Saturday, July 27, 2024

Inquisitors #1 Review!

 The hunt for the Jedi continues with Tensu Run as the target of Inquisitors #1! The Inquisitors are an interesting group that were first created in The Star Wars Sourcebook (1987), by Bill Slavicsek and Curtis Smith, a supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. They ented canon with the Grand Inquisitor in Star Wars Rebellion: Spark of Rebellion (2014); FC-SWSo. Nick Bradshaw provides the cover art of the first issue with the Grand Inquisitor and the Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, burly Ninth Sister, and the Seventh Sister (the last there are only on the cover). “Tensu Run Must Die” is by Rodney Barnes and Ramon Rosanas. Barnes writes the Ahsoka Tano comic. Age of Resistance - Finn #1 (2019) had art by Rosanas. An introduction notes that the Inquisitors are sent to hunt down Jedi after Order 66. It also notes that Tensu Run is on Darth Vader’s most wanted list! 

The agricultual world, Tagyon, first appearace, has farmers with tent-like camps, fames with globes of vegetables and a orangish beast of burden. In the shade, is an elderly man with glasses in a Jedi Order. The narration notes the “Jedi’s archaic dogma.” We see ships, including the Grand Inquisitor’s Scythe, descending to the planet. The Grand Inquisitor walks out of his ship, in the distance is a giant beanstalk-like formation. Black Purge troopers stand with him as he asks the old man about Tensu Run. He says that Tensu Run is not there and he is the only hope in the galaxy. The Inquisitor ignites his lightsaber, the blade right in front of the man’s eyes. The Purge troopers stand guard as the Grand Inquisitor asys that the Diagu a Jedi sympathizers. He kills the man as the Diagu turn away. 

Great detail by Rosanas with the villagers robes and the Purge armor. It seems like a little Chris Sprouse in the artwork. Grand Inquisitor says that evey one of the will die unless they give up Tensu Run. He orders the children bought to him. Also some nice expressions of the shocked kids and then their bowed heads. It looks like every person has an individual look. Excellent artwork. He taunts the Diagu saying that they are willing to let their children die for Tensu Run. He holds his lightsber to the boy and a man says Tensu went to the fourth moon. The Grand Inquisitor orders the children taken to Coruscant and to kill the others. The Purge troopers struggle to hold make the crowd as they pull away the children! Expressions of the man and the child. Then, Grand Inquisitor with his back turned. Brutal. 

The Devastator, Vader’s flagship at the time of Star Wars, he says he had commanded Grand Inquisitor to bring him Tensu Run. He replies that Tensu’s disciples are ready to sacrifice themselves. This is more important than the Rebellion, inspiring the people to rise up, this can't be stopped by the Empire. Vader says that now only hope of the Jedi is hope itself like Tensu Run. He flashes back to Regis Kor which was an Imperial outpost, then we have the Delta-7 Interceptor which we saw in Revenge of the Sith (2005), GL-OT3. It is piloted by the young man with short hair, Tensu Run. TIE Fighters launch and Tensu blasts them, outmanuvering more fighters, then he lands his ship. Tensu leaps out under fire by stormtroopers and ignites his blue lightsaber. He reaches a door, but it doesn’t close and his arm is blasted! He blasts the stormtroopers and then uss his comlink to report that the base defenses are down. 

#Inquisitors, #TensuRunMustDie, #RodneyBarnes, #RamonRosanas, #GrandInquisitor, #TensuRun, #DarthVader 

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