The Outpost, “The Mistress and the Worm”, Review!

An alchemist’s tale, Janzo hears a knock, he looks up to see a corpse slide down and then Talon and Garret.  They have brought his friend, Kell turned into a Plagueling, to determine what happened.  Garret wants to find the mystery of how Plaguelings spread and Janzo is happy at Talon’s praise.  A parasite leaps out of Kell’s mouth and Garret stabs it.  Janzo puts the parasite into a jar.  He needs more Plaguelings.  We know from the last episode that the drug, colipsum, is connected to the spread of the Plaguelings.  The misty morning, the spy follows the drug dealer through a town.  He is killed from behind.  At the tavern, Talon thanks Garret, he brings up the responsibility of Gwynn for Talon.  She is about to turn in when Talon gets a message from Lilly (Baylee Self) to meet with Gwynn.  Morning, in the snow, Janzo looks at the Plagueling bodies with Garret and the big warrior, who cuts off a Plagueling’s arm for Janzo’s study.  Talon walks into Gwynn’s quarters with muddy boots.  

Gwynn asks her if she has taken a bath with rose petals. She takes a seat next to the bath to thank Talon.  Lilly is about to check on Talon’s ears, but she is sent away. Gwynn has Lilly burn Talon’s clothes, but she wants to keep her jacket.  Gwynn offers her friendship and she has a yellow dress for Talon.  Some figure lurks in the night following Talon.  She complains about her tight dress.  The Demon released by Talon last episode leaps out at the peasant woman who was talking to Talon.  Talon walks into the tavern to the hoots of all of the men.  The Mistress is impressed at her appearance.  Talon wants to work as a barmaid.  Mistress is brought the head of her spy.  She sends his brother to take away the head and knows that it is a message from the Worm.  Marshall checks on the body of the peasant woman.  Talon wakes up with a dagger, stones thrown by the marshall, to get Talon to explain about the body of the peasant woman.  He tells her about the message to Everit Dred and the Prime Order.  We are getting closer to Dred’s involvement. 

The Outpost -- "The Mistress and the Worm" -- Photo: NBCU International -- © Outpost TV LLC. Courtesy of Electric Entertainment.
At the smithy, Talon tells the Smith that the Demon killed someone, she wants to know how to command the Demon.  He says to send it to the Plane of Shadow and Ash.  The Smith explains that the Blackblood have the blood of Kizerkhan that rules the Demons.  Another secret of this world.  Garret is questioned by Marshall Wythers over the body.  He confesses that he brought in body of Kell infected as a Plagueling.  Talon checks the arm tattoo of one of the patrons.  She wants Janzo to look for the tattoo.  The Mistress sees the Worm at the tavern.  He says she’s out of dealing calypsum.  The Worm fires a crossbow bolt from a pistol, but Talon holds up a small table to block it.  Marshall Wythers sees Gwynn and Lilly walking and Lilly is sent away.  Gwynn returns home to see Garret.  She kisses him, but he is worried about the commander’s threats.  Janzo brings the Mistress a drink.  She explains that the Worm knows how to get a hold of calypsum.  Janzo checks the Worm’s coat.  

Talon hears something and sees the Demon climbing a building.  She chases it across the rooftops.  Garret sees that she is at the edge of the Outpost.  She takes Garret’s sword and gives it back to him with the sun setting between them.  A man with a symbol on his back is meditating.  This is Everit Dred.  An ally of Magmoor, Tiberion Shek (Cokey Falkow) is told about his death.  Dred sends the man to check on the last Blackblood.  “Don’t fail”, Dred tells him.  His campaign to wipe out the Blackbloods is not finished, but the mystery remains to why he wants to do so, and the connection with the Demons.  Garret has turned away from Gwynn, who needs to get more active in the series, especially her gambling or other such talents.  He is drifting closer to Talon of course.  There needs to be a tad more action and more pieces of the world’s story.  

Three Daggers out of Five! 

#TheOutpost, #TheMistressandtheWorm, #Gwynn, #TheSmith
