Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Star Wars: Unlimited Pack Opening and New Card Possiblities!

 Star Wars: Unlimited booster packs are surprises, pack after pack, and are ready to play with a few packs! In this case, it was my fourth pack of Spark of Rebellion, $4.99, the first set. The name comes from the 2014 two-part movie that was the premiere of Star Wars: Rebels; FC-RSoE. This has been named the Rebellion Era, Fantasy Flight Games has the board game, Star Wars: Rebellion (2016). So I think a perfect name for a set. The Star Wars: Unlimited booster pack has 16 cards with several levels of rarity starting with 9 common cards. It starts out with a leader, in this case, “Boba Fett: Collecting the Bounty”, 4/7, with art by French Carlomagno. He is standing guard outside of his ship. Fett has the ability, with his attack if an enemy is destroyed, ready 2 Resources, the bounty! The Base card was “Command Center: Death Star” wth 30 HPs. If you are going to have an Imperial base, you gotta have the Death Star! 

The units are basically soldiers with some features. The “Underworld Thug” card, 2/3, is a Hyperspace card. This is the special card that has full bleed art, the card artwork by Felipe Goncalves, does not have borders covering the artwork. I like the Nikto holding a Force Pike. Also part of the commons is “Chewbacca: Loyal Companion”, 3/6. Not the strongest attack compared to other soldier units, where’s the “Let the Wookie Win” card, with a +2/0? “Overwhelming Barrage” part of the 3 Uncommon cards, it gives a unit +2/+2 and then divides the damage to enemy units! You can clear out an opponent’s arena or weaken even their strongest unit! Next, “Sabine Wren: Explosive Artist”, 2/3, she looks like in Star Wars: Rebels with great art by Rebecca Farrow. She has the ability that 3 aspects like Rebel or Mandalorian, she can’t be attacked! On Sabine’s attack, she can gives 1 damage to unit or base, very explosive! 

Star Wars: Unlimited cards from a pack of Spark of Rebellion! 

It is great to have familiar characters like Chewbacca and Sabine in a pack. Then, there is “Agent Kallus: Seeking the Rebels”, 4/4, he is the 1 Rare Card. Kallus has Ambush, so he doesn’t come in Exhausted. He doesn’t have the aspect, Imperial Security Bureau, or Spy. The ISB was a concept from Star Wars: The Roelplaying Game (1987). Lastly, there was the “Chewbacca: Loyal Companion” card as a foil! Normally, I do not like foils, but as a bonus, it is great. So with a Leader and Base, you can build a deck, it also gives you the choice between different Leaders and Bases. Other games, require you to buy a Starter Deck, $34.99, or dozens of packs to build a playable deck. This makes the game playable and affordable. The starter decks feature 10 exclusive cards so if you want them and with all starters, want the range of two decks, 110 cards, counters, rules, playmats and deck boxes.  

 The biggest omission from the game is that there is no “Jek Porkins” or even “Porkins Manuever” card! Unusual with the Jump to Lightspeed set. It is unusual that there is no Bacta card, I imagine the game effect would be return character card from discard to hand. No “Chewbacca’s Bowcaster”? The other iconic Weapon is the “Thermal Detonator”, discard to discard a non-Leader unit. Where’s the “Blue Milk” card? Heal 1 HP? I would like to see an “Ondaconda Farr” card, Padme’s Rodian colleague, there should be an additonal diplomatic strategy in the game. Palpatine was playing that political game along with manipulating the Clone Wars. I hope there are The Ones from Mortis, a Location?, from the arc in season three of the Clone Wars.  Including The Son, The Daughter, and The Father cards with the “Mortis Dagger” Upgrade. They are from the “Overlords”, “Altar of Mortis”, and “Ghosts of Mortis” (2011) episodes, GL-CW15-17. Another arc is from The Lost Missions, season six with "Voices" (2014), GL-CW11. A “Voice of Qui-Gon Jinn”, Jedi is exhausted. Another Dagobah Location. Also, a “Qui-Gon Jinn: Force Ghost” card, gives a Jedi a Shield. A “Cave of Evil” Location, find Sith from deck to put in hand. 

The second episode of the arc is “Destiny”, GL-CW6/12. First, a "Wellspring of Life" Location, search deck for a Jedi card. “Five Force Priestesses”, gives a Shield to a Jedi. “Dark Side Shadow of Yoda”!, when defeated it gives Yoda an Experience token! “Valley of Extinction” Location, search discard for a Jedi card, if that Jedi is not defeated another Jedi gets -3/-3. “Sacrifice”; GL-CW6/13. I can see a “Morband” Location, with the keyword, Sith, maybe a game rule of searching for a “Dun moch”, domination of spirit, card which exhausts a Jedi! Then, a “Vision of Darth Bane” card which gives a Jedi -1/-1! Also a “Vision of Sifo-Dyas”, who exhausts a Sith! A “Sith Alchemy” card to capture a Jedi until a Sith is defeated! Some additions to the game; Teek from Ewoks: Battle for Endor EC-E2, he has yet to enter the current canon. I like the Hoojibs from the Star Wars comic. They are mentioned in Star Wars: Outlaws and current appearance as the Star Wars Adventures Annual 2021. Star Wars: Unlimited has great cards even from a single pack, high collectibility and game play, plus the potential for incredible cards in the future! 

#StarWarsUnlimited, #StarWarsRebels, #BobaFettCollectingTheBounty, #FrenchCarlomagno, #CommandCenterDeathStar, #UnderworldThug, #ChewbaccaLoyalCompanion, #OverwhelmingBarrage, #SabineWrenExplosiveArtist, #RebeccaFarrow, #AgentKallusSeekeingTheRebels, 

#JekPorkins, #PorkinsManeuver, #Bacta, #ChewbaccasBowcaster, #ThermalDetonator, #BlueMilk, #OndacondaFarr, #TheOnes, #TheSon, #TheDaughter, #TheFather, #MortisDagger, #Voices, #AltarOfMortis, #GhostsOfMortis, #Destiny, #WellspringOfLife, #FiveForcePriestesses, #DarkSideShadowOfYoda, #ValleyOfExtinction, #Sacrifice, #Morband, #DunMoch, #VisionOfDarthBane, #VisionOfSifoDyas, #SithAcademy, #Teek, #EwoksBattleForEndor, #Hoojibs 

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