Sunday, May 8, 2022

Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #2 Review!

Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #2 brings some risks to Superman and unravels the story of the Demon Nezha!  Last issue update: we had Poison Ivy in Metropolis while Kryptonite Man has a new weapon, a red Kryptonite syringe injected into Superman!  This causes his Kryptonian powers to go out of control!  Batman calls in the Doom Patrol to help bring Superman to Dr. Niles Caulder!  We now return to the next installment of The Devil Nezha with “Chapter Two: The Devil Himself.”  The cover which is by the interior artist, Dan Mora, with Superman smiling and flying while Batman races with his grapnel gun.  Behind them is the large face of Elasti-Girl, Niles Caulder to the side, a large head of Robotman, and the Negative Man’s bandaged head.  The story continues with Mark Waid and Dan Mora.  

We see the Caulder Mansion, with Superman’s outift on a chair in the foreground, and in the background Dr. Caulder’s starts his procedure with Robotman providing light from his armored forehead.  He is in his wheelchair with Superman on the table as Dr. Caulder calls for a scalpel.  He starts to cut with a Krytonite scalpel into Superman’s skin, then exposes Superman’s heart glowing red, as Robotman holds his chest apart.  Dr. Caulder says his heart is unaffected by the Red Kryptonite is in his blood.  We see this in a closeup of Superman’s heart.  Very like a medical drama, but surgery on the Man of Steel!  Apart from the dark room, Batman and Robin watch, and they are joined by a shadowy figure. 

Robin is startled by Elasti-Girl, he explains to her about the creepiness of the Batcave, and he is interrupted by Dr. Caulder calling for Larry Trainor, Negative Man!  Dr. Caulder explains that the Kryptonite is turning Superman’s blood toxic.  He is shocked that Superman has minutes before he dies!  Dr. Caulder hopes that Negative Man’s radiation mgiht be able to render the Kryptonite particles less deadely Batman wonders about Negative Man’s power lasting one minute and there are 60,000 miles of vessels in a body.  Dr. Caulder says Negative Man to use his power!  It is unleashed from his chest and transfers to Superman’s chest making him scream!  This goes into the two page titles and credits.  The energy form of Negative Man travels through Superman’s blood vessels.  This is like a superhero version of Fantastic Voyage (1966) or Innerspace (1987).  

It is interesting to see the shining white network of blood vessels running through Superman’s body.  Batman has a somber face and gives hope to Superman.  He touches his shoulder.  We see their advetnures together including one with Superman pinning Mongul as Batman is battered.  Superman is seized up and the energy returns to Negative Man.  We see the bloody chest of the unconscious Superman.  A closeup of a weary Superman opening an eye.  Elasti-Girl talks to Robin stunned at Batman smiling.  We have “Later” as we see the assembled heroes in a room, Superman is in a chair, Dr. Caulder talks to them.  He notes that the Doom Patrol took an item from a villain named Zahl.  Batman analyizes the sword and identifies it from the Shang Dynasty forged at Zhengzhou.  Robin wonders to Superman they keep talking over each other.  Superman casually notes that they are competing to be the smartest one in the room.  

Dr. Caulder brings up the Legends of Nezha which Batman already knows.  Caulder says that the Doom Patrol has found the truth from the legend.  Elasti-Girl picks up the narrative explaining that the sword’s owner was Nezha, the son of the warlord, Li Jing.  We see the Chinese style art in the panel as we see Nezha killed by a spear.  Negative Woman continues that the warlord preserved his son’s body.  Then, Li Jing traveled the world to find a way to resurrect Nezha, hopefully not Ra’s al Ghul’s Lazarus Pit!  Robotman says in this robotic voice that the warlord failed to find answers even when he has his sword to a wise man’s throat!  Elasti-Girl picks up the story telling that Li Jing became a servant scrubbing floors of a magician.  The former warlord becomes elderly and weak.  Negative Man’s part of the story, the magician finally gives Li Jing the “Elixir of Eternal Life” and he returned to give the elixir to his son. Robotman continues saying that Nezha did revive and bursts out in anger with vampire-like fangs.  

Furious that his father gave up everything and kills him.  Nezha is obsessed to become greater than his father with a larger army and money, then turned to mysticism.  Eventually, he was called the Devil Nezha.  Superman gets out his chair and asks why Nezha didn’t conquer the world.  Caulder holds up an illustrated scroll.  The story depicts what Caulder is tellign them about the House of Ji bringing together “magical warriors and deities.”  They are able to imprison the Devil Nezha.  Caulder after Batman’s suspicions that Nezha may have escaped.  He takes the heroes to a screening showing Felix Faust terrorizing a boy, The Flash is struggling in Central City.  Caulder starts to talk about Wonder Woman and Green Lantern, but Batman is surprised that Caulder is monitoring the heroes.  This from the person who was finding ways to defeat the heroes in case they went out of control.  Maybe this is the less paranoid Dark Knight.    

He wants Robin to find out how the House of Ji stopped Nezha, the Boy Wonder jokes that he left behind his Bat-Time-Travel Ray.  Superman introduces Supergirl to go with him, but it seems both heroes are cold to each other.  The duo flies away and Batman tells Caulder to find Nezha, no interruptions this time, while the World’s Finest duo go to find the child.  We see the Fawcett Neighborhood, “Outside Philadelphia”, this is the stomping grounds of Shazam and Felxi Faust is using his magical powers to blast the young one.  The child he is hunting is Billy Batson.  Faust didn’t realize that Batson was connected to the Wizard Shazam.  He continues to blast Batson and has his mouth missing in a Matrix way.  Superman swoops Billy away as Batman kicks Faust!  The villain puts up a mystic shield that deflects Superman’s heat vision.  He has Batman and Superman in mystic bonds!  Batman struggles, but can’t escape and mentions about Faust’s hearing.  So Superman whistles.  Interesing way to defeat the sorcerer.  Supergirl and Robin travel back in time using the sword and find dangers there.  Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #2 has Superman and Batman (with Shazam) taking on Felix Faust working for Nezha!  More superheroes, more on our villain, and interesting perspectives on superheroes!                  

Five Red Kryptonite Syringes out of Five! 

#BatmanSupermanWorldsFinest, #MarkWaid, #DanMora, #TheDevilNezha, #NilesCaulder, #DoomPatrol, #ElastiGirl, #Robotman, #NegativeMan, #HouseOfJi, #FelixFaust, #BillyBatson

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