Saturday, May 15, 2021

Wonder Woman #772 Review!

Wonder Woman #772 reveals a mystery, but we are still following Diana’s journey through Asgard!  “Afterworlds Part 3” continues with Michael W. Conrad and Becky Cloonan as writers with Travis Moore as artist.  We pick up with the plan of her squirrel guide, squirrel!, Ratatosk, Diana has hid in the eggshell of the giant eagle and swallowed by the giant serpent Nidhogg!  She breaks free of the eggshell and Nidhogg is surprised.  Diana is now in the stomach cavity of Nidhogg, there is the armor of a devoured warrior and the sickening, green bile the beast.  Nidhogg sends gas into his stomach to kill Diana.  She sinks down.  Then, we get the shadowy figure who has been giving her advice, this person even gives her the key she was searching for in Nidhogg. 

Diana revives and then begins cutting into Nidhogg!  The giant snake starts choking and expels the bile, the most disgusting panel in comics?, Diana’s hand covered in the green liquid.  She reaches up with the key.  Diana, smiling, runs off with the key.  She says to Ratatosk that she needs to clean up, well, yeah!  Diana says to the squirrel that someone was there in Nidhogg.  They reach a cliff and see the Vikings fighting their eternal battle.  Siegfried appears and tries to warn Diana.  The spirit of Siegfried dissolves, but Diana is still committed to her mission.  At the Vigrid battlefied, we have Thor with his hammer leading his warriors in a cheer.  He is interrupted by his father, Odin, who tries to explain the Dwarf made weapons are cursed.  Diana moves through the warriors to reach Thor and Odin notes that she is Wonder Woman.      

There is an unfortunate boulder that ends any further conversation.  Wonder Woman joins the fight with Thor.  A great team-up!  When do we see Gal Gadot and Chris Hemsworth?  Wonder Woman is starting to bring her powers and flies over the battle.  She tells Thor to draw out the Valkyries so she can enter their fortress.  Still, they have to face the sea god, Njord.  He is a blue-skinned leader with a shepherd’s staff formed into a fish hook. He is an a giant crab!  As Thor and Wonder Woman join the battle, the sight reminds Diana of “Arthur.”  She severs one of the crab’s legs, needs butter, and confronts Njord who batters aside her sword.  Then, she is gripped by the crab’s claw.  Diana pleads to the shadowy figure to return.  She revives and sees the figure revealed!  It is Deadman!  He was formerly her teammate in Justice League Dark.  The character first appeared in Strange Adventures #205 (1967).  I didn’t sense his distinctive voice in the shadowy afterworld.  

Diana explains to Deadman that she feels drawn to Olympus, but wants to complete her mission on Asgard.  Siegfried again joins them and says Diana cannot stop Ragnarok.  They see three stars in the sky, Valkyries?  She is upset at his sacrifice, but continues on and meets back with Ratatosk.  Another dark figure offers answers to Diana in the mist.  It is Diana as a dark spirit with yellow eyes and a massive axe.  This is Diana if she stays in Asgard, but she makes me think of Nega-Scott in Scott Pilgrim.  Also, the shadow self met by Sparrowhawk in Wizard of Earthsea.  The god-queen of Asgard brings up her army of the dead that she killed on Asgard, the Draugr!  There is a secret to this dark warrior and Diana must travel with Ratatosk to reach a hooded boatman to reach Fortress Valkyrie!  Also, we have “The Deep End” by Jordie Bellaire and Paulina Ganucheau.  Young Diana exploring the waters under Themyscira!  Wonder Woman #772 keeps up the compelling story and features some great art by Travis Moore and Paulina Ganucheau.   

Four Lassos of Truth out of Five! 

#WonderWoman772, #Afterworlds, #Nidhogg, #Ratatosk, #Thor, #Odin, #FortressValkyrie

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