Friday, March 7, 2025

Lorcana: Archazia’s Island at Downtown Disney!

The latest Lorcana set has dropped and there is a mighty change at the Downtown Disney store! It was on May 20 of last year that Ursula’s Return dropped for hobby stores. It was the fourth set that culminated the first arc for Lorcana which began with The First Chapter on August 18, 2023. At Pin Traders, the store that supplies Lorcana at Downtown Disney, early in the morning, the line extended from the security station. Then, it was a walk around the corner to Pin Traders, and the queue then wrapped in taped lines, but had filled up. The line continued across the other side next to the Lego Store and lasted about two hours! Next, it was about a half hour for the Pin Traders side and the product was running out! 

Pin Traders for the release of Archazia’s Island at Downtown Disney, author’s photo. 

The following set, Shimmering Skies, then released on August 9th during the Ultimate Disney Fan Event! The Lorcana booth had such crowds that the hallway of the convention center was blocked off! After a wait, I did get a wristband to return to the booth. Then, another line, but before entering the booth, we were given the promo, “Mickey Mouse - Playful Sorceror”, Enchanted so great effects for the card, and a large pin! At the booth was the new Shimmering Skies sets and the Disney Lorcana D23 Collection Box Set with the “Oswald - The Lucky Rabbit” card from the next set! I had other events to attend so I did not go to the release of Azurite Sea on November 15th. So today was interesting that there was not a line of people at the security station only two fans. Also, there wasn’t a massive queue at Pin Traders, about six and this became just a walk up about an hour later. 

I had seen photos of Lorcana sets at game stores and I had heard that the company, Ravensburger, was able to get enough product for distribution. So it was great to see playmats and all of the sets at Pin Traders. The characters have reached Archazia's Island, they find the "ancient Illumineer" called the Owl of the Azurite Sea, and find more secrets of Lorcana! The promo was an “Anna: Braving the Storm” card from Ursula’s Return that had a space for signing! This card was with any purchase, but ran out some time in the day. The new mechanic was Dual Ink that meshes with the starter decks like Ruby/Sapphire and Amethyst/Steel. One of the Dual Inks card, Amber/Emerald, “Lady - Miss Park Avenue.” She has the ability, “Something Wonderful”, once played 2 character cards that cost 2 or less Ink can return from your discard to your hand! I like the new characters from Lady and the Tramp (1955), The Aristocats (1970), and Bolt (2008). I’m still waiting on The Three Caballeros, The Black Cauldron (1985), and Adventures of the Gummi Bears

The Anna: Braving the Storm promo card! 

New items are the Coils, pieces of armor that are found with our Illumineer characters; Martin, Shanzay, and Venturo. We don’t have them as character cards yet! One of them is “The Amethyst Coil”, when a card goes into your inkwell, you can move 1 damage to another character, ouch! The puzzle cards are also great since they now feature story cards on the reverse with two puzzles! Lorcana continues to provide some great card art including “Isabela Madrigal: In the Moment” by Cesar Vergara. It has Isabela from Encanto (2021) in her purple dress with vines and petal flying, incredible colors and art! The Illumineer’s  Trove, $49.99, has the storage box (always handy to keep your cards!), eight booster packs, a spin-dial counter that features Bolt, 6 dividers with artwork, and six dice. Archazia’s Island Gift Set, $29.99, has another card box about half the size of the Illumineer’s Trove box. It has a glimmer foil promo of “Lilo: Escape Artist” from Azurite Sea. There are five booster packs from the past sets so you can give them as gifts if you already have the cards. The wide release of Archazia's Island is on March 21st. Another great set!   

#ArchaziasIsland, #Lorcana, #Ravensburger, #PinTraders, #DowntownDisney, #TheFirstChapter, #UrsulasReturn, #ShimmeringSkies, #UltimateDisneyFanEvent, #MickeyMousePlayfulSorceror, #DisneyLorcanaD23CollectionBoxSet, #OswaldTheLuckyRabbit, #AnnaBravingTheStorm, 

#DualInk, #LadyMissParkAvenue, #LadyAndTheTramp, #TheAristocats, #Bolt, #TheThreeCaballeros, #TheBlackCauldron, #AdventuresOfTheGummiBears, #Martin, #Shanzay, #Venturo, #TheAmethystCoil, #IsabelaMadrigalInTheMoment, #CesarVergara, #IllumineersTrove, #ArchaziasIslandGiftSet

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