Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Allegiance #3 Review!

This issue has a connecting cover with art by Marco Checchetto which has stormtroopers above TIE fighters and the duo of Finn and Poe with blasters!  The story by Ethan Sacks with art by Luke Ross continues with “Dark Side of the Moon”; the sub-title refers to the Pink Floyd album.  We have the captured Resistance members in capsules located in teh Court of Justice in Dac City.  The Mon Calamari look on as King Ech-char is about to judge them.  Young Aftab, the son of Admiral Ackbar, arugues that General Nossor Ri’s men where waiting for our heroes at the Millennium Falcon.  I didn’t catch that the general’s name sounds like “No siree.”  For some reason, Aftab looks like a shirtless jeans wearing alien, like he’s out of a Levi’s commercial.  Not certain why an aquatic alien would wear jeans.  A Quarren aide bring up the “Ancient Rite of Challenge” and Rey accepts.  Now this seems like the Aquaman movie.  

She is going to challenge Nossor’s security droid, Arkay-Nine, a droid that has lobster-like armor and a buzzsaw.  His design reminds me of Maxmillian from Black Hole (1979).  At the Moon of Avedot, Base 354-23X, the Kendoh Gang is trying to cut through the door sealed by Finn.  On the other side, Finn is planning to hide in teh ducts while Poe loads the weapons.  The gang cuts through the door and Kendoh and the heavy bodyguard Wooro pass Finn and BB-8.  Finn falls out o the duct and into Remex.  The shapeshifting assassin takes Finn’s blaster and strikes him.  I like that Finn and Poe get the chance to team up, but these issues seem to distract from the larger story of the war.  Finn is able to escape Remex.  On the island Sacred Arena of Salk’a, Rey with her electrified staff weapon faces the giant robot.  She finds it a challenge.  The security droid blasts at Rey giving Chewbacca the chance to break free.  This also reminds me of the Geonosis arena.  Rey tries to distract the droid to avoid accidental fire.  

It is taken down by Rose which is a nice hero moment for her.  Still, this is intereference with the challenge and King Ech-char sends them away.  The bounty hunter ship moves away to concentrate on the battle on the other side.  So Poe is free to load the weapons.  Finn faces the Aqualish with the spider-like face.  He starts running until reaching the hangar where we see the snowspeeder.  Finn takes the harpoon gun and fires it at Wooro, but the recoil knocks him out.  I think Finn in the film is not so hapless and trained as a stormtrooper he would know about weapons.  Back at the Resistance Camp on Anoat, Lt. Connix informs General Jonato that she has tracked the First Order ships jumping to Mon Cala.  The Resistance members are aout to leave the planet, a shadowy worker loads a crate, that makes Rey suspicious.  Shades of Attack of the Clones (2002)!  The series will wrap next issue, but while we catch up with our main characters, it still seems like a place holder until we get Rise of Skywalker.  I think it will ultimately end with Aftab leading the Mon Calamari forces for the Resistance like Admiral Ackbar in Return of the Jedi.  

Three Lightsabers out of Five!  

#JourneytoStarWarsTheRiseofSkywalkerAllegiance, #GeneralNossorRi, #ArkayNine, #Wooro 
