Re:tro Re:view - World of Krypton (2022) #1!

 World of Krypton #1 tells the story of the doomed world, the House of El, the heroic General Zod, and the infant Kara!  The first World of Krypton (1979) was one of the first limited series.  The stories of Krypton were revealed the story of Jor-El until the destruction of his home world.  It was crafted by Paul Kupperberg and Howard Chaykin.  There also was the limited series Krypton Chronicles (1981) by the mega-team of E. Nelson Bridwell and Curt Swan.  It covered the early members of the House of El.  The second series with the post-Crisis reboot of the DCU was by John Byrne and Mike Mignola. The 1987-1988 mini-series followed Superman’s descendant Captain Van-L who fought in the Kryptonian Wars to Jor-El and the destruction of Krypton. It is fascinating to see the science fiction former homeward of Kal-El, the Kryptonian families, and of course the House of El. 

Side note: there was the ancestors of Jonathan Kent; Nathaniel and Jeb Kent who find themselves on opposite sides of the Civil War and then end up on the lawless town of Smallville right out of Westerns!  All of this in the 1997-1998 twelve issue series The Kents by John Ostrander with art by Timothy Truman and Tom Mandrake.  The cover of issue one features artwork by Mico Suayan who worked on the Black Label limited series, Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity (2019-2021).  It has a painterly cover of the cosmos as Jor-El holds Lara with her headdress established by John Byrne in Man of Steel #1 (1986).  This before the planet Krypton is rupturing. “Bellwether” is by writer, Robert Venditti, who just finished Superman `78.  The artwork is Michael Avon Oeming who was also the artist for Action Comics #1029-1034 (2021).  We open with the observations of Nira-Ur, her first appearance, in the Jewel Valley next to the mountains that were introduced in Superman #141 (1960) when Superman traveled to the Krypton of the past.  

She is recording this on a holo journal and wonders why the though-beast have moved from their usual grounds.   Thought-beasts who were introduced in Superboy #102 (1963).  In a stunning two page spread we have the herd of rhinoceros-like beasts with large plates like triceratops with flashes on their red surfaces.  Nira-Ur witnesses the scene with her staff in shadow.  She mentions that the fall of one species will signal the doom of all life forms!  We move to Kryptonopolis, the floating capital city, it became the capital after the loss of Kandor.  The city first appeared in Superman #159 (1963).  Jor-El is nervous reassured by his wife, Lara, reassures him for the naming ceremony of his niece.  The matriarch and patriarch of the House El are announced as the enter the hall.  He is met by his brother, Zor-El, Lara sees Alura and her new baby.  Alura says her name is Kara Zor-El, who later of course becomes Supergirl!  I absolutely love seeing lil’ Kara before Krypton’s destruction.  

Then, they see their cousin, Kru entering with his black suit and cape with three crystal shards above his head.  Kru-El began his black sheep appearance in Action Comics #297 (1963).  Kru is all smiles.  Jor-El rebuffs him and Kru moves on to greet a chancellor. Jor-El and Zor mention Kru when they see General Dru, former black sheep of the House of Zod!  The Kryptonian villain, more friendly here, first appeared in Adventure Comics #283 (1961).  Kru turns to see General Zod warmly greeted by his cousins.  Close-up of his eyes as he glares are them and then walks away in shadow.  Dru says he wants to retire from the military even after saving Daxam from the Dominion.  I like the different factions and families making me think of the Krypton (2018-2019) series.  Daxamites are on the same power level as Superman including the Legion of Super-Heroes member Mon-El. They cheer to the fallen and we get them in shadow with the House of El shield below them.  An incredible visual. 

Next, we get the arrival of Nira-Ur who greets them and wants to speak with Jor-El.  She shows him the holo images of the thought-beast herd.  She checked for a cause of death, but does not know what killed them.  Nira suspects that the thought-beasts were able to detect something that the Kryptonians didn’t notice.  Their deaths are a bellwether event.  She wants Jor to investigate any subtle differences to Krypton as chair of Geologic Sciences.  The ceremony guests clap which requires Jor-El to join them.  The head of the Military Council is uncomfortable with the ceremony and Dru leaves her.  A waiter holding a tray of desserts passes by a guest.  This gets Dru’s attention and we see in a closeup of Dru’s eyes and snarl as he sees an explosive under the tray.  Dru shouts out a warning to Jor.  Two of the dissedents take out pistols shouting, “Free Krypton!”  Dru-Zod moves to stop them and Jor-El to protect his family.  They believe that is corrupt and the House of El must fall.  World of Krypton #1 has the first sign of the catastrophe and the political tensions of the people of Krypton before the arrival of baby Kal-El!   

Five Medex Droids out of Five! 

#WorldOfKrypton, #RobertVenditti, #MichaelAvonOeming, #NiraUr, #Lara, #JorEl, #KruEl, #DruZod 
