Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Titans, “Origins”, Review!

We pick up with the fight between the Nuclear Family and our heroes in Washington D.C.  The Nuclear Family take Rachel out to their station wagon and they are watched by Kory in her car.  Kory looks at the picture of Rachel.  This flashes back two days, Kory takes a flashlight before going to Rachel’s former home in Traverse City.  She breaks the window to enter the house, spotlights the blood stain on the floor, and then compares Rachel photo to the family photos on the wall.  Kory enters Rachel’s room, noting the deadbolts and crosses.  She checks the floor which has a displaced board and opens it to take out a box and see Rachel’s mother with her child.  It says “St. Paul’s, 2005” on the back. She hears footsteps.  Kory walks out and identifies herself as FBI to the police officer.  She knocks the officer over the stairs. Then, she takes out the other two officers downstairs.  Kory emerges from her flash back, watching the station wagon start up.  Coolville, Ohio, snow covers some of the land, Biff and Sis are playing a game during the drive.  They stop at a gas station, Rachel is in the restroom trying to escape out a window, but her hands are tied and Nuclear Dad is outside.  He sees Kory approach and says, “Oh gosh.”  I predicted it would be Kory that would save Rachel since she was introduced in the pilot.  

She sends a blast of flame that throws Nuclear Dad through the door.  Kory asks Rachel if she knows who she is and takes her away.  The rest of the Nuclear Family walk up and finds Nuclear Dad incinerated.  Next, we have the hospital bed as Dove unconscious.  Hank is there watching over her.  Dick looks in on them.  We flash back to Gotham City fifteen years ago.  A detective, Jessica Perez (Liza Colon-Zayas) tells young Dick Grayson that Bruce Wayne is going to be his foster father and that his parents may have been killed.  He walks into Wayne Manor and checks out his room and then wardrobe.  Dick takes his duffel bag to leave, overhears Alfred, and then goes to the window.  He leaps off and catches a tree to flip to the ground.  We see the shadow of Bruce Wayne at the window.  It resolves to Dick at the hospital. Hank sees him and walks out of the room.  He asks if Dick knows the person who have Rachel, but he doesn’t know and vows to find them.  Dick receives a phone call from the Detective Jessica Perez, she updates him about the intrusion at Rachel’s house, that the woman with magenta hair was seen taking Rachel.  Also, that Detective Rohrbach is dead.  On the road, Rachel reaches out to Kory’s arm, she explains she can feel emotions, but can’t with Kory.  She takes the St. Paul’s photo from the purse. The “Origins” in the episode title seems to be about Dick Grayson and some of Rachel.  

THE TITANS -- “Origins” -- Steve Wilkie/ @2017 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

They reach a diner and no one disturbs them so they order food.  A man, Travis (Stephen Puchalski), tries to be a bully.  Kory sends Rachel to the car while she brutally takes care of Travis and his two friends.  She gets the chicken and waffles in a bag for Rachel.  Dick speeds in his Porsche down the road.  Flashback, Jessica Perez tells Dick about running away, and that Bruce Wayne also lost his parents.  Dick returns to the manor, he sees the portrait of the Wayne family, and then goes to the garage.  He stops at the Porsche and then drives it on the streets of Gotham.  Two police cars pursues the speeding Porsche and then shifts gear and leaves them behind.  Dick pulls into the ruined gas station.  He flashes his badge and sees the burned body. He copies the security cam footage of the gas station and then reviews it on his ipad.  Dick scans Kory and Rachel, then the license plate of Kory’s car, he uses a retinal scan and then locates the car at St. Paul’s Convent in Covington, Ohio.  Kory pulls up to the convent and rings the doorbell.  It is answered by a sister  (Meagen Fay) who recognizes Kory and then turns to Rachel.  At a table, the sister explains that Kory was looking for Rachel a year ago at the convent.  The sister takes Rachel to her room which has a doll.  Kory shows the sister a key which she says is from Scooter’s Roller Palace.  

Chicago, the Nuclear Family enters a building, they reach the room of Dr. Adamson (Reed Birney).  Nuclear Mom reports their failure and Dr. Adilsen knows of the woman.  He is about to destroy his creations (in the comics it is Dr. Shanner), but looks out to the window and says, “Her father will reveal us.”  Dr. Adilsen says he can’t come into this world without Rachel’s welcome.  He decides to give them another chance with another father.  At Scooter’s Roller Palace, Kory opens a locker, and finds an envelope with another key to Stash N’ Dash Storage.  She returns to find Rachel eating fries.  Kory asks about the detective, Dick, who tried to help her.  Rachel asks for change for the arcade, Kory gives her a hundred dollar bill, she goes to play Twilight Zone pinball.  Behind her is a teenage boy with green hair, Garfield Logan, who gives tips.  It seems they kinda like each other.  Dick pulls in his Porsche to the roller rink parking.  He goes to talk to the woman with magenta hair. They know each other. Dick goes to take Rachel away, but she is not happy.  Dick, Rachel, and Kory walk to the parking lot.  Rachel says she’s not leaving without Kory.  Rachel is angry at Dick leaving her and unleashes her power shattering car windows.  Dick drives them back to the convent and Garfield watches them leave.  There is a hint of Trigon, Raven’s demon father from the comics, but he is clearly identified so far.   

THE TITANS -- “Origins” -- Steve Wilkie/ @2017 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

Detective Jessica Perez goes over the charges against Dick.  He wants to find his parent’s killers to kill them.  Bruce Wayne watches from behind the one-way window. At the mansion, Dick finds a letter and it says that he can’t find the answer in revenge and that he will teach him.  The figure of Bruce Wayne appears behind him.  Bruce Wayne appears in shadow, unclear, and we don’t get hints at Batman at this point.  At the convent’s church, Rachel says everyone leaves her, and Dick agrees.  He says the loss won’t go away, but the pain can be controlled only by herself.   Dick gives Rachel time alone, then hears his Porsche pull away, Kory is driving it.  The sister brings Rachel a drink and she falls asleep on the sister’s shoulder, drugged?  Rachel has driven the Porsche to the storage room and opens the gate.  Inside is a tanning bed, she plays a recording of her findings about Rachel, and sees pictures of ravens.  She takes a flashlight and sees alien writing.  Rachel wakens on a gurney.  She is lifted onto a bed from the gurney and the sister locks her in the room.  Dick finds Kory at the storage room and begins taking pics with his cell phone of her research on the walls.  Rachel sees her dark self, which must be her father, asking to let her in.  Dick and Kory work out the clues and Kory thinks Rachel is part of a prophecy.  Rachel sees the shards of the window she broke fly toward her, she screams, Kory says, “She’s the destroyer of worlds”, and Dark Rachel is now free.  The storage room shakes, Kory and Dick look outside, to see the convent burning.  Flocks of ravens fill the sky.  The convent burns and Rachel runs into the forest.  I already saw the pic and title of the next episode, but yes, Garfield is the next hero to try to help Rachel.  This is a getting the team together episode, we get a hint of Rachel’s destiny, but she has not become Raven yet.  

Four Wing Dings out of Five! 

#TheTitans, #Origins, #LizaColonZayas, #MeagenFay

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