Monday, April 10, 2023

The Ark, “Hoping for Forever”, Review!

The Ark is tense with a muutinous crew, a confrontation with the Ark-15, and an even greater threat with its captain! Re:Cap, “The Painful Way”, the Trusts scheme to take over Ark-1 when the crew agreed to change course to a new planet. It has resulted in Lt. James Brice and Felix Strickland put to sleep by their colleagues. At Cat’s quarters, Lt. Sharon Garnet takes a drink, uh oh, as the knock out drops take effect, Cat says she’s wrong. Garnet tries to head over to get checked by Dr. Kabir. She realizes that Cat drugged he, she stumbles to the door saying she didn’t account for her enhancements, and Cat injects her with a tranqulizer syringe. The Trusts and their loyalists; Cat, Lt. Spencer Lane, Eva Markovic, and Jelena Griff, enter the bridge. This surprises Alicia who is ordered to her station by Lane. Eva takes the ship out of FTL and recharges it. Lane makes an announcement saying there was an error in judgment with Garnet, Brice, and Strickland. Also, that they are headed to Proxima B. Griff says to the other crew can be reassigned. It is kinda good that the loyalist stay in a good position, but also I would go to my quarters and not take part in the mutiny. 

William Trust says Lane should have the command chair. Helena Trust in her arrogance takes the chair. Brice revives trapped in the helmet room with Strickland and Garnet. Garnet updates him and the situation and he rages! He worries about everyone dying and angrily says he has Klampkins! Garnet hugs him. She promises that once free, Brice has permission to knock out Trust! In Cat’s quarters, Helena is happy at the bounty of strawberries and fruits, she thinks they will thank them. William enters for a session, Cat tries to cover about the matchmaking, so love is off the table for this genetic obsenity. Helena asks who is Cat’s match and she tries to say he died with the command crew. Kelly meets with  for help with her device. He easily fixes the comms system and sees a message from Ark-15! She snaps his neck, um, the actress who plays Kelly is kinda slight, so I’m not certain if that would be possible. Kelly sends him out of the space ejection chamber. William asks for Helena and sees Cat who wants to continue their affair, he is worried about Helena’s suspicion, Cat doesn’t realize that being the other woman is short career. 

THE ARK - - “Hoping for Forever” - - CHRISTIE BURKE, TIANA UPCHEVA, RICHARD FLEESHMAN, STACEY READ, SHALINI PEIRIS - - Photo: Aleksander Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY

Angus is trying to destroy the crops, Kelly wants him to reconsider about Trust, and kisses him. Cat runs into the medbay with a painkiller for Dr. Kabir. She needs to use it on a wounded Ensign Selander. Afterwards, Dr. Kabir realizes that there are no sedatives, Cat is the key to the conspiracy through William Trust. Dr. Kabir wants to help Garnet. In the locked room, Garnet second guesses her decision. Eva reports that the FTL is recharged, but then finds it locked out. Alicia says she’s innocent. Helena wants William to threaten the prisoners and purges the oxygen from their cell!  The trio start to panic, Griff reports the situation to the bridge, Trust makes an excuse. They can’t use the helmets without the compression suits. Strickland and Brice fall and then Garnet. William still threatens Alicia and when Lane tries to argue, Helena backs him down. Alicia breaks down and activates the FTL. Trust restores the oxygen. Helena wants her husband to make an example of Alicia! Griff opens the cell and Garnet poses to her about loyalty to the vicious Trust. Alicia defies Trust, Helena knows she can hack out of any cell, and says she will be sent out of an airlock. 

Eva stands up and Helena wants both of them taken away.  Our heroes take back the bridge in a fight and Brice gets his right cross to Trust. Then, she knocks out Lane. Helena tries to escape, but Strickland has his security prod on her. The traitors are seated at the command room. Alicia defends Eva, Garnet says she did the right thing, and then sends her away. She has spared Eva and Griff since they helped at the end, Eva is about to speak, but Strickland reminds her to speak when told by her commander, yes! When it is Eva’s turn, an alarm sounds, Brice takes his station and says there is an approaching ship! Ark-15! Garnet orders Trust’s shield to activate, Eva starts to use the shield, but it fails! Alicia says he failed to take into account quantum tunneling. Kelly enters the cell with the traitors, dropped the body of the guard, and then contacts Ark-15! “Hoping for Forever” picks up with Kelly holding the gun on William Trust. In a struggle, Lane is knocked back, and Kelly coldly shoots Helena Trust in the stomach. The crew, Garnet, Brice, Strickland, and Griff, watches the approaching ship. Garnet asks about the intentions of Ark-15

THE ARK - - “Hoping for Forever” - - RICHARD FLEESHMAN, CHRISTIE BURKE, TIANA UPCHAVEA - - Photo: Aleksander Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY

A shuttle heads towards Ark-1. Eva says it will take 82 minutes to charge up the FTL drive. Brice goes to watch the woman who betrayed him. Strickland also goes with Griff, but he leaves without her. Garnet sends away Griff. She makes an announcement to seal off their bunks for a possible hostile takeover. Angus with a lunch tray goes to find Kelly and has her gun on him. She goes in and painfully sets Lane’s broken nose. They want to take Helena Trust to medbay, but Kelly only wants Angus’ expertise. Eva tries to seal the hatch, but the hatch is blown. Garnet sees they have body armor and guns. She lures them with a friendly call, but actually has them sucked out of the airlock! Strickland and Brice pull out a body from the hatch. Garnet wants to find out how they reached the hatch from the shuttle. A man, Marko (Vahidin Prelic), in a compression suit in EVA reaches an airlock and enters the ship, armed like the other soldiers. Marko has found Kelly’s signal and joins her. Kelly says Lane knows the DNA vault. They want William to go or the gunman will shoot Helena. Kelly takes Angus. They tape Angus and Lane’s mouths and head out. Cat tries to console Helena who says her husband should be with her best friend! 

Kelly says that the crew is locked down. The gunman says that Ark-15 is gone. Strickland suddenly appears with his katana fighting with the gunman. Lane tries to kick away Kelly’s gun, but she recovers it. They struggle on the floor and Felix kills the gunman, Marko. Strickland asks if she told the truth about his family, but of course it is a lie. She shocks him with a prod. Griff slaps Strickland conscious and he is about to hit her. He sees the body of Marko. He warns Garnet. Kelly takes Lane, William Trust, and Angus, she wants Lane to fly the shuttle to Ark-15. He agrees when she threatens to shoot Angus. Trust also sits at the controls. She says only Angus is needed, she kisses him. Helena says she always knew Cat loved William. She dies. I don’t have too much sympathy for either of them. Griff finds Cat crying over her friend’s body. Strickland reaches the bridge. The Ark-15 fires, but they go to FTL in time! More soldiers cover the crew and of course Evelyn Maddox (Jelena Stupljanin) appears. Kelly greets her mother. I’m getting vibes from season 3 of The Outpost, Yavalla the new villain who searches for something important. Also, she has a daughter who falls for the geeky science boy. Still, there is enough twists, tension as we have a mutinious crew (are the rest still stuck in their bunks?) and two forces that may be the hope for life on Proxima B!  

Five Compression Suits out of Five! 


#TheArk, #ChristieBurke, #RichardFlesshman, #StaceyRead, #PavleJerinic, #RyanAdams, #ShaliniPeiris, #TianaUpcheva, #ReeceRitchie, #ChristinaWolfe, #TamaraRadovanovic, #PaulLeonardMurray, #MercedesDeLaCruz, #SamanthaGlassner, #JelenaStupljanin, #VahidinPrelic


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