Star Wars: Resistance, “Live Fire”, Review!

The Colossus Base is now refueld and jumped escaping the First Order.  In space, the pilots of the Aces are at a bar.  Hype Fazon (Donald Faison), the cocky Rodian (the Greedo-like alien) enters seeing the state of his fellow pilots.  Hype is the focus of this episode.  One of the depressed Aces is Freya Fenris (Mary Elizabeth McGlynn) who has the blond, Danish hair braids and speaks with a Russian accent. Sitting sitting to Freya is Torra Doza agrees with her.  Grey-haired Ace with a TIE fighter chestpiece, Griff Haloran (Stephen Stanton) notes that the First Order like the Empire is persistent.  Captain Doza is there and notes that they need combat drills.  He introduces their squadron leader, Yeager, and new member, Kaz!  I like the addition of Yeager.  The composition of the Aces seem to be an assortment of people across the galaxy.  Kaz is happy, but his fellow Aces don’t agree. 

 STAR WARS: RESISTANCE -- “Live Fire” -- Disney/Lucasfilm.  

Tam rushes along with Rucklin down a corridor with their TIE fighter pilot helmets.  Their lateness is dressed down by Lt. Galek (Christine Dunford).  She sends them to their fighters. This is a nice contrast to have the training of Resistance and First Order pilots.  Bucket meets with droids as the Aces meet at a table.  Yeager addresses the group and notes an exercise at an ice moon with stun blasts.  Kaz and Yeager against all of the Aces.  The Aces are individuals not thinking like a group.  Yeager and Kaz are coordinated.  Kaz takes out one Ace.  Torra suggests they work as a group.  Hype gets in the way of Torra.  Yeager coordinates with Kaz to get rid of his tail.  They fly past ice columns.  Hype is eliminated by Yeager.  Later, Yeager says he was thinking like a racer.  At Aunt Z’s cantina, Hype speaks with his droid and gets a drink from Aunt Z.  He is met by Kaz.  Hype shows Kaz his twitching antennae which he says shows he is upset.  Then, Torra joins him and admits she is scared.  She wants Hype as her wingman.  The Star Destroyer, three X-Wings  (drones) are dispatched as Lt. Galek notes that it is a live fire exercise.  Tam destroys one and Rucklin another X-Wing.  

 STAR WARS: RESISTANCE -- “Live Fire” -- Disney/Lucasfilm.  

They try to blast the X-Wing, but disable a TIE fighter.  Tam bumps away the TIE fighter at the last minute.  Lt. Galek stops the exercise.  At the table, Yeager wants the Aces to pair up.  Hype enters with a flourish.  Yeager teams up Hype with Kaz.  At the ice moon, the Aces fly, Kaz and Hype flip through ice columns.  Some creature stirs from the ice blasted by Torra.  Griff and Torra work together.  The ice beast rises up, a creature like a manta ray with big, nasty teeth.  The giant, flying beast is after Hype with the other Aces blasting at it.  Yeager calls for the Aces to break up, his ship is caught in its bottom legs.  Hype gets Kaz to blast the ice pillars.  All of the Aces work together to blast a pillar on Hype’s command.  It crushes the creature and Yeager escapes.  He congradulates the team and they head back.  The TIE fighters reach the hangar.  Lt. Galek takes away squad leader from Tam for saving an inferior pilot. Everyone celebrates at the table.  Hype gives a cheer to his wingmates and welcomes in Kaz.  Neeku is happy, really not in this episode, Kaz hugs Hype.   A fun, action based episode!  

Four Lightsabers out of Five! 

#StarWarsResistance, #LiveFire, #DonaldFaison, #StephenStanton
