I Am The Night, “Matador”, Review!

Victoria Mahoney directs her second episode of I Am The Night as Fauna Hodel uncovers the secrets of her family.  A game of jump rope, innocent, morning and Fauna wakes up.  It is such gentle family life after all of the chaos.  She is still looking at the envelope with Tamar’s ripped address.  She talks to Terence.  At a diner, Jay is talking to Ohls and his colleague, Officer Miller (Marco St. John), who is retiring.  He asks the officer about the Black Dahlia who says they called it the “Werewolf.”  Jay suspects a copycat and says he doesn’t think the victim was killed out of hate.  He goes into his car and looks at the magazine of the murder.  Jay looks at the photos he took and finds a metal object.  Oil pumps, Terence drives Fauna out to the hills over looking Los Angeles, he pours a drink fo Nero at the site of his death.  He throws the bottle and disturbs a homeless man who says he saw a Buick at the time of the murder.  Terence senses a connection with the man following Fauna.  Sepp places a mask with the shadow of a raven.  Fauna returns to Big Momma’s house who tells her Jimmy is coming.  Tina is angry at Fauna staying with Terrence.  She gives her an envelope delivered by a white man.  Fauna opens it to see an invitation to a Happening.  

Peter drives Jay and he still wants the case, he notes that the art department had notice about the Happening.  Fauna walks into the strange party with a line of people in white with designs of the masks.  A woman, Jane, checks on Fauna who asks about Tamar, Jay in a suit wanders around the crowd.  Fauna leaves the room and reaches a dark hall with strange people.  Corinna in a red dress sits and is bound as others watch her.  A woman drops scissors around her.  The woman cuts Corinna’s dress then hands the scissors to another woman.  Others come to cut her dress as Corinna is silent.  She stands and then finally Fauna is given the scissors.  Fauna walks up and then drops the scissors.  The woman puts a coat on Corinna and they walk away as the others whisper.  The woman returns to say Mrs. Huntington is asking for Fauna who tries to apologize.  She removes her blonde wig to reveal her natural brunette hair.  This is Corinna’s Happening.  Fauna slips a book out of Corinna’s purse.  Fauna says that the point was to have people responsible for her.  She asks again about Tamar and Corinna leaves.  She opens the book and finds the address of T.H. Apate.  She walks down steps and is knocked out!  

I AM THE NIGHT -- “Matador” -- INDIA EASLEY  -- Clay Enos/TNT. 
Fauna revives on the floor with Sepp holding a knife and covering her mouth.  He is knocked over by Jay who fights with him.  Sepp holds a spike and is slammed by Jay who stabs him.  I would think Sepp is no match for a soldier.  Fauna looks stunned on a wall as Jay is panting.  There is a growl and thumping noise behind a door.  Jay collapses and Fauna checks on him.  They hear voices coming down the steps.  A couple sees the body, Jay says he is drunk, and they stumble away.  Fauna wants to clean up the murder.  Jay stares at the body.  He takes the body in a wheel barrel and then stuffs Sepp into the back of his car.  Jay drinks heavily.  Fauna has a suggestion of where to take the body.  They head to the same overlook and Jay drags the body.  Fauna says the order weapon has his fingerprints so he removes it.  Fauna takes his wallet.  Jay is staggering led by Fauna to his apartment.  He collapses on his couch and then falls to the floor.  Fauna goes to his restroom to cry. Jay wakes up in police custody and he is interrogated by Sepp until Fauna splashes a pail of water on him waking him from the nightmare.  He goes to the toilet to vomit.  Fauna thanks him.  

She sees on his driver’s license that his name is Ivanovich, Victor Sepp.  Fauna tells him that she is looking for Tamar.  Jay says he is interested in Tamar with her connection to George Hodel.  He gets dressed and Fauna wants her part to be left out of his story.  She suspects that Tamar is in Hawaii and they shake on it.  Jay pulls up to an empty building and checks a desk until he finds a passport and a book of photographs.  He hears a knocking at the door.  There is a message and Jay takes an envelope from a crack in the door.  There is an invitation to a painting gallery from Dr. George Hodel.  A nightclub singer, Jimmy!, Fauna watches her, and she stops singing.  Fauna says she’s like Lena Horne.  I really like seeing Jimmy fulfilling her part as a singer.  Fauna asks about George Hodel.  Jimmy slaps her hard.  Fauna says she is after the truth no matter the cost.  Jay takes the switchblade.  At the country club, Corinna walks in the party.  Jay walks down the steps to Corinna and introduces himself.  She calls security and Jay slips away.  He enters an empty room of paintings from George Hodel.  The paintings are of mannequins which Jay connects to the photos of the dismembered victims!  Jay knows the truth!  He sees a keyhole that was on a body.  Then, he sees the cow skull which growls.  This is getting intense!  Two more episodes before we reach the conclusion!  

Five Cameras out of Five! 

#IAmTheNight, #Matador, #OfficerMiller, #VictorSeppIvanovich 
