Wednesday, June 26, 2024

X-Men `97, “Tolerance is Exctinction Part 3”, Part I Review!

The finale of X-Men `97 brings a final confrontation with Bastion, a meeting of the minds with Charles Xavier and Magneto!, and what is the future for the X-Men! Tensions have risen between human and mutantkind. Bastion, the mastemind behind the Prime Sentinels, was stopped by Magneto’s electromagnetic pulse that now endangers the Earth! Re: cap - “Tolerance is Exctinction - Part 2”; Bastion has activated his Prime Sentinels aound the world, but Magneto has shut down the power of the world! Magneto offers to make mutants safe on Asteroid M and he is joined by Rogue and Roberto! 

Blue Team goes to stop Magneto made up of Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, and Jubilee. Gold Team head to Bastion, made up of Bishop and Storm in the X-Jet with Jean Grey, Beast, and Morph. Mister Sinister enters Bastion’s base, Bastion shocks him back, revealing Morph! The collar to suppress Bastion’s control Prime Sentinel signal falls. The character of Bastion seems to defy an EMP, all forms of electricity, beyond anything technological. He says Morph should have known that Sinister would not risk his life for another person! Beast flips in and grabs the collar, but Bastion binds him. Forge flies the X-Jet next to Storm and it is struck! Then Storm is blasted by a Sentinel! She falls into the sea while the X-Jet crashes. 

Sinister says he has studied Jean Grey. She calls him a coward. Sinister tells her he was waiting for what he wants - Cable shoots her and Jean’s telekinetic bubble falls across a lake. Cable was who Sinister was trying to make from Madelyne Pryor! He keeps up blasting Jean’s shield and she shouts to him that Sinister is controlling him like Madelyne. She shatters his rifle and he unleashes his telekinetic blast! Jean screams out Scott’s name! Psychically, Cyclops sees the battle of his son and Jean. A closeup of Cyke’s visor as Jean says she love him. These are X-Men moments right out of the comic books! The connection is cut off and Cyclops is back at Asteroid M. Wolverine tackles Magneto from behind, but the Master of Magnetism sends him back! 

His battered helmet falls from Wolverine’s hands. Xavier tells Magnus that he has no choice and taps into his mind, Magneto screams and then falls! Cyclops reports that Gold Team needs more time. Magneto stands and his power binds all of the X-Men, allies and enemies! He slams his helmet on Xavier to crush his skull! This is a nasty use of his power to turn his helmet into a weapon! Then, adamantium claws run into his back! Bloody claws that pierce his chest! Wolverine growls to Magneto that the brave die first. Magneto uses his power to retract Wolverine’s claws. Xavier tells him not to continue. Wolverine screams as Magneto tears out the adamantium from Wolverine’s body. This was done in the comics in X-Men #25 (1993). A stunning ending! 

The final episode of season one is directed by Chase Conley. The writers are Beau DeMayo, series creator, and Antony Sellittii. Somber music before the opening.  I like the addition of Xavier and Magnto taking on Hydra soldiers. We hear The Byrds, “Turn! Turn! Turn!” as we se the destruction with soldiers at a town. Inside a bar are two friends, Xavier and Magnus in coats. Xavier says they are helping survivors. He brings up that if mutants exist, then they could help the world. Magnus says people are already the best thinking of themselves that way. Xavier asks if he were a mutant and Magnus says to run before someone dreams of camps! Telpathically, Xavier says, “I’m a mutant.” This first meeting of Xavier and Magnus really centers the conflict between them.

Magnus says metal bends to his will. Xavier says he met several mutants. Xavier tells Magnus they could help the mutants with their gifts. Magnus suddenly hears Rogue’s voice call his name. He sees a window of a boat on a storm tossed sea as Rogue screams his name! Magnus can see that this is mental construct of Xavier who tells him it is his mind. Xavier goes over everything he has done and just says, “And Logan.” Xavier brings up the mutants in the world without power and Magnus replies leaves it to evolution, this is survival of the fittest, cruel! Xavier tells Magnus to restore the Earth or he force him to do so! Magnus says this could shatter their minds. Xavier pleads for him to listen to reason and Magnus says his childhood had people who used reason against tanks. 

Xavier grabs Magnus and unleashes his psychic power! Cyclops can see the psychic assault, Xavier crawling over to Magneto, and the X-Men are battered by the power of this confrontation! A psychic blast by Xavier and then magnetic waves spread across the Earth; Silver Samurai watches this from a rooftop, the waves pass over the White House with Iron Man (this is his armor from Spider-Man: The Animated Series) and Captain America at a control room, and Daredevil sets a trap for thieves with his billy club. Bastion remarks are heard about how Xavier has helped his dream. At the Manhattan Memorial Hospital, the power comes on as Doctor Strange is busy with surgery. This widens the Marvel Universe with these heroes, but they are the animated versions not MCU. 

Val Cooper is a prisoner and sees the Prime Sentinels below her. They start activating. Bastion is addressing Sinister with Cable on his knees. Sentinels land as Bastion calls himslf “The future’s tide.” The X-Men are wrapped in cables by the Sentinels. He crushes the collar as Prime Sentinels race across the sky. Beast argues against him and Bastion’s blast strikes Beast’s forehead! Bastion says he would be the prisoner if Xavier accepted him into the school. Storm says he would have been one of the first X-Men and Bastion grabs her neck! He is not the ultimate villain resorting to violence instead of words. Prime Sentinels breach the White House control room. Black Panther, Okoye, and the Dora Milaje see the Prime Sentinels descend on Wakanda! He shatters the window and leaps down. 

Daredevil is struck by a Prime Sentinel blast. Then, Cloak and Dagger appear! They were in the series Ultimate Spider-Man and in a 2019 episode of Spider-Man, Aubrey Joseph and Olivia Holt retuned to voice their characters fom thi live action show! Omega Red, who was last in the X-Men: The Animated Series ep, “A Deal with the Devil” (1996) fights alongside the Soviet Super Soldiers, Crimson Dynamo and Darkstar! Bastion says the words that is the title of the three part finale, “Tolerance is Extinction.” The Prime Sentinels are also by Alpha Flight; Northstar, Puck, Aurora, with Cecila Reyes and Psylocke. Bastion then turns to see Cable. He asks how many times Cable tried to stop him. Mister Sinister then asks controlling him with the gem on his forehead. Cable says through tears, two hundred. 

Prime Sentinels charge up their blasters on Cable. Sinister is shocked that his “prize” will be lost. Bastion pauses as the scambler collar is re-formed. A cyclone from the water forms into the Phoenix! Storm laughs. Jean shouts, “I am Phoenix!” In season three of X-Men: The Animated Series, Jean became the cosmic force, the Phoenix. A psychic claw grabs Bastion trying to escape. The collar locks on Bastion’s head as Jean says that the Prime Sentinels did not choose their fate. At all of the battles, the Prime Sentinels fall, the Sentinels shut down and the X-Men are freed. Mister Sinister tries to command Cable, but he is lifted up by the Phoenix. She reaches into him to free the stolen mutant DNA! He tries to plead, but his armor is shattered, the crystal on Cable is broken, and all that is left is a pale, elderly creature. 

Mister Sinister runs to Morph to see his face and Morph has his payback! Jean falls without the Phoenix Force caught by Cable. She says it is inside, but emerged to save her son! A wave of energy knocks everyone back released by Bastion. He grabs Cable’s face and then tears off his bionic arm to thrash him! Bastion raises the arm to incorporate its tech into wings and an armored body! He says he will tear down Asteroid M and flies towards it! His plans are lost so Bastion resorts to a petty attack. Rogue straps Magneto and Xavier into the X-Jet. Cyclops lowers Wolverine’s wounded body to a table with Jubilee, Nightcrawler, and Roberto next to him. Magnus is wakened by Xavier while he is in some water. He doesn’t know himself and Xavier says he is guide. 

Xavier asks for Magnus’ trust. Cyclops has found Xavier and Magneto to have steady pulses. Jubilee says it is the same with Wolverine. Cyclops whispers to Wolverine, “Be the best at what you do”, Wolvie’s catch phrase, “Heal.” Jean psyhically contacts Cyclops, she turns to Cable, Cyclops knows Bastion hurt him. Professor Xavier’s astral form tells them that Magnus’ psyche is shattered by his psychic attack. He needs to restore Magnus’ mind and could lose both of their minds! Jean warns Cyclops about Bastion and his plan to destroy Asteroid M. Forge and Beast are working to repair the Blackbird. Jean gives all of the X-Men the image of this Bastion, “the future incarnate”! The X-Men assemble to see the approach of Bastion. Rogue says that Bastion will destroy the gravity core. Nightcrawler says a prayer. Roberto tries to apologize to Jubilee. Rogue tells him that the cards are in the X-Men’s favor! In X-Men 97's finale, Xavier struggling with Magnus, Bastion is about to bring Asteroid M crashing to Earth, but like Rogue has said, never count out the X-Men! 

Five Sentinel Blasters out of Five! 

#XMen97, #ToleranceIsExtinction, #ChaseConley, #BeauDeMayo, #AntonySellittii, #RossMarquand, #MatthewWaterson, #JenniferHale, #RayChase, #GeorgeBuza,  #LenoreZann, #HollyChou, #GuiAgustini, #AlisonSealySmith, #AdrianHough, #JPKarliak, #ChrisPotter, #GilBirmingham, #IsaacRobinsonSmith, #TheoJames 

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