Cloak & Dagger, “Back Breaker”, Review!

Tyrone has set up Connors pretending to be Billy and the officer is arrested by O’Reilly.  Chantelle, Evita’s aunt, drinks whisky and spits, then writes symbols on the ground.  She sees a Roxxon pipe.  Father Delgado gives a class about Heroes including Evita.  He mentions Regression, the hero losing everything to move on, interesting to put mythology around the spine of this episode.  Officers remove Fuchs’ bloody body from O’Reilly’s refrigerator!  She sees some blood on an umbrella and finds a bloody bat.  It is taken as evidence and she is taken away.  Chief of Police Duchamp (Andrea Frankle) updates Tyrone’s parents about Connors.  Tyrone walks back angry at the truth about Billy.  Evita is anxious over her aunt’s drinking and sits her down.  Chantelle warns her niece about the next crisis and Roxxon.  The Divine Pairing can stop Roxxon.  Her aunt says to ask Tyrone and then falls asleep.  Evita picks up a black figure of Tyrone.  We getting closer to the final moments when it’s time for Cloak and Dagger to fight!   

Tandy is at a house with another young man, she passes by portraits of Stan Lee, her hands glows and she draws him into the dream world.  Two women go with him.  She takes away the two women and then touches the man.  Tandy rolls off the man happy and gets a call from Mina.  Evita walks up to Tyrone who is lost.  His mother, Adina, is also staring.  Tyrone pounds on a classmate who bumped into him.  Tandy meets Mina who has made cookies for her father.  They are joined by Ivan Hess, Mina's father, using a walker.  Father Delgado talks to Tyrone and sets books on his outstretched hands.  He brings up the War of 1812 when the battles kept going on because the people didn’t know when to stop fighting.  Tandy walks off at the mention of her father.  Mina wanted to offer a job to Tandy at Roxxon.  She holds out her hand and Tandy enters the dream world with Mina in a dress walking through a forest looking at flowers.  Tandy leaves her.  I keep wondering why the two don’t at least converse a little getting into problems apart from each other.   

MARVEL'S CLOAK & DAGGER  -“Back Breaker” - (Freeform/Alfonso Bresciani). 

O’Reilly is at a bar getting drunk.  Tandy takes the money from the statue for Liam’s bail.  
He thought she skipped town.  In the room, Tyrone has the books steady, and Father Delgado threatens him with expulsion.  Tandy takes Liam to the church.   Delgado says that Tyrone needs to end the war.  Tyrone says that Delgado is hiding.  Tandy tells Liam she wanted to get married in the church.  Tyrone drops the books and yells at Delgado.  He takes a swing at Delgado and Tandy kisses Liam drawing them into their worlds.  Tandy sees Liam and herself getting married.  Tyrone is in forest with a body, Delgado sits in a car drinking, this is his dark secret.  Tandy touches Liam, taking the dream away.  Tyrone enters the door and sees her dream world and asks about her.  They both pull away.  Tyrone tries to apologize, but Delgado only wants him to leave.  It is interesting that Father Delgado is a helping figure, but of course has his own past.  

Father Delgado mentions the weakness of the Heroes and what could turn them into Villains.  O’Reilly hears Connors get a drink.  She picks up a club from the bar, but is beaten by Connors.  We already had a hint of season 2, Mayhem, the villain that O’Reilly becomes.  Tyrone is at school when Evita comes to talk to him.  They are interrupted by Tandy.  Tandy gets into Evita's dream of being a doctor and breaks her out of the dream.  Evita runs away.  Tyrone asks Tandy if she talked to her mom, but she threatens him with her Light Dagger.  Father Delgado continues the lecture about Heroes reflecting ourselves.  Tyrone walks the night streets.  Tandy sees herself in a window and Tandy sees his reflection. There is trouble for Mina as events repeat.  O’Reilly hears a report on the killer of Fuchs.  Tyrone’s mother confesses everything to protect her last son.  Powerful, true moments.  Then, Tyrone has to go on the run, police have arrived.  Tandy returns home to find an even greater threat!  We are ramping up to the finale!   

Four Light Daggers out of Five!  
