Sunday, May 16, 2021

Star Wars: The High Republic #5 Review!

Star Wars: The High Republic has the multiple threat of a Hutt taking over Sidri Minor and Drengir invading Starlight Beacon, and this is the conclusion of the There is No Fear story!  Phil Noto has a dramatic cover with Keeve Trennis holding her fallen master Sskeer, uh-oh.  “Attack of the Hutts” has the writing by Cavan Scott and art by Ario Anindito (new artist next issue!).  The beginning on the farm planet, Sidri Minor, has Keeve a whirl with her two green lightsabers deflecting blasterfire.  She is protecting her fellow Jedi Ceret who is evacuating civilians.  The captions are Keeve’s thoughts that it didn’t have to come to a battle.  Their enemy is a Gamorrean on a Rancor!  Ceret tries to use the Force to push back the Rancor, but it stomps him!  

It flashes back to the start of the conflict, we have the Hutt, Myaraga the Benevolent (my favorite Hutt name).  He is floating on a floating platform with two Rancors.  He wants his planet, Jedi Master Avar Kriss argues against his claim, but Myaraga says he has a contract with the farmers.  Um, Jedi should recognize contracts under the High Republic, sucks, but the Hutt is in the right here.  Sskeer doesn’t want to wait for the negotiation and in a stunning two-page spread he knocks down the Hutt with his Drengir tentacles!  He is speaking in a Dark Side voice!  Myaraga gives the order and his mercenaries start blasting!  Avar contacts Starlight Beacon, but they are dealing with the Drengir!  Padawan Imri is struck by a Drengir!  

His master Vern uses a red (?) lightsaber to cut through the Drengir.  Avar checks on the battle, Keeve says Ceret is busy, caught in the jaws of the Rancor!, his twin Terec has his green lightsaber and his own to cut down the Rancor rider.  He then uses the Force to set the Rancor asleep.  Then, the twins are reunited and go into battle, with the cry, “For Light and Life!”  There is some cool scenes here and we know that the situation becomes dark.  The fight goes on with Myaraga and Sskeer and Keeve tries to get her master back.  Keeve puts together lightsaber staff and um, slices through Sskeer’s Drengir arm!  Myaraga reveals his real Hutt name, not as funny as the first one, but I hope there is more Myaraga.  Avar tries to warn him about the greater threat.  

Sskeer forms a blade from his Drengir arm and attacks Keeve.  The brutal foreman, Kalo, is trying to put together his treasures in a sack to take them on the run.  He is confronted by the villagers and Rodian father, Neeso, who lost his son to the Drengir gives a right hook to Kalo!  This doesn’t give revenge for his son, but shows that the villagers are ready to stand up for themselves.  The Rancor bursts through the wall and Kalo uses the distraction to escape.  Sskeer is dueling with Keeve with his lightsaber.  Suddenly, he returns and admits that he was losing the Force during her trial in the first issue.  He fears that the threat of Drengir will continue as long as there is a hidden seed.  

We see the Rancor catch up to Kalo.  Avar is holding off the blasters of Myaraga.  She has the distress calls of Starlight Beacon and channels them so Myaraga can hear the attack on Hutt worlds.  The Drengir are surrounding them and Avar turns over the planet to Myaraga.  He decides to team up his mercenaries with the Jedi.  Sskeer has a plan, he wants Keeve to mind touch him to convince the hungry Drengir that the “meat” of the people is corrupted.  Keeve touches Sskeer’s head and he growls in the Dark Side.  The Drengir start to retreat muttering, “Unclean.”  He may have saved the day, a brave Trandoshan, but there is a price to pay!   Star Wars: The High Republic has some powerful moments for the Jedi and races into the next arc!  

Five Lightsabers out of Five!  

#StarWarsTheHighRepublic, #AttackoftheHutts, #MyaragaTheMerciless, #Rancor, #Neeso  

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