Monday, July 15, 2024

Re:tro Re:view - Solomon Kane!

Solomon Kane (2009) is a swords and sorcery movie with a 17th century pilgrim fighting the supernatural from his past! The film is written and directed by M.J. Bassett. She is the writer and director of the war horror film, Deathwatch (2002). Barrett is also the director of the other Robert E. Howard inspired character, Red Sonja. Solomon Kane made his debut in “Red Shadows” (1928), created by Howard, the second sword & sorcery character after King Kull. The character, hat, coat, and sword was used in the film, Van Helsing (2004). The story is a prequel to Howard’s stories, but I think captures the tone of Howard, and I think of his best adaptations. It is streaming on Amazon Prime. North Africa, 1600, is the setting of the movie. It is night, a city burns with a warship off the coast. The ship sends cannonfire to level the city! Another warship silently passes with the British flag. 

We close in to the city, to a tower, below it a soldier (James Purefoy) in black cape cuts down guards. Purefoy played the general, Kantos Kan, in John Carter (2012). Soloman Kane cuts through the defenders and holds one guard with his sword pinning his neck and backs up! Then, finishes off the tower guards with his soldiers behind him. The darkness of Solomon Kane’s world is filmed by Dan Laustsen who also shot Guillermo del Toro’s Crimson Peak (2015). the The heavy door is closed with a mass of guards that reinforce a barricade. The door explodes throwing the guards back! The fires burn and Solomon walks confidently with his swords slung against his back. His men finish off some survivors. Solomon questions a fallen guard, Lieutenant Malthus (Christian Dunckley Clark). He speaks in Arabic, the lieutenant gasps, and then points to the throne room. 

Solomon takes out his pistol to kill the lieutenant! We focus on the castle in the aftermath of the siege, the hall leading to the throne room is lined with tall mirrors. Solomon carefully walks in and his men are worried that the supernatural is not worth treasure. A soldier passes a mirror and some skeletal demon, spooky design!, presses against it! Suddenly, the demons snatch a few soldiers into the darkness of their mirrors! I would b breaking the mirrors though that might unleash the demons! One of Solomon’s men runs and is shot in the back by his captain! Solomon tells the others, “I am the only devil here!” The door to the throne room opens and Solomon orders them to follow him. He sees a circular pit filled with gold. Then, the door closes behind him, Solomon hears the screams of his men before it becomes silent. Solomon turns to hear eerie whispers. 

Solomon notices that his breath is now frosty in the throne room. A dark mist screams past! He steps back and then more shadows stream from the mouth of a statue! They shriek around him and then mass around the throne. This becomes a black robed creature (Ian Whyte) and Solomon raises his sword to it. The creature raises his hand and Solomon screams falling down! It says, “I am the Devil’s Reaper!” It says it is claiming Solomon Kane and that his “deal is done.” Solomon says he made no deal and the Devil’s Reaper says his soul is forfeit. It has a raspy voic and I keep expecting The Devil’s Reaper to say, “Seek thee out the diamond in the rough.” It walks towards him, a black hood with no face, and its sword begins to be covered in flames! The Devil’s Reaper brings down the sword, but it is blocked by Solomon’s crossed swords. 

Solomon says he is protected by the Lord, but The Devil’s Reaper says he has been abandoned. He dodges the sword swings and then jumps through the stained glass window! Solomon falls down to the sea and The Devil’s Reaper tells him he can’t escape it. Church bells toll as we see “England, One Year Later”, a frozen lake has branches with crows on them, a creepy image. In the monastery are monks, two enter the room of Solomon Kane, we see a closeup of washing hands. The novice, Brother Thomas (Thomas McEnchroe) sees bloody papers on his walls. Solomon is now bearded with a large scar of a cross on his back. He asks if it is protection from the devil. The older abbott (Robert Russell) takes Solomon outside in the snow to talk. Solomon says he has sanctuary there from is watching him. 

The abbott says the answer to his prayers is that Solomon must leave. Solomon says he gave up his “evil ways” and learning to be a “man of peace.” The abbott tells him to go home as a noble with inheritance. Solomon is told to leave and he is left alone in an empty yard. The abbott talks with an older monk and says there are “many paths to redemption.”  Solomon walks across the lake, now shaved, in a robe and staff. He crosses the snowy landscape and passes plague doctors with their beaked masks around a fire. The bleak setting is perfect. He is seen on the road by a Puritan husband, William Crowthorn (Pete Postlewaite) and his wife, Katherine (Alice Krige) in their covered wagon. Postlewaite played Father Lawence in Romeo + Juliet (1996) who he had his own cross tatoo on his back. He had died in 2011. Krige is known for playing the Borg Queen in Star Trek: First Contact (1996). 

William offers Solomon a ride, but he refuses. Out of the back of the wagon, a young boy, Samuel (Patrick Hurd-Wood) watches him. Hurd-Wood was later in the crime dama, Blood (2012) and stars in this movie with his sister. Solomon makes a campfire in the woods. He hears voices, and suddenly a knife is held to his throat by a bandit (James Babson)! He whistles for others and struck by a staff. They spill out his papers from his pack. The leader sees mystic symbols on a paper and the gang tries to burn Solomon. He pushes them back and taunted by the leader if he would kill them. Solomon says he has given up violence and then he is knocked out. I like Solomon being tested with his new life even when in danger. Then, he sees the face of his father, Josiah (Max von Sydow), who reminds the young Solomon (Lucas Stone) that he is the second son. Von Sydow played Sir Walter Loxley in Robin Hood (2010). He had died in 2020. 

Josiah declares that Marcus (Samuel Roukin) is his heir. Roukin played Snatcher in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I (2010). Young Solomon says Marcus is a bully and his father tells him that he will become a priest. He refuses even Father Simnal is there to take him to the abbey. Josiah warns Solomon that he will be cut from the will. Solomon walks away. He last hears his father’s words, “Do not defy me!” Solomon suddenly awakens startled by a vision of The Devil’s Reaper. He finds himself watched over by William’s daughter, Meredith (Rachel Hurd-Wood). Sibyl Van was played by Hurd-Wood in the film, Dorian Grey (2009). She tells her father that his fever is broken. They make camp. The oldest son, Edward (Anthony Wilks) sends Samuel to water the horses. Solomon offes to help, but goes to the lake to wash, taking off his shirt, Samuel and Meredith by a tree sees his scars. They are the means to his redemption. 

At a meal, Solomon talks about sailing with Admiral Drake and it was easy for him to kill. Solomon goes into a troubled sleep heaing his father and dreams of when he was leaving his home. He sets out walking in the cliffs outside of the castle. Solomon hears shouts of a woman, Sarah (Madaleine Bassett) struggling with his older brother, Marcus. He tries to stop him and Marcus slaps Sarah. Solomon takes out a knife, but is overpowered by his brother. Marcus takes the knife and cuts Solomon’s cheek. He drags Solomon over to the cliff edge to show off what will be his land. Marcus shoves his brother back and Solomon pushes him in return. He trips over a rock and falls off the cliff! Solomon meets with William who will be sailing with his family to the New World. He offers his guest to join thm, but Solomon says that evil things are waiting for him if he gives up the path of peace. William says “Do not stray”, love this character moment.    

#SolomonKane, #MJBassett, #JamesPurefoy, #RachelHurdWood, #PetePostlethwaite, #AliceKrige, #PatrickHurdWood, #LucasStone, #MaxVonSydow, #IanWhyte, #SamuelRoukin

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