Saturday, May 8, 2021

Brzrkr #2 Review!

Brzrkr #2 features the character that resembles Keanu Reeves now a prehistoric warrior!  The bloody swath of Brzrkr cut through a military operation and operated by the government intent on making more soldiers like him.  His story continues with the second issue featuring a cover of the soldier with many weapons, a white background with a red slash, by Rafael Grampá.  The creative team is Keanu Reeves and Matt Kindt, writing, with Ron Garney as artist.  B. is explaining that his people were nomadic until finding a valley.  He says it was 80,000 years ago, this would be roughly the Paleolithic period, the Old Stone Age.  This had humans along with Neanderthals and Denisovans though they are not in this comic.  The other immortal comics hero, the Eternal Warrior, lived in Anatolia, the modern day land would be Turkey, 3268 B.C. in the Bronze Age.  We see his people leaving their cave home with artwork on the walls, and building round huts that are put on fire by rival tribes.  

Early civilizations may have started in Mesopotamia, currently Iraq and Kuwait, and there is the Indus River Valley.  I don’t think there is any caves in those areas.  He is interrupted by a woman scientist who has been analyzing his protocols and noting that his memory is returning.  She calls him “b”, and says he recharges instead of going berserker.  By the way this is an Old Norse term which means “bear-shirt” going into battle without armor.  Then, he recounts the time told by his mother before he was born.  We see raiders riding in with horses, this is a very sophisticated, horses were domesticated around 3500 B.C.  Hundreds of thousands of years after this time!  Actual horse riding is also advanced, horse driven chariots carried warriors who left the chariot to fight, no actual horse riding.  This may be a misunderstanding of history.  Brzrkr’s father is red haired with braids and a beard.  His mother has dark hair with curls.  They are unnamed.  

Both of them have fair complexions, maybe from cave dwelling, but they have lived in the valley. Early civilizations would not be fair skinned.  His mother believes in the gods.  In their hut, B.’s mother says they are looking for a weapon, and gathers herbs.  She collects mushrooms, but in the current day, he tries to explain he doesn’t know what plants his mother used.  In a cave with a fire going, the father leaves to watch over her, as the mother chants.  Then, we have an interesting two pages as a lightning strikes the cave, the panels dissolve as we see the mother transformed.  The father sees his wife struck by the lightning bolt, we get some interesting artwork as energy patterns form on her bald purple face.  Then, a glowing form holds her, a god?  The mother stumbles out of the cave held by her husband and they later go to sleep.  She wakes up pregnant!  

She gives birth to her son, his eyes glow blue, and later the villagers find the young boy reach into the fire to pull out a burning branch.  He sees a wolf outside of the family’s hut and bites into its neck with the blue eyes.  Brzrkr grows up into a youth watching other young men at play, but his rage has him killing them!  His parents have him train with a teacher to kill an antelope with a spear.  His rage can’t be denied and he tears apart a bear, literally the bear part of the original name.  B. heals from his wounds and the villagers lose another harvest, but the young warrior eyes glow blue.  He kinda looks like a young Conan the Barbarian.  Brzrkr slaughters his teacher, and his rage is directed by his father.  He becomes stronger shattering stone with his fist and tearing apart a leopard!  It returns to the room with the scientist.  He goes over his history being examine over the centuries.  Then, we have B. confronting the raiders, it isn’t pretty.  There is also a preview of the Basilisk comic book by Cullen Bunn and Jonas Scharf.  We don’t get names and the mystery of the god-like form that may have created Brzrkr, Zeus or Thor?  Brzrkr #2 continues the blood bath with a peek into his pre-history!  

#Brzrkr, #KeanuReeves, #MattKindt, #RonGarney 

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