Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Ark, “Museum of Death“, Review!

Five episodes and The Ark has discovered something chilling out of Eva’s past! Re: cap - “The Other You”; The Ark-1 has left warp, but gets caught in a quantum entanglement! Lt. Brice is lost in the other Ark while our Ark is visited by their Cat, Catrina! Brice discovers that he was a hero sacrificing himself to save the Lunar Colony from the Eastern Federation. The Quantum Double William Trust proves to be helpful to Brice. The same with Catrina, a scientist, who helps Kelly with her post-human augmentation. Alicia finds the plan of the other Trust to move the ship and break the quantum entanglement. She asks their Trust what direction he would go, forwards, so she chooses to reverse! The ship shudders, but the Arks pull free like a rubber band! Brice is back and naked! Eva hugs him. 

Alicia reports that they have returned to normal space, but Garnet sees Trust crying over the lost Catrina. Lane asks Brice about his father and he is told that it seems like was proud of is son. Felix bumps into a crew member, Leon, the man he was dating in the other reality. Another  chance at happiness for Felix? Brice is eating a meal at the mess hall when he is joined by Kimi. She brings up the lady, Catrina, said that he was on the lunar mission. Kimi asks if he was on the mission in the prime reality, he says if he was no one would have died. This is Kimi’s mission, revenge for the Lunar Colony? Brice talks with Garnet and says she was a “good kisser” in the other reality! Kelly is in her cell, she sees a bracelet, it has a message. “I see the good in you, Kelly. Everyone should have power over themselves. Now you do. Love, Catrina.” Kelly felt so alone and this a needed message of love. She smiles. 

THE ARK -- “Museum of Death” -- TIANA UPCHEVA, CHRISTIE BURKE -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

Brice approaches Ark-3 and they find a shuttle attached to it! The director of “The Museum of Death” is Sandra Mitovic. India Sage Wilson is the writer. The Ark-1 approaches Ark-3 which has an unknown shuttle. Garnet sends an identification message. They see the Eastern Federation marking on the shuttle. Garnet says it might be a war. At the mess hall, they wonder about other ships, Lane says they killed his father. Brice wonders why Eva is quiet, she asks if they might be peaceful. Alicia shows the shuttle image to Trust and he says the shuttle can hold 30 people. Felix and Kimi want to go in ready for a battle. At the med bay, Kelly wonders about self regulating her post human augments. Then, she takes Dr. Marsh by the throat! He says she has artifical lungs and musculatue in her arms. Of course Kelly would be the one to even the odds with a hostile crew. 

Dr. Kabir says she will be thrown off the ship. Kelly drops him. He says she is acting like a child. He says when she is constantly using her augments, she will shut down. Felix enters and then takes away Kelly. Garnet catches up with Lane. He says the Eastern Federation is dangerous. She wants him to stay because she cares about him! Garnet ties to say what Cat would have done. She says he is too close to the mission. Alicia hacks into the cameras, but she can only picks up still images. She shows an image of many crewmembers! Alicia thinks it is power source from the shuttle. Felix comes up with a plan. Kelly looks through the gap of her cell and asks Trust what he knows about post humans. He tells her about his wife, Helena, that she was devoted. Kelly thinks she was the same as her mother. Trust knows that her father moved her from town to town. I like that Kelly's part is just dealing with her past and her father. 

Angus is back at the bio dome and sees the Ark-15 member, she says the has been upgades, increasing the irrigation system. Angus finds he is not as needed. The shuttle Kimi and Felix’s team on evac led a team ove to Ark-3. Garnet pilots with Eva who opens th doos to Ark-3. Garnet uses a flashlight ot scan the ship in her suit, the Eva follows, the emergency lights are on. Eva says the air is breathable. Kimi enters with Brice. Felix with his team reach the ship. Garnet says it is cold like a freezer. Garnet and Eva enter a room, then sees an unmoving figure, they are dead or frozen! Creepy! I got the shivers! Garnet thinks that the Ark-3 crew has been set up like mannequins. The others in the mess hall are seen by Brice. Garnet says it is a museum of death. Felix also reports the same.  Garnet still wants the parts so she sends the teams out while Eva is to reboot the ship. This would put her in danger if there isn’t anyone to watch over her! 

THE ARK -- “Museum of Death” -- DIANA BERMUDEZ, TAMARA RADOVANOVIC, PAVLE JERINIC -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

The observation deck also has frozen bodies. I love the horror aspect. Garnet examines a moustached man (Vas Batricevic) whose eyes suddenly open and then he runs. They are hiding among the bodies? Kelly goes back to ask about her father. Trust says her father was a good man. She says she only has happy memeories about her father until his heart attack. Trust says her mother poisoned her father. He says he only flaw is the woman he married and Kelly says he has the same flaw. Garnet runs up to Eva and says he wore a different uniform. Eva says the fire system could check the heat signatures. They point out the lone signature in the middle of the ship. Garnet gets the “All Clear in the Mess Hall.” She moves with Eva to find the man. Eva hears a whistling that is a lullaby. Garnet sees the back of the man, he turns, Eva recognizes him, her brother! Bojan has a wild hair like a certain person we don't talk about from Encanto (2021) who went a little crazy! 

He laughs and they hug. Brice attacks him, but Eva pushes him back. He says he isn’t with the Federation and has his own crew. He says his wife is Millie and in another part of the ship. Um, we saw only his signature. Kimi thinks it’s a trap. He opens a panel and it is a dead woman. Bojan says she is shy. More shivers. He’s insane. A shocked expession on Eva’s face. Garnet says Eva has to convince her brother to leave on Ark-1. Eva say she is not in his right mind. He gets angry and says her sister is Eastern Federation. Kimi shocks him unconscious. At the med bay, Eva says he’s seeing things to Kabir and Marsh. Marsh says her brother created things being alone. Kabir says he has a place on Ark-1. Eva talks with Brice about him. She lost track of him after her sister died. Brice says she never mentioned her family. Alicia updates the crew showing a hologaph of Ark-1 about the damage to the ship. 

She says it is large part. Trust explains that the bridge section can separate into a station. Garnet asks Eva’s opinion, but she’s distracted. At the med bay, Eva talks to her brother. She apologizes for leaving him. He says he was searching for her, Bojan was left behind, and he says he met Millie there. Bojan asks Eva about finishing her mission. He becomes upset and is sedated. Garnet contacts Brice at Ark-3’s brig. Alicia begins the disengagement protocols. Similar to the bridge separation of the Enterprise-D. Bojan suddenly wakens, Kimi leaves, and Bojan sneaks out. Kimi talks to Jelena about Bojan as she eats at the mess hall. She asks if she is Serbian. Jelena says she doesn't know what Eva was told by Bojan. The Ark-3 bridge detaches. Bojan is at the airlock. He is going EVA to go to the ship. Eva says they are all dead. She says she loves him. Garnet wants him to retun. Eva runs to save her brother. Garnet orders the bridge to be moved, its boosters shatter it! "Museum of Death" has a focus on Eva, not a question of loyalty, she has proven effective in running the ship. It is how her past will affect her with Kimi's investigation and Jelena's knowledge! Episode five centers around Eva Markovic and gives a twist on her character, a mystery, and some drama with Kelly, mixed with some action! 

Four Compression Suits out of Five! 

#TheArk, #MuseumOfDeath, #SandraMitovic, #IndiaSageWilson, #TianaUpcheva, #ChristieBurke, 

#RichardFleeshman, #StaceyRead, #PavleJerinic, #SamanthaGlassner, #PaulLeonardMurray, #DianaBermudez, #TamaraRadovanovic, #VasBatricevic, #JadranMalkovich, #ShaliniPeiris,  #ReeceRitchie, #RyanAdams 

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