Monday, June 13, 2022

Ms. Marvel, “Generation Why“, Part II, Review!

Ms Marvel features Kamala Khan, a teen girl who idolizes Captain Marvel, but now has her fantasy life turned real!  Kamala has to deal with school and her parents, to get the chance to go to AvengersCon!  Last ep, after talking to her brother, Aamir, her parents agree for her to go.  Her mother, Muneeba, has made her a Hulk costume, and Yusuf, her father, has playfully dressed up as the Hulk and painted himself green.  Kamala is angry that they want to be involved and embarrassed, so Muneeba tosses the costume to her and Yusuf says she can’t go.  Picking up from that part, at the apartment of her friend, Bruno, Kamala calls him that it was a disaster.  He tells her to meet him on the roof. Sitting on the edge of the roof, Kamala says she might of made her dad cry.  Then, she starts thinking that all of her interests may take up too much of her time.  Embarrassing her parents and giving up her dreams is not the direction for her.

She tells Bruno that dressing up is weird and childish, I know enough cosplayers that would not agree with what she says, she adds that “brown girls from Jersey City don’t save the world.”  Bruno disagrees and says that she will save the world.  Great dialogue here.  He has photon gloves that makes Kamala happy.  Bruno is the Winn Schott (from Supergirl or the Cisco Ramon (Flash), costume designers for heroes, for Kamala.  She sees he has his own sticker, “B Carelli Corp”, his own design business.  Kamala activates the gloves, neon lights, and play fights Bruno.  At school, Kamala again is hit by a dodgeball thrown by her rival Zoe.  The coach doesn’t take notice?  Her other friend, Nakia, gives her a towel in passing as Kamala puts a compress on her bloody nose.  Playful, accident, or not, this would be a serious action at a school.  

Night, at home, Kamala tries to talk to her mother, and then sees her father frustrated at the Zuzu device that Bruno had installed.  This gives Kamala an idea, seen with an animated light bulb above her!  The next day, Kamala explains her plan to Bruno, we see Aamir at dinner 5:30 compliment Kamala. He wears an I heart Kamala shirt, funny, and then her parents gushing over her.  5:49, this is the “believable excuse”, Kamala excuses herself to change into her costume at 5:55.  She flips off a tree to do the superhero landing to meet with Bruno.  He asks if her parents come into her room, she replies that the Zuzu system will respond with a recorded message.  Kamala has Ferris Bueller-ed a plan.  They bike over to catch the bus to Camp Lehigh at 6:30. Apparently, Avengerscon is at the same base where Steve Rogers become Captain America and hit with a missile in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014).  

Kamala imagines that they jump their bikes onto the bus and flip off it to enter!  She excitedly says they spend 60 minutes of con fun.  There is an epic moment at 8 p.m., Kamala says it is why she learned to sew and Bruno learned to airbrush, the Cosplay Competition!  A crown is placed on Kamala’s head and she is given flowers, funny dream!   They return at 9:22 p.m. as Yusuf enters her room.  She finishes her drawings and plans on a chalkboard, those are not at schools now, at the chem lab.  Bruno adds that she should add something to her costume Pakistani.  Later, Kamala climbs up to the attic, on a dark and stormy night.  She looks at pink pages of early comic book panels she drew.  Then, takes the bangle from the box that she had previously tried on.  It is now AvengersCon day, at the dinner table, Aamir says he will be going to Taysha’s house that night.  

Kamala is bored listening to her father.  It seems like the conflict has all smoothed over, but I’m feeling it’s just under the rug.  At the window, Bruno is wildly waving to Kamala, and she excuses herself to work on a biology report.  She is late from her plan. Kamala leaps out of her window and falls with part of the tree branch.  Bruno rides up on his bicycle, gets Kamala up, and they have to race for the bus.  The duo reaches the bridge and then have to carry their bikes over the steps.  Bruno enters the bus with his bike and Kamala’s bike is caught in the door so the bus drives on!  Actually, this makes the bus driver liable for the bicycle.  At night, we see the banner for Camp Lehigh, “Home of Captain America."  Kamala is on the seat behind Bruno as he rides up.  They enter the funhouse mouth of the Hulk, we hear the “Star Spangled Man” song from Captain America: The First Avenger, and there is a carnival of cardboard cutouts, photo-ops, and games.  

I think it would be a more effective parody and funnier if this was more comic con than carnival with artists (cameo) and more lights.  There is a poster of Black Widow and Iron Man thanking them for their sacrifice.  Kamala looks admiringly at the foam figure of Captain Marvel.  There is an alert on Kamala’s phone from the Zuzu, Yusuf tells Muneeba that the kids are gone.  The announcer notes that there is going to be the Captain Marvel cosplay contest.  They see Zoe cosplaying in a Captain Marvel costume.  Bruno reassures her. Kamala suits up in the restroom and then takes out the bangle.  The last call for the contest is announced and Kamala rushes off leaving the photon gloves.  Kamala is dressed up and Bruno is impressed. She snaps on the bangle and an energy flows around her while Bruno is watching the stage.  Kamala’s eyes flare and then she is thrown backwards into a realm of people with glowing eyes.  She snaps back to AvengerCon. The new powers of Kamala Khan, not yet Ms Marvel, changes everything, but of course she still has to work things out with her family!            

Five Bangles out of Five! 

#MsMarvel, #ImanVellani, #MattLintz, #ZenobiaShroff, #MohanKapur, #SaagarShaikh, #YasmeenFletcher, #LaurelMarsden   

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