks at Economos.  Peacemaker apologizes to Vigilante.  Murn tells Leota that Peacemaker trusts her the most and wants her to convince Peacemaker not to see his father.  Judomaster wakes up and tries to free himself from the shackles.  Leota drives up to Peacemaker.  He realizes that Economos changed the license plate number to set him up.   

Leota realizes Adrian is Vigilante which he tries to deny.  Auggie is seen by Peacemaker who admits that he wasn’t responsible for his jail sentence.  He says that he prefers his brother.  Outside the jail, Leota says Vigilante is a good man, she hopes that Peacemaker’s father would just go away.  Vigilante goes to do something.  Leota drives Peacemaker away and says she doesn’t hate him.  Adrian walks over to some officers and lifts up a heavy trash can and throws it into a window.  The officers arrest him.  Economos finds that the couch is empty.  Economos calls up Leota as Judomaster approaches him from a closet.  Auggie says he wants to see Detective Song as he is locked into his cell.  Judomaster kicks Economos who flies into a desk.  

Leota and Peacemaker find Economos gasping for breath until Leota uses his inhaler.  Finally, Economos points out that Judomaster went down the hallway, Peacemaker leaps from the window and walks to the parking lot complete with trash floating away like a tumbleweed in a Western.  He calls for a rematch and Judomaster leaps from the van to begin the fight.  Afterwards, Judomaster is about to say that the butterflies are not what he thinks and then is shot.  Leota has the gun.  A guard takes Adrian from his cell.  Adrian goes the slo-mo walk past inmates.  Peacemaker takes out a jar of the honey and then the butterfly in a jar.  Adrian sees Auggie at a table with his followers.  

Eagly tries to attack the butterfly.  Economos sets an IV into Judomaster at the couch.  Emilia tries to console Leota who admits she manipulates Vigilante to kill Auggie.  Murn is angry at her at the group meeting.  Murn has Economos to free Vigilante.  Leota gives him details and Economos has his profile as Adrian Chase, the busboy at the restaurant.  Adrian insults the inmates and takes down four of them.  Auggie says he knows there are cameras and he is taken away saying he wants to talk to Detective Chang.  At the bar, Chris wants to know what is in his file about his father to Emilia.  This episode was directed by Jody Hill who also directed the comedy, Observe and Report (2009).  The last two episodes, directed by James Gunn, were such a high mark for the wildness that this entry seems tame. 

Three Peacemaker Helmets out of Five! 

#Peacemaker, #TheChoadLessTraveled, #JodyHill, #MatterEaterLad,  


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