Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Outpost, “The Dragman is Coming”, Finale Review!

Everit Dred is at the Outpost looking for Talon, Whythers and the Mistress tried to lead a revolution and got crossbow bolts for it.  Talon and her friends are returning from the shrine.  Talon, Garret, and Janzo reach fly-ridden posts left by Greyskins, Janzo sees colipsum crystals, he realizes that the coliseum are eggs, the flies are females.  Garret sees that Greyskins are using colipsum to turn humans into Plaguelings!  Finally, we get the life cycle of the Plaguelings.  Ropes are dropped from the Outpost wall while Garret and Talon pull themselves up.  They see Everit Dred and he orders Janzo to be pulled up.  Swords are held to Janzo’s neck. Talon faces Dred.  He holds up her hand and slices it with a short sword seeing her black blood.  Talon is held up by her arms as a captive.  Dred asks why her people did not summon the demons.  He wants her to read the page and summon the demons, then strikes Talon when she refuses.  Next, he threatens to kill her friends in front of her.   

Talon has a noose placed on her neck, everyone else is there with nooses; Janzo, Garret, the Mistress, and Marshall Whythers.  He points to Garret next.  She says the words.  Dred draws his sword, but no demons.  Higgs announces their deaths.  Hooded figures kill the guards and then walk amongst the villagers.  A bell is tolled as the guards warn about the attack.  The hooded soldiers kill the guards and raise the gate.  Queen Gwynn rides in with her soldiers.  A soldiers cuts the rope for Talon, it’s Willis.  It is a coup like in Robin Hood.  Dred cuts through enemies and kills Willis.  Talon fights soldiers and then sees Dred.  Garret leads the coup.  Talon does through colored drapes and then duels with Dred.  She strikes him down and holds a sword to Dred.  Gwynn stops her and tells Talon that he has to brought to trial.  Garret holds her knife hand.  Gwynn draws her sword and says to Dred, “I am your queen!”  Usually the coup is to restore a king, so this is great to see a queen take her throne, though Gwynn was not formally crowned.  I wonder why Essa Khan is missing from the battle.   

THE OUTPOST -- "The Dragman is Coming" -- Photo: NBCU International -- © Outpost TV LLC. Courtesy of Electric Entertainment.

The funeral of General Calkussar and the fallen soldiers is held.  It is presided over by Gwynn and Garrett.  Night, the Outpost, bells toll, and Dred is brought at the same executioner platform. Gwynn goes over all of Everit Dred’s murders.  She says her family ruled for seven generations.  He is to die at sunrise, uh oh, hasn’t she learned to kill the bad guys straight away?  She pronounces Garret as commander.  Naya looks on in the audience.  Gwynn makes Whythers marshall again, I figured this would happen, and he wants to check on Higgs.  He is busy trying to take as much money as he can carry.  He grabs a crossbow, Danno takes the crossbow bolt, Higgs tries to run and falls.  Whythers drives his sword into Higgs.   Danno dies in Whythers’ arms.  The Mistress closes the door on her tavern and hugs Janzo.  She is happy that she can now make colipsum.  Janzo defies her.  He takes out the bag of colipsum and goes to burn it.  Later, Garret has a drink with his father.  He thanks him and they have a drink.  Talon is at the Smith’s place and Janzo enters.  He is wondering about the Fire Song of the Prophecy.  He holds her necklace they took from the shrine to the fire and it glows blue.  Very Lord of the Rings.  

There is a sleeping guard, Naya has taken the keys to free Dred, yup that was going to happen.  One guard to protect the leader of the Prime Order?  She hopes he will free her family.  He kills the guard startled by his appearance.  The dangers of sleeping on the job.  Gwynn is in her room when Garret enters who is there to take her to the celebration.  She gets close to Garret and they kiss.  Talon bursts into the door with Garret and Gwynn on the bed.  She tells Janzo and then pulls him down as Dred swings his sword.  He has Janzo hostage and she drops her sword.  Janzo brings up a fireplace poker and sizzles Dred’s face.  Dred stabs him.  Janzo tells her to use the poker to cauterize the wound.  She kisses him and then applies the burning poker.  She loves him like her brother.  Talon watches over Janzo and sees that the wound is turning green.  He sends her for some powder.  Essa Khan meets with Everit Dred.  The Mistress sends out the messenger pigeon for colipsum.  Gwynn doesn’t know who to trust and there is Naya.  Talon gets the powder and sees Garrett in his armor to tell her Dred escaped.  He says there is a team to hunt for Dred.  She goes to take care of Janzo.  Garrett leads his team from the Outpost.  Janzo is asleep and Talon takes the necklace, she drops it in the fireplace, and hears voices.  It is Ilyn.  She writes on a page to hand to Talon.  She says, “I’m the Dragman.”  What an ending!  The series has a way of putting a twist and we haven’t come to the fulfillment of the prophecy and the end of Dred.  

Five Daggers out of Five! 

#TheOutpost, #TheDragmanisComing, #JessicaGreen, #JakeStormoen 

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