Saturday, January 6, 2024

Many Bothan Spies and the Battle of Kothlis!

There is an important event in Star Wars that has a complicated history! "Many Bothans died to bring us this information", what is this event that Mon Mothma refers to in Return Of The Jedi (1983), LC-OT3? The information about the second Death Star and the Emperor was woven in a novel, comic, and video games! Right now it is in Legends, but we find out the story in Shadows Of The Empire (1996) novel by Steve Perry, EC-SoE. It was visualized in Shadows of the Empire #5 (1996) by John Wagner and Killian Plunkett, the artist later worked on the Clone Wars animated show. 

The event was also connected through the Star Wars: X- Wing Alliance (1999) game; EC-XWA. This was in the Battle 4: Mission 4; "Capture the Freighter Suprosa." Blue Squadron with twelve Y-Wings ambushed the freighter as it left hyperspace. The Suprosa sent a missile that took out four of the Y-Wings piloted by Bothans. Two more Y-Wings were destroyed. The freighter's engines were shut down and the crew surrendered. In the novel, the engines were disabled by Luke Skywalker in his X-Wing fighter? 

In the X-Wing game, it is Ace Azzameen shut down the engines flying his Y-Wing. Y-Wings have ion cannons that can disable ships. X-Wings do not have ion cannons. The Bothan spymaster, Koth Melan, determined that the data core would be needed to be decrypted on Kothlis, the Bothan homeworld. We haven't seen Bothans or Kothlis in canon yet. It was moved there and Melan was killed by the Barabel bounty hunter, Skahtul, in a raid. Then, Skahtul captured Luke Skywalker. He was later freed by Lando. The data core was transferred to the corvette Razor which was captured by the Star Destroyer Motivator. This was in the Star Wars: TIE Fighter (1995) game; EC-TF. 

Rogue Squadron led by Wedge Antilles arrived at the Battle of Kothlis. The battle was in Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (2001); EC-RSRL, "Razor Rendezvous" mission. The Star Destroyer crashed and a Rebel transport with General Madine managed to secure the data core while Rogue Squadron provided cover. This is the events in the "Vengeance on Kothlis" mission. I don't know how many total Bothans were lost. The Emperor's visit to the Death Star II has not been made canon at this point, but this story took eighteen years to tell!  

#ReturnOfTheJedi, #ShadowsOfTheEmpire, #StevePerry, #JohnWagner, #KillianPlunktt, #CloneWars, #Suprosa, #BlueSquadron, #StarWarsXWingAlliance, #LukeSkywalker, #AceAzzameen, #KothMelan, #Kothlis, #Skahtul, #StarWarsTIEFighter, #RogueSquadronIIRogueLeader, #WedgeAntilles, #GeneralMadine. 

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