Friday, May 7, 2021

Bad Batch, “Cut and Run”, Review!

 We have former Clone Force-99 finding their own way in the galaxy, leaving behind their home on Kamino and the scrutiny of Admiral Tarkin, and taking the clone girl, Omega, on their shuttle, the Havoc Marauder.  Close behind is former teammate now working for the Empire, Crosshair!  In hyperspace, Hunter and Echo check on the sleeping Omega.  The system entry warning beeps and pilot Tech gets their attention as they reach Saleucami, this is the adopted world of a contact.  He left the clone army in “The Deserter” (2010) and started a family!  Pod-like nunas scatter at the shuttle’s landing and a cat-like Nexu, the same beastie that was in the arena in Attack of the Clones (2002), scampers off as it descends.  The Bad Batch exit the shuttle and we see the awed expression of Omega, our pov character, she sees the foliage of the cake trees and wonders at the dirt on the ground.  

They pass through a field of pod-like Towering Bith, almost like stems of flowers, Hunter asks about Tech’s friend, the deserter.  He calls for the squad to stop, a trip wire, Wrecker just plows around it and activates a second trap, battle droids.  They are met with the blaster rifles of a Twi’lek woman, Suu (Cara Pifko), and her husband, ex-trooper, Cut Lawquane.  The episode's title is a clever pun with his name and the classic expression.  Later at the Lawquane house, Hunter introduces Echo and Omega, Cut notes that Rex had “passed through” the other day.  Rex was the first clone trooper who encountered Cut on his farm.  He discovered that Cut had an independence like the Bad Batch which may have been a chip that was faulty after a battle.  We saw Rex deal with his own chip in the Clone Wars episode "Shattered."  Omega brings up the inhibitor chips.  Her knowledge is going to be needed if they free other clones.  Then, the Lawquane children enter, Jek (Kath Soucie) and Shaeeah (Nika Futterman).  The actress, Futterman, is a Clone Wars vet who voiced Asajj Ventress.  The voice cast returns from "The Deserter" episode.  They are the the step children of Cut.  This feels like another welcome episode of Clone Wars.  They like Uncle Wrecker and take Omega outside. As Omega learns to play ball, Cut confides with Hunter that raising a child is not easy.  

He wants transport off world since the troopers could arrive soon.  Cut and Hunter head into town, we see some R2 units, it feels like a different Mos Eisley.  They pass troopers and see a captured ship taken to an impound lot.  Cut says that he is looking for a distant world, Saleucami is in the Outer Rim, maybe Wild Space?  Cut tries to book passage with an Aleena merchant, the same short species with a fin-like head, seen as the Podracer, Ratts Tyerell. One of my favorite aliens, they were featured in the Clone Wars season four's episode, "Mercy Mission" (2011).  He brings up that they need a chain code, used by the Empire now, which they see with an Imperial hologram of Vice Admiral Rampart (Noshir Dalal).  He may be the master villain of the series maybe working under Tarkin?  A Snivvian, Snaggletooth, traveler is sent away by troopers for not having a chain code.  The ball game continues, Omega throws the ball and it bounces outside of the fence, Jek tells her to leave it.  Omega slips past the fence as the Lawquane kids ready to pack. They see Omega in danger from a Nexu and run to warn their mother.  She rushes to the roof with her blaster rifle and Hunter takes out his vibro knife. They drive off the Nexu, Hunter is angry at Omega, but Cut reassures her as a father.  

Hunter wants Tech to forge the chain codes.  Omega is by herself in the ship crying, she takes off her headpiece, and looks at it.  Suu has her blaster rifle ready for lookout duty with Hunter.  She says kids always get into trouble, but the job of parents is to protect them.  This is a great personal moment and I hope the whole series is just the adventures of Cut’s family with the Bad Batch.  Cut joins them and Hunter says he wants her to go with them. This makes me think of Mando trying to give Baby Yoda to Ahsoka Tano.  Hunter and the Bad Batch are of course Omega’s family. Echo notes that the Imperials are trying to identify and control all citizens.  Tech’s plan is to find the chain codes kept by the clone troopers from the impound lot by having the Havoc taken!  Hunter is not happy as the ship is taken away.  On the comlink, Tech says it’s a simple plan, and Hunter notes that Omega is on the ship!  Troopers inspect the Havoc, out of a hatch, Echo and Tech drop down with their helmets on.  Tech has Echo sneak in to the security kiosk to take the chain code data.  

Echo uses a scomp link to get security codes and finds blank discs.  I really like that Echo is featured with Tech as a team.  Cut, his family, and the Bad Batch members all dressed as villagers enter the space port.  Echo and Tech check on the troopers and find that Omega has slipped away to take the chain codes to the travelers.  Echo is met by a trooper, but Tech stuns him.  Omega bumps into an R2 unit that frantically screams a warning, but is smashed by Wrecker!  Echo calls him for help.  He is met by three troopers and uses what I call the Coconut Smash, clunking their heads together, love it!  Cut worries, but Omega runs up with the chain codes!  She doesn’t realize that Hunter is going to send her off with the Lawquane family.  Hunter tries to explain and sees her off.  Omega joins the family and Cut puts down the chain code discs.  There is a shoot out at the impound lot.  Hunter is called back by Tech.  The Bad Batch has to free their ship from the landing clamps and fight off the troopers to escape.  It seems like we will see more of Cut Lawquane similar to how the characters show up in The Mandalorian.  Side note: Wrecker doing lifts with a Gonk power droid is hilarious!  This episode mixes the perfect blend of taking care of a child, a family, and some perfect Bad Batch action!        


Five Vibro Blades out of Five! 

#BadBatch, #CutandRun, #CutLawquane, #Cara Pifko), and her husband, ex-trooper, Cut Lawquane, #KathSoucie, #NikaFutterman

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