Friday, September 17, 2021

The Outpost, ”Something to Live For”, Review!

Our heroes need to destroy the bodies of the last two Masters.  313 has escaped and wakened his people, the Kahvi!  Janzo and Wren see the wakened Kahvi and 313 wants lokma.  He threatens Janzo and Wren, knocking both of them out.  There is a stream of energy coming from the skelikor.  Janya has drawn the life force from a village.  Talon walks with Luna who is tossing around a dagger.  They make a wager on Luna throwing a dagger and Talon coughs throwing off her aim.  Then, Talon throws both daggers.  Munt fills up a flask of water and asks Zed and Nedra about life in the Plane of Ashes.  She says Zed was too busy hunting in the Plane of Ashes.  Munt enjoys their exchange smiling.  Nedra wants Zed to enjoy the beauty of this world, will Zed die, gasp?  Garret checks on the empty prison.  Talon looks out to see a burning village and then Luna.  Looking at the map, Zed is looking to see their destination.  

THE OUTPOST - - “Something to Live For” - - ADAM JOHNSON, REECE RITCHIE, TAMARA RADOVANOVIC - - Photo: Aleksandar Letic/NBCU International -- © 2021 Outpost TV LLC, Courtesy of Electric Entertainment. All rights reserved.

Nedra finds some blue flowers that take her interest.  She notes that there is a warm spring warming the flowers and trace it to a cliff crack that will lead underground.  Janzo is asleep, bound, Wren moves over to him, he is bleeding from his wound by his ear.  They find a pod.  Garret sees that the lab is wrecked.  313 knocks him out from behind with a wooden hammer.  Talon sees a storyteller with a crowd gathered around him.  Luna points out his trick, setting fire from his palm, he wants offerings to save their village.  Talon walks up to this “ambassador to the gods.”  He closes his chest of offerings and tries to run away.  She trips him and plucks off the fake zinj on his forehead.  The villagers take their valuables and leave to evacuate villages under Talon’s suggestion.  Zed has reached the tomb of the other Master with the others carrying a torch.  It is lit by purple.  He tries to use his sword to pry it open, Munt uses his hammer to slam the hilt.  Nedra adds her sword blade.  They open the crypt and reveal the Master, Golu.  So Zed has Golu’s zinj and he heads there to destroy him?  Not a great plan.  

Zed stabs the body of Golu.  Levare appears and strikes at them.  Munt saves Nedra and Levare teleports away.  They remove the body and put it on a pyre, Zed throws the torch.  If they dust him, they should scatter the dust, take it a few miles away and drop some every few paces.  Maybe throw in some chicken ashes.  Nedra, and Munt reach the forest, a horse rider is coming, he takes the scope and sees a Master riding, Tera, Zed knows he has a black kinj.  Zed wants to face him alone.  He takes Munt and Nedra’s hands to hide his purple kinj.  Wren and Janzo go back to back to try to untie themselves.  313 wants them to help his son.  Zed faces Tera who realizes he doesn’t have a zinj.  He strikes the Master with his sword against the Master's staff.  Zed is struck in the leg with the staff, but pierces Tera's chest with his sword, and kicks him against a tree!  Munt is confronted by Levare, she stabs him with the sword!, his zinj emerges.  She ports to see Tera and pulls free the sword.  Munt is bleeding when Nedra arrives.  Will Munt be saved?  The ending of series kinda softens the blow of his possible loss.  

THE OUTPOST - - “Something to Live For” - - REECE RITCHIE - - Photo: Aleksandar Letic/NBCU International -- © 2021 Outpost TV LLC, Courtesy of Electric Entertainment. All rights reserved.

He wants Nedra to take the zinj and leave him, no!, Munt is dying?  She wants Munt to tell Zed something if he comes by, but has to walk away to keep the kinj safe.  Night, Talon plays the octa card game with Luna by a campfire, they set down to sleep and Luna asks about Garret.  She tells Talon that she should marry him, everyone thinks the same!  If Talon doesn’t marry him, Luna will!  Warlita is checking on Garret’s wound and he gets up.  The only place left is the cavern.  313 cuts Janzo free and he begins to pull off the coccoon off of a Kahvi, 313’s son!  Janzo gives her some oil that Wren told her to use.  He is not successful.  313 comes at Janzo with his knife.  Wren kicks 313 and Janzo takes the knife.  Then, Garret arrives with guards!  Tera walks the forest with his stab wound, Zed is beneath him, without any weapons.  He returns to Levare and she tells him to take the kinj from Munt.  A game of Keep Away Kinj?  

He realizes that Munt doesn’t have to kinj and reaches out to kill him!  Zed knocks Tera down with a staff and strikes the Master.  Levare ports away.  Zed leaves Munt and takes up his sword to save Nedra.  He walks up to her, Zed yells at her to give him the zinj, Nedra says she wouldn’t be missed.  They kiss, finally!, and runs to protect the zinj!  Zed runs to see Nedra fighting with the beast, then Levare kills her!  Nedra’s death seems all too soon, we have just gotten to know her, excellent performance Tamara Radovanovic!  Tera turns her to dust and the zinj floats up.  Levare ports away and Tera rides off, Zed falls to his knees, he places the flower next to Nedra’s dust.  Garret gives a sword to 313.  Janzo and Wren convince Garret to spare him so he takes 313 back to prison.  Morning, Talon and Luna reach the resting place of Aster.  Janya follows the purple kinj to the coffin.  She sees the body of Golu turned to dust and uses her power to reform him!  I haven’t ever seen someone use magic to turn dust to life.  He awakens with his purple kinj.  The only Master to be revived is Aster!  There are some fine moments in this episode of The Outpost, but there are just too many deaths at this point!  

Four Daggers out of Five!  

#TheOutpost, #SomethingToLiveFor, #Nedra, #TamaraRadovanovic, #SaveOurOutpost

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