It's Time to Speak the Geek Truth!

It is a world out there that confuses you on what is geeky and what is not.  This is the Geek Truth.  I have collected comics with the oldest comic being my Jack Kirby, Race to the Moon #3 (1958), restored and bought on ebay.  I've met Joe Kubert, interviewed Neal Adams, and got an Aquaman sketch from Nick Cardy.  I've attended Comic Con for decades, not so much recently, but also cons across the country; E3, Wizard World New Orleans, where I trained in lightsaber combat with Nick Gillard, and Philadelphia, Gen Con, and the New York Comic Con.  I went to the first Star Wars Celebration in Denver, dubbed MudCon, and also the one in Anaheim 2015 when BB-8 first rolled out on stage!

Also, there have been travels.  As I mentioned I traveled to New Orleans, one of my favorite cities in the world, Nashville and Memphis, the trip to Philadelphia also took me to Gettysberg and Washington D.C.  I traveled to Belize.  There was also a long trip to the U.K., London, Edinburgh in Scotland, two of my favorite cities in the world, also a visit to elephant house where J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter, Liverpool, Dublin, another favorite, and Cardiff.  Doctor Who is a favorite of mine and going to the Doctor Who Exhibition in Cardiff was a highlight as was seeing the Wales Millennium Centre, above the headquarters of Torchwood. I worked at Disneyland and made a trip to Walt Disney World, and also took the Disney Cruise to the Bahamas, and went to the Bahamas Premier Casino Atlantis there.  There was a side trip to Universal Studios Orlando and Islands of Adventure to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

I have some experience writing for websites, Bleeding Cool and The Geek Girl Project, among others.  Youtube hosting and segments.  Facebook pages including Geek Truth and Star Warriors: A Star Wars Fan Name.  Some of the content will be set up there.  I interviewed William Stout and Joe Jusko.  My first interview with an actor was Sir Ben Kingsley for Laika's Boxtrolls.  It was intimidating with a table and interviewers in a semi-circle.  Sir Ben walks in, t-shirt and jeans, and he radiated charisma, it felt like I had to move my chair back.  He sat down and some questions were posed.  I had my question ready comparing his villainous Snatcher to Shakespeare's Richard III.  He said he never played Richard III and explained his process in working out a role.  Fascinating.  The best part was that there was no follow-up question.  Also, there I interviewed Isaac Hempstead-Wright, who was so fascinated by my copy of the Boxtrolls book, Here Be Monsters!, that he almost ignored the other interviewers.  I gave him the copy after the interviews were finished.  Elle Fanning was also perfectly lovely and I asked her about fantasy roles. There is more fun and adventures in these pages!

#GreekTruth, #StarWarriorsAStarWarsFanName, #DoctorWho, #Laika 
