Thrawn Alliances #3 Review!

Thrawn Alliances #3 takes Thrawn, Anakin and Darth Vader into detective mode to uncover the mysteries of Padme’s disappearance and the distrubance in the Force! Re:cap - Thrawn Alliances #2; in the time of the Clone Wars, Anakin has flown his Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor and discovered the engines were sabotaged. He leaps from his ship letting Artoo to fly it. He deflects blasterfire from a droid who was shooting on Thrawn by his landspeeder. They find a gray freighter that is Separatist. Thrawn detects that crates have the same markings that they saw on the smuggler’s ship. Anakin slices open the crate with his lightsaber, it has quadranium used for armor, then he slices it vertically finding scrap metal filling most of the crate! They have found that the ship was intnded to head to Cermau. It is a planet on the hyperspace route to Endor in the Outer Rim. 

Thrawn suspects that Padme is not at Cermac and Artoo finds eleven systems on the route to Cermac! The bartender who led the ambush on them is taken away, bugged by Thrawn, and they head to find who took him away. Vader shatters the permacrete that had sealed him in trapped by the Darshi. He activates his lightsaber and strikes them down! Then, Vader cuts Thrawn free from his permacrete, he knows that there were other Darshi. Thrawn takes the time to take out a Darshi’s dagger, then they walk out of the cantina. The planet, Mokivj, Padme is about to land her ship. Then, she finds a vulture droid peched behind the cockpit. Padme can eject into an escape pod, but will be seen by the vulture droid! A great cliffhanger! Thrawn Alliances #3 has a cover by Rod Reis of Thrawn steepling his fingers in the darkness with his red eyes!   

The comic book is by the writing team of Timothy Zhan and Jody Houser. The art team is Pat Oliffe and Andrea Di Vito. Now, Darth Vader says that the disturbance of the Force that they were looking for is gone. He sees along with Thrawn that a ship leaving planetside. Vader wants the Chimaera to take the freighter, but Thrawn says that they are too far. Thrawn says Comander Kimmund of the First Legion will take the freighter. They will investigate evidence left behind. TIE Defenders with multiple wings stop the freighter. Kimmund's Darkhawk freighter moves towards the fleeing ship. Kimmund orders sizzlers, paste used to breach starships, and an opening drops. The Darshi defend like Rebels in Star Wars (1977) and the stormtroopers come out blasting! I love the call backs to the films and new SW concepts! Then, the landspeeder with Anakin and Thrawn reach the bartender with other mercenaries. 

Thrawn suggests to Anakin about the Reek. The beast he rode in Attack of the Clones (2002). Anakin is on the hood of the racing landspeeder he swings his lightsaber as the speeder swerves! He tosses the spinning lightsaber that slices a thermal detonator before it returns to his hand! Anakin and Thrawn are an invincible team! The only survivor is a bearded man with an eyepatch, Oenti. Thrawn says he is the leader and Anakin holds his lightsaber before Oenti’s face before they take him inside the cantina. Kimmund has organized his troopers and sends Aksind's squad to secure the engines. He heads to the hold and find several E-web blasters, the heavy guns set up by the snowtroopers in Empire Strikes Back, they are outgunned! Kimmund holds back his troopers from the heavy fire! A stormtrooper who thinks strategically! 

Kimmund leads the counter attack which destroys the E-web blasters in an explosion! He sees two buttons and clicks one. The hold opens and two troopers and blasted! Kimmund closes th door and his second-in-command, Drav, has identified the situation. Kimmund sees the rows of cylinders and the aliens are setting explosives! Next, they hear an explosion! Then, a lightsaber carves a breach into the cantina door with a blue Twi’ek and a Quarren. They take Anakin, Oenti, and Thrawn to meet with the Gamoran bartender, Janott. Oenti mentions that Janott’s gang is on the list of the Duke. Thrawn explains the plot as Anakin holds his lightsaber to Janott. He says Janott and his gang are Separtists. The duke has a base and bringing supplies using Batuu. The smugglers disrupted that plan and Janott had told them which cargo was valuable and which was fake.

There was a person who found out about the cargo and traveled to Galaxy’s Edge, Padme’s handmaiden, Duja! This was an interesting mystery uncovered by Sherlock Thrawn and Mr. Skywalker! More elaborate than Obi-Wan in Attack of the Clones (2002)! Thrawn's mind applied to something outside of a battle or pursuit of enemies really develops his character. The gang thought Duja was a thief, but she managed to contact Padme. When they were about to leave, Thrawn tells them, they found Padme’s ship, Anakin wants to know what happened to her. Now, Kimmund reports that the cargo was destroyed and the freighter escaped into lightspeed. Thrawn and Vader into a facility that the grand admiral says are cloning cylinders. This is a nod to the Spaarti cloning cylinders that was mentioned in Heir to the Empire (1991). Vader says they are hibernation tanks and says that two of them will be sent to the Chimaera while they return to see the bartender again!

Thrawn Alliances #3 gets closer to the mysteries revealing the characters of Thrawn, Anakin, and Vader! 

Five Lightsabers out of Five! 


#ThrawnAlliances, #TimothyZahn, #JodyHouser, #PatOliffe, #AndreaDiVito, #Thrawn, #DarthVader, #AnakinSkywalker, #PadmeAmidala,  #CommanderKimmund, #Oenti, #Janott
