Friday, March 5, 2021

WandaVision, “The Series Finale”, Review!

We had an end credit scene in “Breaking the Fourth Wall” where Monica is looking at the basement door of Agatha’s house and she is confronted by Pietro saying, “Snoopers gonna snoop”!  Last episode, Agatha took Wanda through all of the traumatic moments of her past.  The sitcom is over and Agatha shows herself as a witch with Agatha sending purple threads around the necks of Billy and Tommy!  She said Wanda is the Scarlet Witch, a title?, a destined figure of magic?, calling Dr. Strange.  At the S.W.O.R.D. retreat base facing the hexagon walls, Hayward is told that the launch is ready.  He mentions that they could not find a way to power the project and notes Wanda’s power that still courses through the drone.  This is transferred to the android body of White Vision!  This was a version that attacked the Avengers in West Coast Avengers #45 (1989), the last part of the VisionQuest arc, by John Byrne.  

Now, Wanda faces Agatha who yanks back the boys, Wanda responds by sending a blast at the witch.  Wanda sends the boys to their room(!) and Tommy super speeds away with his brother.  Another blast, but Agatha has captured Wanda’s red energy like she did with the Salem witches.  Wanda sees her hand is withered and then she is struck by Agatha’s blast.  Agatha flies up and says she wants Wanda’s magic and will let her keep sitcom Westview.  Wanda sends a car slamming into her and her house.  She checks on Agatha, sees her boots underneath the car, a very funny visual to Wizard of Oz (1939)!  Wanda turns to see White Vision landing!  She walks up to Vision, he holds her head, and then begins crushing it!  White Vision is knocked back into an exploding car!  It is Wanda’s Vision!  Agatha appears above her house saying Wanda is with her “ex and boyfriend”, the dialogue and images work in this episode!  She can’t destroy White Vision, maybe send her Vision back in his original body?  Vision vs. Vision!  Wanda flies after Agatha.  

Trying to get her attention is Monica in an attic, Pietro says that she can’t be heard, while he strums his guitar.  Monica tries to escape, but Pietro blocks her with superspeed and knocks her back.  White Vision wants to destroy Vision, they use their intangibilty powers on each other and Vision ends up in a crater in a Westview street.  Monitoring the battle at the S.W.O.R.D. retreat base is Hayward, while Jimmy is brought in under custody.  He notices a cell phone buzzing on a table.  Jimmy distracts Hayward saying he won’t be able to cover up his actions while he palms the phone.  He says his friends at Quantico will be arrived soon.  Hayward sends Jimmy to a barn where he picks his handcuffs and calls in Quantico personnel.  Wanda descends to the Westview square filled with citizens.  She is struck in the back by Agatha’s bolt.  Agatha says that Wanda is in the Darkhold book.  The book was seen in “Previously On.”  

We see the Darkhold formed, shades of the Necronomicon in Evil Dead (1981)?  Agatha says that the Scarlet Witch is stronger than Doctor Strange!, and will destroy the world, Hellboy vibes.  Agatha restores Dottie’s mind.  Then, the witch restore the memories of everyone in the town.  They angrily surround Wanda.  The Visions are unleashing their energy beams.  Watching them from their room is Tommy and Billy.  Billy sees visions, ha!, of what is happening to his mother and they run to help her.  The Westview citizens want to be free and say they feel Wanda’s pain.  They overwhelm Wanda and she sends out her power forming red lines choking everyone!  She breaks the energy and Agatha says “heroes don’t torture people”, Wanda then sends out a powerful blast to open the Westview walls!  She tells the citizens to run out through the crack made in the walls.  On the other side, Hayward orders in his S.W.O.R.D. troops.  The Visions are locked in an energy blast face off.  Vision is thrown to the Westview square.  He pleads for Wanda to stop as his body disintegrates.  Tommy and Billy arrive and they are starting to dissolve!  Agatha says Wanda has to make the choice to save her family or Westview!  

                                                WandaVision photo op, Disney’s California Adventure, photo by the author. 

WandaVision is one of the most satsifying MCU stories!  The series creator, Jac Schaeffer,  wrote the mild and confusing pilot, but more than made up for it with an incredible finale with characters, emotion, and ties up stories and characters.  Why it is one of the best MCU entries?, it comes down to several factors, but tops is Relatability.  I’m certain that viewers know sadness, regret, family, and wanting to escape from it all, my out was cartoons and Three’s Company.  You may also think up fantasy worlds or day dreams that help you cope with the pressures of the real world.  The show takes these concepts and gives them the superhero and magical polish.  It is the same with Captain America, being bullied and then standing up to bullies, this is relatable.  The next is Comic Book Easter Eggs, it just feels like the makers of WandaVision made the comic book characters and stories fresh.  It is a feat to launch the MCU shows, after Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Marvel Edge-like Netflix series, WandaVision sets the bar.  There is mid-credit and end credit scenes.  

Five Mind Stones out of Five!   

#WandaVision, #TheSeriesFinale, #JacSchaeffer, #ElizabethOlsen, #PaulBettany, #KathrynHahn, #TeyonahParris, #KatDennings, #RandallPark, #JulianHillard, #JettKlyne, #EvanPeters 

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