Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Ark, “Pretty Big Deal”, Review!

The Ark, episode six, gets deeper into the mystery of the other Arks and the past of Lt. Spencer Lane! Re:cap - “Museum of Death“, The Ark-3 had signs of bodies and an Eastern Federation shuttle! They discover dead crew members posed like mannequins! The only living person turns out to be Bojan, Eva’s lost brother! He has lost his mind from years of loneliness lef behind by the Eastern Federation and thinks a dead woman is his wife. At the med bay, Bojan talks to Eva about fulfilling her mission and this is overheard by Jelena. Kimi asks Jelena about Bojan’s conversation, but says she didn’t overhear it. Alicia has the idea of replacing the ship’s missing bridge with the command module of the Ark-3. Brice and Lane are piloting the command module. Bojan goes EVA to return to his wife. Eva is in a suit to get her brother back, but Felix pulls her away from an explosion of the old module and Bojan is lost.  

Afterwards, Jelena tries to tell Felix about the conversation, but he doesn’t want to hear about personal matters. This is overheard by Kimi. Eva logs into the ship’s computer and sees her record which shows six criminal charges. She permanently deletes it! Eva can be trusted after all she has been through with the ship, but what does her criminal past mean for the Ark-1 and Brice? A great twist to her character! “Pretty Big Deal“ is directed by Milan Kovalic and the writer is John Paul Nickel. The Ark-1 is begin fitted with the new parts, Brice is bringing in parts from Ark-3, Garnet says he has a “new toy” with the Easten Federation shuttle. I wonder what happened to all of the bodies of the Ark-3 crew that we saw last ep? Brice docks the shuttle to the ship. 

Lane is changing the Ark-3 designation on the command module to Ark-1. Garnet annouces that they are “fully operational.” Eva doesn’t seem as enthuiasastic. Cargo is brought in by Felix and Kimi. It is labeled “Remember Earth.” It is a locker of baseballs, guitars, Brice takes the guitar, Garnet puts sunglasses on Lane. He finds a chess set. Crew members begin to take items fom the cabinet. At the conference room, Garnet mentions Dr. Marsh on the council. He updates that the liquid gel is still inside Kelly. He doesn’t know if the explosive can be removed. Dr. Kabir says that it will take brain surgery to remove it. Garnet says that there are 24 rooms and she has given everyone of the council will have their own rooms. 


The new bridge is strange, Lane stops Garnet and wants her to be in the captain’s chair. Wow, command chair, she almost reluctantly sits in it and then gives the command to head to their “new home.” The Ark-1 goes to warp. Kimi talks to her co-conspirator at the bio dome. They are checking the crew list about Eastern Federation members. Alicia is at the computer while Angus just stands aound. She has decrypted the Ark-3 files to find about Earth. She discovers that more ships were launched. Angus finds out that the Eastern Federation ships are heavily armed. They will need the shield that Alicia developed! Kelly is unconsicious as Marsh carefully removes the liquid gel fom he skull. Kabir hands it to Jelena. He begins sewing the cut closed. Marsh says that her nanites will heal her. 

Brice is playing guitar when Eva enters, but she is not interested in taking time off. She is thowing heself into her work, does Eva hear the beating of her “Tell-Tale Heart”? She is upset that he wants sex! He brings up Bojan, but she storms away. At med bay, Marsh has checked on Kelly. She wants all of her post human implants removed. He says that many of her parts are pemanent. It’s tough to be the Bionic Woman! Lane argues with Garnet for a peek, he realizes that she already looked, they get an alert to the bridge. Brice says that they dropped out of warp for a distress call from Ark-8! Garnet hears the signal, Lane says it is two weeks old, Brice shows Raynick-J. It is a world that can sustain life, but is highly radioactive. How are the planets named? 

Eva is running on an treadmill, the other crew member walks next to her, and tries to bring up he brother. Eva stops and the walks away. Ark-1 drops out of warp next to the planet. Lane sends out a communication to Ark-8. Alicia finds damaged comms and a FTL drive on the planet’s surface. Garnet wants to lead the team to the planet. Brice pilots the shuttle down. The team is Felix, Kabir, and Lane. Kimi asks about her friend, Marissa Yee, he seems to pause. They hit turbulence. It is a desert planet with two suns. Ark-8 has crash landed. Brice notes that they are another planet, a good realization for explorers, really not shown in space shows. A hand grips some rock. Felix points out a shelter. They enter the remains of a ship. Lane sees the engineering section. Felix finds a used can of food. They take out security batons. 

THE ARK -- “Pretty Big Deal” -- #REECERITCHIE  -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

Men covered with nose plugs and yellow wrappings. They look like Dune’s Fremen and the survivors of the Wrath of Khan. One wonders about Lane and takes off his hood, identical to him! The leader with a wounded leg ties to refuse Kabir’s help. Lane’s clone, Ian, agrees to it. Lane can’t believe he’s a clone. The family members suddenly turning up seems to be the routine of season 2. It kinda makes sense with their contact of other ships, but I'm still engaged with the fate of Felix's daughter. Garnet introduces herself and also that she is a clone. Other clones were attacking them, the unstable Gen-3 clones. Lane thinks that they stole Ark-8. The clone says they are Gen-2 clones. Lati can’t get the water pressure to work, Angus shows how to get the water lines to work. He says they planted too many potatoes. Meir says that they are used for vodka. Felix reports to Garnet. He says the hyperdive is working, but Ian says it has a self destruct. 

Brice talks to Lane who is worried that his clone is happy. There is a warning from the port engine. Brice goes to check on it. He opens the hatch and finds a burly man. He is captured and the burly man has a knife, but Lane helps him to take on the two saboteurs. Garnet says the Gen-3 clones are closing on them. She wants the engine working, but Ian says that it is damaged. In the bio-dome, Angus cheers Lati with shot glasses. She brings up the vodka that is needed for sex. He mentions all of Brice’s relationships. Lati talks about Alicia. She says he only needs a flower and encouragement. Lane rushes into the shuttle. There is a struggle, Felix, Garnet, and others fight. Kimi is getting ready to take off with Lane. Some raiders try to bash the cockpit window. Garnet tries to close the hatch, but another tries to open it. She drops down sealing it with her weight. Brice finally finishes and then the shuttle throws off the Gen-3 raiders. “Pretty Big Deal” has two Lanes with the mystery of his clone past(?) and the question of these new survivors!  

Four Compression Suits out of Five!

 #TheArk, #PrettyBigDeal, #MilanKovalic, #JohnPaulNickel, #ReeceRitchie, #ChristieBurke,  #PevleJerinic, #DianaBermudez, #ShaliniPeiris, #JadranMalkovich, #StaceyRead, #RyanAdams, #SamanthaGlassner, #CoralMizrachi 

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