The Falcon and the Winter Soldier,”One World, One People”, Review!

Re:Cap of last episode, “Truth”, Bucky works with Sam to repair the fishing boat.  Walker meets with Lemar’s parents, he does lie that the person he killed had killed their son, so this episode has the truth and a lie.  In Madripoor, Sharon Carter has made a call to her contact, giving payment to him.  Bucky wakens on Sharon’s couch to see her kids play with the shield and smiles.  Later, Sam throws the shield in practice.  Bucky apologizes for Steve and himself.  Sam asks if Bucky still has nightmares and suggest to him to help the ones in his book.  Bucky says he will be back once Sam calls about Karli.  Sam admits to Sarah that he understands Isaiah, but wants to keep fighting!  He trains with the shield.  

The best part is the Captain America theme building as Sam wields the shield!  Karli and Dovich are at a New York park and meet with Batroc, Sharon’s contact!, who gives them a case of weapons.  She activates her followers, nearly everyone at the park, with Batroc wanting to kill the Falcon.  Torres makes a call that he tracked the movements of the Flag Smashers to New York.  The GRC are meeting there, but the power goes out!  Sam opens the case, it’s Captain America time!  Mid-credit, we have Walker forging his own shield using his Medal of Honor as part of it!  USAagent time, his new identity which he had taken up in Captain America #354 (1989)!  The episode opens with Karli and the other Flag Smashers including Dovich as we hear Karli saying it is time!  

We see police locking down the GRC building in New York before the Global Resettlement Vote.  Flying in is Sam and on the ground is Bucky, he is met by a man, really Sharon with a face replacement mask.  Karli sees the Falcon wings and gives the order.  A Flag Smasher pulls on his mask and throws a device, it releases gas in the GRC conference room!  The members flee into the halls outside and are met by a Flag Smasher!  Outside is Captain America with his wings and throws his shield!  He smashes through the window, awesome entrance!  We see his new armor, modified Falcon visor, blue and white striped armor right out of the comics!  He is asked by a GRC member who he is and Sam tells him he is Captain America. Sam is knocked down by a Flag Smasher who pulls off his mask, Batroc!  They start their battle as Bucky and Sharon are starting towards a Flag Smasher member trying to guide out the GRC people to a stairwell, Karli contacts him.  

A woman in a business suit hands her phone to Winter Soldier and Karli talks to him.  The Flag Smasher member has the GRC evacuated to twos van and places devices to lock them in.  Sharon is right behind him.  Bucky tries to remind Karli that the people whom she killed will continue to haunt her.  Bucky gets on a motorcycle to pursue the vans.  Sharon runs into the burly Flag Smasher and palms a device on him.  She walks away as there is a pop, the driver is knocked out by gas, and the van crashes! GRC members are boarding on a helicopter on the building, it looks like a Flag Smasher, Diego (Tyler Dean Flores), is the pilot!  Captain America is still fighting Batroc, he knocks him back with a rocket fired thrust!  He crashes through the window and flies after the helicopter!  Sam has the new Redwing scan the GRC members to see if one is a pilot.  Karli tells the other Flag Smashers including Dovich that the hostages can be killed. They reluctantly agree to the Flag Smasher slogan. 

                                                    The former wings of The Falcon, d23 Expo, 2019, photo by the author. 

The Flag Smasher pilot clips a NYPD helicopter, Redwing hooks one pilot, Sam pulls the other pilot free, and then covers him with his wings to protect them from the falling helicopter.  His reveal gets cheers from onlookers, before he flies away. Karli’s Flag Smashers set up barricades to block the vans.  Then, they knock out the vans’ security and drivers. Bucky slams his motorcycle into the barrier and flies into battle with Dovich.  Karli orders a distraction and has her Flag Smashers ignite the van with gasoline!  Winter Soldier kicks Dovich, then goes to try to free the GNC trapped in the van.  Karli is confronted by Walker in his new suit, he wants vengeance for Lemar, she makes a weak apology?  He throws his shield, but Karli kicks it down, not a true shield.  The other Flag Smashers start fighting him.  Winter Soldier punches the device and then tears open the van doors.  Walker continues fighting with Karli.  

Winter Soldier is knocked down to a construction site and battles Dovich.  Sam contacts an Asian GRC member by phone and speaks to her with earbuds.  The Flag Smasher pilot slams the helicopter into Captain America.  Still, he emerges from the river to start a countdown with the GRC pilot.  He knocks from the helicopter the Flag Smasher pilot and the GRC pilot is able to take the controls.  Karli is able to take care of Walker enough to move the concrete barrier and drive the van to crash above the construction site.  Walker sees Karli and then actually does the heroic thing and pulls back the van, his “shield” falls to the construction site.  Still, Karli and her Flag Smashers tackle him, and they all fall.  The van hooks onto another railing about to fall.  Captain America with assist of Red Wing rights the van.  An elderly onlooker says he is Black Falcon and another corrects him that it is Captain America!  

Captain America throws his shield striking the Flag Smashers.  Cap says that he is trying something new to Karli.  Batroc fires gas pellet down to the construction site, I guess he can run fast?  Captain America through his visor tracks the heat signatures of Karli and the Flag Smashers, he chases after them with Winter Soldier and Walker.  They split up to go after them.  Karli hears the whistling signal of the Flag Smashers, but finds Sharon Carter with her gun.  Sharon wants Karli to work for her again, the Power Broker, Batroc appears.  He wants more payment, Sharon shoots him, but is shot by Karli.  Captain America uses his rocket to strike Karli before she shoots Sharon again.  She fights Captain America, remember he doesn’t have the Super Soldier serum, just old fashioned heroism.  Dovich and the other Flag Smashers try to escape and are met by Walker and Winter Soldier.  

Karli lashes out at the shield, but Captain America doesn’t want to fight her.  She picks up her gun.  It does not end well for Karli.  Captain America flies Karli’s body to an ambulance, Bucky and Walker are there, and then meets with the GRC members.  He speak for Karli and all of the people who returned.  Captain America is recorded by the news, it is seen by Isaiah and Eli at home, and Torres on his laptop.  He says all of the power is with the GRC and wants them to consider the people. It isn’t about saving the day, it’s about building the present.  All of the characters return and we get a good finality to everyone’s story, but with just a little opening for more of the new Captain America.  The bravery of the show is not dealing with super hero action, but consequences for actions.  There is a mid credit scene.  The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, of course needed to be re-titled, wraps up here perfectly.  

Five Red Wings out of Five! 

 #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier, #CaptainAmerica, #WinterSoldier, #SharonCarter, #KarliMorgenthau, #IsaiahBradley, 
