Naomi, “Zero to Sixty”, Review!

Re:cap - Naomi faces off with Zumbado at a warehouse, but runs off when her power doesn’t protect her.  Lourdes drops her off and walks with Anthony and she brings up their pizza date which she is ready to take it to that level.  Jeff tries to find the actor hired by Dee, but his voicemail box was full.  Dee is sketching a leaf while Naomi enters and admits she has powers.  Commander Steel puts Jeff on the task force.  Zumbado looks at the strange alien writing and it disappears when he has his hand.  Naomi jumps off the bridge, Dee smiles, and says, “No splash.”  The third ep begins with a young Naomi showing a turtle to her father on Earth Day.  Her parents are watching the video and Naomi asks if they are seeing the video because of college week.  She notices her father’s Hartford sweater.  They go over the family album.  This is a needed family scene. 

NAOMI - - “Zero to Sixty” - - KACI WALFALL , ALEXANDER WRAITH - - Photo: The CW -- © 2022 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

At a basement with a strange art performance, Zumbado is there when a woman, Akira (Stephanie March) walks down steps.  Her name is not revealed.  She says sixteen years is a long time to wait and hates the planet.  The woman says Zumbado found her with the disc.  She says they are being hunted.  They know about Commander Steel's plans.  Naomi walks into a dojo with Dee sparring with escrima sticks with a tough, black man.  Naomi is amazed that the dojo is underneath the tatoo shop.  He starts off her training with a tennis ball.  He wants her to bounce the hall in alternating hands.  She mentions the disc.  At school, Nathan introduces himself to a college recruiter, then Anthony, Jacob, Annabelle, and Naomi.  She says she wants to be an environmental scientist. The Hartford recruiter likes her introduction and is eager for her essay. Naomi talks with Annabelle is at Ms. Anderson’s class.  

They bring up a discount by Zumbado that make all of them go to Zumbado’s auto lot.  Annabelle goes on lookout and Naomi uses her powers to short out the electronic lock on the safe to get the disc!  They face Zumbado and then leave.  On the school bus, Naomi shows the disc to Jacob sitting next to Annabelle.  Next they go on tour to the Central Oregon campus.  Naomi looks at a map and heads to the geology lab while Annabelle covers for her.  She goes up to Nathan who wants to go along with them also Anthony.  Also, Lourdes shows up since she was recommended to go to college on her GED.  They sneak into the geology lab and Jacob hands out uniforms to everyone.  Zumbadgo takes the real disc from the “secret compartment” in his safe.  Jacob sends up the laser scan as Zumbado places the real disc activating it.  This Scooby gang always sticks together.  

NAOMI - - “Zero to Sixty” - - WILL MYERS, MARY-CHARLES JONES, DANIEL PUIG, AIDAN GEMME, CAMILA MORENO, KACI WALFALL - - Photo: Danny Delgado/The CW -- © 2022 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The equipment starts to smoke and an alarm goes off.  Naomi finds the disc is missing!  All of the friends are outside of the principal’s office, Jennifer was talkign to the principal, and then takes Naomi away for a talk.  She is disappointed that Naomi didn’t work on her essay and instead went on a tour, trespassed, and destroyed property.  Who actually is paying for the destroyed scanner?  Her mother tells her to show up for dinner at 6 p.m.  Naomi is training with Dee and mentions the current situation.  He takes Naomi to see his friend, Adam Blake (Chase Anderson), busy playing pinball.  Introducing two of the metahumans/aliens is a plus for the show.  He greets Dee as Darkovo and then takes Naomi’s hands to read her energy.  Adam says the disc was a form of “ancient communication”, that the disc isn’t real.  A group of gunmen, Dee later calls them a special ops team, burst into the building and start firing on them with Dee and Naomi slipping away.  

Night, Naomi worries about Adam back at Dee’s tatoo shop, but Dee says it was a military team.  Is this the the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Team?  She returns home to find her parents waiting to have a talk with their daughter.  Naomi forgot the 6 p.m. dinner time.  Greg sends her to her room for Naomi’s defiance.  He says it is dangerous and takes her phone.  The mysterious woman, Akira, says she is not interested in Zumbado’s business.  He shows her the disc activated by Naomi, she is the key?, but Esme doesn’t want any part of his plans.  Esme says she can’t return home because of Zumbado!  Naomi is at her room, Lourdes climbs in her window, with some Zatanna comics.  In her room, there is a poster of Superman holding out his hand, I’m not familiar with the image and it may be original art for the show.  In the comic, Zatanna hid an artifact in a fire that might be like the disc.  The fire at the underground bomb shelter might have the disc translation!  Later, we see Lourdes outside of her store, Levon's Comics & Vintage Collectibles, who's Levon?  The training and more of the Superman-like mystery makes for an excellent episode of Naomi!  

Four Discs out of Five!  

#Naomi, #ZeroToSixty, #StephanieMarch, #ChaseAnderson 
