Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Lilo & Stitch #4 Review!

Re:cap - Lilo & Stitch #3 had Stitch ending up in the Australian outback and finding a surrogate family. Still, the Sovereign drones return and inject Stitch with needles! They draw out his DNA, they transform with Stitch’s head!, and Stitch leaps away from the house. Taking them to the road, Stitch bashes them apart! The family thanks Stitch when he returns and the drone heads say Stitch will never be safe with them. In a splash page, Stitch has assembled the drones into a catamaran which he rides, one drone says, “Well, this is embarrassing.”! 

The cover of Lilo & Stitch #3 by Nicoletta Baldari has Stitch taking a selfie on a beach in India with five friends! The issue is written by Greg Pak with art and color by Giulia Giacomino. A beach at Mumbai, India, a man has a hand held camera filming a man in a red kaiju suit while another, Prakash, is assembling a model city. The camera man calls action as the kaiju begins stomping the city! It is paused by the set decorator who says the tail is broken. The other character names are not identified. Then, they hear a roar and gasp! It is Stitch bringing in his patched catamaran that scatters the others as the director films it! He is stunned with manga-like stars in his eyes! The drones are free and start blasting Stitch! 

He pushes the film crew out of the way and begin thrashing the drones again! The drones warn the friends about Stitch and he is about to leave and hide. The director says he will help him, but needs a favor. Stitch playing the kaiju in his movie! This is a fun play of his destruction of Lilo’s toys in the first movie! The drones are not interested in his “little play”, but the director gets them motivated. He has Prakash reattach the blaster arm and it sends out a plasma burst! This knocks back Stitch and the director calls cut. The drones had fun with the shoot. Later, at an alley, kids and their families love Stitch’s movie role. A woman reporter sees the crowd and covers the story. Stitch has gone Bollywood!  

In Jumba’s ship, Lilo has spotted Stitch on a monitor, Jumba has found his location. Pleakley, also back in Hawaiian casual clothes, notices the modified drone. The drone reprogrammed by Jumba notes that it has the Stitch DNA. It notes Stitch’s destruction and Lilo yells back that he is good. She also adds that no one is perfect, a great message. At a seaside cliff, the director prepares the drones for the last fight. One wants to know if it can have a line of dialogue, funny! This leads to the entrance of the Cluster Sovereign, the lil' golden robot from the first issue!, and two Phase 3 drones with Stitch heads and bowling ball arms and bodies! They send blasts that scatters everyone! The fun drones say they are too close to humans, but the Cluster Sovereign calls them traitors! He orders his drones to blast all of them! 

Five Plasma Bombs out of Five! 

#LiloAndStitch, #GregPak, #GiuliaGiacomino, #NicolettaBaldari, #Stitch, #Lilo, #Jumba, #Pleakley, #Prakash, #ClusterSovereign 

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