Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Star Wars: Resistance, “Fuel for the Fire”, Review!

The rings around Colossus a race is going on as Kaz finishes work on the engine.  He is excited, but the others don’t share his enthusiasm.  Kaz starts up the engine and then it sputters.  He struggles with it and ends with black smoke.  Yeager wants him to finish at the end of the day.  BB-8 gives him a suggestion.  Kaz takes the engine to the daylight so he can see the race.  The engine puffs and starts rolling to the side, Kaz pulls at a cable, but it falls over the station into the sea.  Poor suggestion BB-8.  The engine is pulled from the sea and onto the hangar bay.  Yeager is angry at him focusing on the races.  Kaz doesn’t realize his responsibility is to be a mechanic even though he is a pilot for his mission as a spy.   He is getting a drink and talks to Aunt Z.  A fellow pilot, Jace Rucklin (Elijah Wood), introduces himself and then takes him to see his team; Gorrack Wiles (Eric Bauza) and Lin Gaava (Rachael MacFarlane).  Gorrack says Yeager is the best racer and has his own ship.  Rucklin takes Kaz on a “shortcut”, to speeder bikes.  It is obvious that Rucklin represents the fun that distracts from the work.  Fun isn’t part of Kaz’s mission.  

STAR WARS: RESISTANCE -- “Fuel for the Fire” -- Disney/Lucasfilm. 

They drop down to the sea and race to the sky ring.  Kaz leaps the speeder bike over Rucklin and takes the lead.  Still, his speeder bike sputters and Kaz leaps onto Rucklin’s bike before his speeder bike crashes. Back at Colossus, Yeager catches up to them angry at the two hours he took off duty.  Rucklin is happy at Wiles’ work on the bike.  Yeager shows Kaz the engine and says he might have regrets over taking him in.  Bucket blocks Kaz from talking to Yeager.   Kaz wonders about Rucklin and Neeku warns him about their group.  Kaz and BB-8 go to Rucklin’s hangar and looks at his racer.  Rucklin wants to see Yeager’s private ship.  He has BB-8 act as lookout while Bucket passes and then brings in Rucklin.  Bucket enters Yeager’s room and the others sneak in.  Kaz sees all of Yeager’s trophies and a picture that shows he was pilot at the Battle of Jakku.  Also, the picture shows his family; a wife and daughter.  Of course, Yeager is more of an interesting story with Poe, he may have lost his family because of the Rebellion.  Kaz goes to check on a door.  They hear Yeager and Bucket.  The two boys try to sneak away and then Tam walks in.  He tells Tam to give the kid a break.  Of course we know that Yeager is playing the tough taskmaster, but really because he cares about Kaz Mr. Miyagi-style.  

Rucklin swipes a container from Yeager’s shelf.  Rucklin shows his cohorts the Corellian hyper-fuel, is this Coaxium from Solo?, if so it is not properly identified.   Bucket sees that the fuel is missing and races out of the room.  Bucket informs Tam and Neeku.  Kaz realizes it was Rucklin.  He runs off with BB-8.  Rucklin loads the Corellian hyper fuel into his racer.  He pushes past people and then takes a grate entrance telling Yeager he will explain later.  The racer engines start.  Kaz leaps onto the racer to stop Rucklin and opens his cockpit.  He hits the ejection seat and the racer explodes.  The seat falls and BB-8 attaches a cable to it.   Kaz with Rucklin holding onto him are pulled up by BB-8 and Yeager.  He goes to apologize to Yeager.  Rucklin is angry at him.  Yeager stops at hearing Rucklin stole the hyper fuel.  Yeager stares at the Sky Tower.  Back at the hangar, Yeager says he is not a good mechanic or spy, but he is a good person.  The races go on as he cleans parts.  The engine heads over the station, BB-8 bumps into Kaz, and he races to save the engine again.  We have two episodes of Kaz trying to learn his trade and fit in, but we move away from the racing, First Order and Resistance.  This is also ok, we get more of Kaz’s development, but we lose if this is important to the story of the Resistance.  

Three Lightsabers out of Five! 

#StarWarsResistance, #FuelfortheFire, #JaceRucklin, #ElijahWood 

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