Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Peacemaker, “Murn After Reading”, Review!

 Re:cap - The eps have ended on cliffhangers!  Detective Sophie goes to get an order from a judge, his name is Judy, her partner Fitzgibbon remarks that his name is Judge Judy!  Sophie asks her uncle, William Judy (David Beairsto), for search warrant on Peacemaker.  Leota and Peacemaker are driving when he sees on his phone that Emilia added a group, “11th Street Kids.”  Also, their group pic in the van.  Leota celebrates their victory at Peacemaker’s trailer.  He has a headline about Vigilante capturing Kite-Man.  The kinda supervillain, Charles Brown, was introduced in Batman #133 (1960).  Later, Peacemaker goes to the bathroom, and Leota places his diary.  Driving back, Leota tries to apologize to Keeya.  

She returns to the office, tries on Peacemaker’s helmet with the x-ray vision, and then sees the butterfly in Murn’s head!  Leota tries to run and Murn throws her down on the rainy street!   This episode has James Gunn returning, briefly, to directing.  Murn tells Leota that he won’t hurt her.  Emilia walks up and asks if Leota knows.  Leota is taken back to the office, Emilia worked out that Murn was a butterfly, Murn explains that the butterflies came from a dying planet.  He also says the Goff butterfly was his leader.  She had plans to take over the world, but Murn was the only one to oppose her.  In a way, Murn is like Martin in V (1983), a Visitor who opposes Diana, the leader of the Visitors.  Economos also knows about Murn, but they are trying to keep the secret from Amanda Waller.  Now, they have to worry about “the Cow”, probably the alien making the honey.  

At an elementary school classroom, Peacemaker tells them about how he defeated Kite-Man to the laughs of the students.  During question time, the students basically take apart his boasts!  In the back, is Jamil, the janitor from the first episode.  He probably regrets inviting Peacemaker.  One student calls him a loser and Jamil’s daughter (Maya Kooner) asks about his origin story.  He flashes back to his young days with his father saying that he killed Keith.  Next, a young girl (Alice Comer) asks him if he knows Becky Coolridge, a former bartender at the Starlight Lounge.  The girl says that he might be her father!  The teacher wraps up the guest speaker segment.  Jamil thanks Peacemaker.  At the prison, Auggie signs the last of the paperwork and is about to leave.  He makes some racist remarks to Detective Sophia and she gets right back at him.  

Captain Locke is angry at Sophie and she explains that she presented the evidence to a judge, and the suspect is now Peacemaker.  He is about to walk away and Sophie notes that he is acting strange, a butterfly. Auggie goes to the truck of one of his followers and tells him that he wants to kill his son.  Chris feeds Eagly and then the Goff butterfly he has in a jar.  At the office, Emilia says she is using logic to work out the situation, Economos enters and Emilia tells him so he puts his fingers in his ears.   Leota finds that the factory recieved a tank every three days of the amber fluid.  She gets a message from Keeya about calling her back.  At the police station, Sophie has almost every officer getting ready to take Peacemaker’s trailer.  Chris sets a knock on his trailer and knows it’s Vigilante who has noticed the Goff butterfly jar.  Also that the butterfly uses the amber to make a peace sign!

Locke contacts Murn about the police mobilization.  Peacemaker has the butterfly answer yes or no questions knocking on the jar.  He starts arguing with Vigilante and they don’t notice the phone buzzing from Murn’s call.  The police surround the trailer.  Economos says to Murn to try Vigilante’s phone.  Adrian answers, but tries to pretend he isn’t Vigilante.  Peacemaker takes it and Murns warns him about the police.   He throws Eagly up to the roof, then pulls himself up.  Vigilante has taped the jar to himself and then is pulled up as the police break into the trailer.  Sophie finds the trailer is empty and has the officers tear up the place.  One officer finds the Peacemaker diary!  Peacemaker and Vigilante climb to a nearby tree and try to get Eagly’s attention.  He flies up and Sophie starts to move towards them!   

Vigilante falls and shatters the jar!  The butterfly flies at Sophie and enters her mouth!  She's the mother alien host!  Peacemaker and Vigilante watch as Sophie twitches with the butterfly inside her.  An officer sees them and brings in others!  Fitzgibbon sees his partner’s bloody mouth and calls for an ambulance.  Peacemaker and Vigilante run through the forest with some help from Eagly!  They are surrounded by three officers, take care of two of them, but the third has his gun drawn on Peacemaker.  He is shot in the head by Captain Locke who tells them to take his car.  They start to run, but Peacemaker looks back to see Locke shoot the others. Peacemaker pushes Eagly to the back seat and they drive away.  Sophie revives and goes to find Peacemaker.  Vigilante throws Peacemaker’s phone out of the car thinking it could be traced.  Peacemaker takes Vigilante’s phone.  Vigilante is pure comic relief for this show.  

Sophie and Fitzgibbon reach Locke who says the shooter fits the description of the Hamburgler.  An officer gives Locke Peacemaker’s diary and he takes it.  Emilia is contacted by Peacemaker and Murn asks everyone about his diary.  Peacemaker walks in and tells the 11th Street Kids that Goff escaped.  He gets angry at Murn sending Locke who killed the officers.  Sophie rewires her computer and begins contacting the butterflies.  Economos has tracked the truck that delivered the amber to a barn at Coverdale Ranch. Murn knows that there is an underground lair of the Cow that makes the amber.  Sophie is outside looking at the night sky.  A swarm of tiny ships land, batteries not included, the butterflies bow to her.  Auggie activates his secret room.  The butterflies fly with their queen sipping the amber.  Auggie goes to put on his White Dragon armor.  On a rare chance, Chris could have sabotaged the armor.  Sophie walks into the police station with the butterflies attacking the officers.  The butterfly possessed humans have strange Joker smiles. Peacemaker is realizing the two deadly threats with the 11th Street Kids broken!  

Four Peacemaker helmets out of Five!  

#Peacemaker, #MurnAfterReading, #11thStreetKids, #DavidBeairsto, #TheCow, #CoverdaleRanch, #MayaKooner

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