Monday, August 26, 2024

Those About to Die, “Rise or Die”, Review!

Those About to Die is a walk into the bloody, complex world of the Roman Empire from chariot races to political arenas!  The series is created by Robert Rodat who co-created the sci fi show, Falling Skies, and wrote the American Revolutionary war drama, The Patriot (2000). It was directed by Roland Emmerich who also executive produces the series and directs the first three episodes of Those About to Die. Rodat also wrote the initial three episodes and adapts the book of the same title by Daniel P. Mannix. It inspired the first Gladiator (2000) film. Interesting that it was released in the same year as The Patriot. Those About to Die debuted on July 18th with the Gladiator II upcoming on November 22nd. The show is currently streaming on Peacock, Amazon Prime outside the US, and it is surprisingly filled with good content that I will continue subscribing it for now. 

One of the shows that became a sensation was Game of Thrones, it was not the typical epic fantasy, grounding the story with violence and sexuality, plus the various factions vying for power. I think this show captures that vibe, so adult viewing only, with the sheen of a historical setting. A mix with the gladiator show, Spartacus, in the time of Marcus Licinius Crassus. Added is the appeal of sports, I think of it as a sports drama, just magnified with the chariot racing and gladiatorial arenas. The opening titles has blood drenching columns, statues, and the coins of Emperor Vespasian. Then, it fills all of Rome. 

A man is thrown against a column begging for mercy as the other, Gavros (David Wurwa), holds a dagger to his neck! They are stopped by another man, Tenax (Iwan Rheon), who calls him a liar and has Gavros kill him! Rheon is known for playing Ramsey Bolton in Game of Thrones. I recognize him as Papageno in The Magic Flute (2022). The blood from his neck splatters a column! The narration by Tenax says that ome citizens is only interested in “bread and games.” We get the Circus Maximus: Racetack of the Roman Empire” in big letters. He says Tenax is not his real name and looks up at the balcony, “under the shadows of the rich and powerful.”Tenax walks through the Circus Maximus where he owns the biggest betting tavern in Rome. 

He notes the four horse racing teams (echoing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?); Green, Blue, Red, and White Factions. All owned by the Roman nobles. We see a glimpse of them as there are scenes of the chariot racing with a final crash that takes down horses and charioteer. Tenax says it will all change. Dawn at the Circus Maximus, workers take away the bodies, a guard finds a charioteer who is still alive. Another takes a knife to his throat, but he is stopped by Tenax, who sees value in keeping him alive. Tenax walks to the Ludus Beastius, there is a tiger kitten in a cage, he negotiates with Carpo (Felix Lampert) over the price of horses and men. He mentions that the charioteer is still alive. 

Tenax tells the children that men are worth more than horsemeat giving them the harsh lessons he learned? Gruesome. Tenax notes the death of Emperor Nero with the civil war, the Year of the Four Emperors, four generals who want to rule the Empire. The setting is “Rome, 79 CE” as we see wisps of clouds over the city. There is an effects shot panning across the city, too many of these shots read fake, more models would be convincing. The last general was Flavius Vespasianus made emperor by his army and built a new arena, the Flavian Amphitheatre, its upper ring is partially constructed. Tenax notes with contempt that Vespasian came from “mule breeders.” Out of a carriage is Emperor Vespasian (Anthony Hopkins) in white robe and crown made of gold garlands. The acclaimed actor had played the famous psychoanalyst in Freud's Last Session (2023).  

He is helped by his older, bearded son in armor, Titus (Tom Hughes) whom Tenax says is a “famous general.” Hughes starred in the historical series, VictoriaOn his other side is Domitian (JoJo Macari), the “young politician”, dressed in a blue tunic. Macari played Oran Petrch in World War II mini-series, Masters of the AirTenax says they are the “Flavian Dynasty.” Vespasian declares to the nobles that Titus has defeated Judea and the general says the glory belongs to the legions. He notes the Golden House which Consul Marsus Servillius (Rupert Penry-Jones) says is small. Penry-Jones in The Batman (2022) was Mayor Don Mitchell, Jr. Domitian takes offense since he is master of the games. He says it large enough for chariot racing and ordered animals and gladiators all over the Empire down to Numidia. Vespasian tells them that the nobles do not have shares in the Flavian Amphitheatre, they have the Circus Maximus, but it belongs to the people.

A bell rings at the “House of Marsus, Esquiline Hill”, the nobles are angry at the emperor’s decision taking away from their wealth. Consul Marcus is watchd by his wife, Antonia (Gabriella Pession) with an elaborate braids decorated like a peacock imagery of Juno (Greek name: Hera), queen of the gods. Pession was in the Italian noir show, The Red DoorAntonia wants to stop the Flavians. She is warned this is talk of treason. Antonia says that the emperor is getting old and wonders about Domitian becoming emperor. We pan across plains, this is “Numidia: Roman Province of Northern Africa”, a city is nestled by the sandy hills. A Roman soldier demands water as we see Cala (Sara Martins), a Numidian trader asks for two bags of salt. Martins was in the medical crime drama, Alexandra Ehle.  

Inside a house, a young girl, Jula (Alicia Edogamhe) playfully dances as her sister, Aura (Kyshan Wilson) cooks. Edogamhe was Blue in the teen drama, Summertime. Wilson was in the Italian romance film, Under the Amalfi Sun (2022). They discuss in the Numidian language about Aura wanting to leave. The soldier enters and wants Jula to keep dancing. He throws Aura back and she hits him in the back with a pan. The legionary viciously back hands her! He starts to close in with Jula, but Aura takes a knife and stabs him! He dies on the floor. More soldiers enter and the commander says that they killed a Roman citizen means that they are both now property of Rome! Soldiers pull them away and then drag away the body. 

The trail of blood is matched to red spices stirred by a merchant. Cala is happy her daughters are making dinner. She goes to her home, sees the blood, and screams. Cala rushes out to see her daughters taken away into the desert. She races back to get a box of valuables to take on her journey. Cala's drive to save her daughters, thoughtful, but going to any length makes her avery strong character, Another trader asks about her son. It is dark at sunset as Cala’s son, Kwame (Moe Hashim), walks with a spear on a cliffside. Hashim was Moe Bumbercatch in the comedy show, Ted Lasso. He approaches a sleeping white lion with his pride. A trader says the mans will pay for the lion. Kwame says the white lion is the god Apedemak. The trader tells Kwame that he must take the lion or get no pay. 

Sunrise, the white lions are chased to the edge of the cliff, the hunters run with spears and shields while others drive them forward with drums! The visuals are beautiful in this scene! The white lion tears down two of the hunters! Kwame screams to get the lion’s attention. He turns to see his fellow hunters at the side. Kwame runs and the hunters snare the white lion in a net! He asks Apedemak to forgive him. A great intro that I think would be the back story for Djimon Hounsou’s character, Juba, in GladiatorThis shifts to “Ostia Harbor: Port of Rome”, another great shot. A white stallion is whinnying as it is being lifted from a ship to the dock. A Spanish horse groom, Elia (Goncalo Almeida), shouts he can help the horse off the ship. Almeida starred in the Portuguese telenovela, Amor Amor 

He is told they are not in Baetica, a Roman province in Hispania, the southern tip of current Spain. The ship owner says he moved more horses as his brothers, Adria (Eneko Sagardoy) and Fonsa (Pepe Barrosa), insist that Elia is good with horses. He gives up more concerned about his other six ships. Then, a soldier asks him about the grain ships from Egypt, it has been three weeks with the people getting agitated! The owner says the southern storms are delaying them. Elia calmly takes the horse down the gangplank. We move to the city gates where the starving citizens wait outside. A rider says the ships are delayed so they should leave until tomorrow. A man says that they were told the same thing before and shouts that the senators are not starving. The crowd starts hurling rocks and pull down the rider! The leader has the mob charge towards the Palatine.

Some men are told about the riot and goad the crowd on. Tenax wakens to the roar of the crowd. He sees the leader hand the agitators pouches of coins. Domitian hears the mob and smiles. We see the citizens at the “Imperial Palace: Palatine Hill”, they shout, “Pay for crimes!” Guards barricade the palace doors. Domitian watches the mob when his father enters. Vespasian is told that Titus is with the Judean queen. They do not have the soldiers to stop the riot. Domitian brings up that his father used a diversion in Alesia as general. Riders race to the “House of Titus: Via Appia” in the sunset. A soldier knocks at the door to inform the general about the riot. He is in bed with Berenice (Lara Wolf). The actress was in the drama, The Performance (2023). Titus is told that the emperor plans a race. Drummers start to play at the Circus Maximus. The Spanish brothers see the riot, but the crowds attention is pulled away by the race.  

#ThoseAboutToDie, #RiseOrDie, #RobertRodat, #RolandEmmerich, #DanielPMannix, #IwanRheon, #AnthonyHopkins, #JojoMacari, #DimitriLeonidas, #GabriellaPession, #RupertPenryJones, #TomHughes, #LaraWolf, #GoncaloAlmeida, #EnekoSagardoy, #Pepe Barrosa, #EmilioSakraya

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