Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Ark, “It Should Have Been You”, Review!

This episode of The Ark has the aftermath of last episode, but also a reality that could last a lifetime! Re:cap - “Cycle of Violence”;  The Ark-1’s encounter with the Eastern Federation ship is a tense stand off. Eva is questioned about the Eastern Federation. She reveals that the GSA was developing a biological weapon on the lunar colony. We find that both sides are complicated. Captain Avega demands the return of Bojan, Eva’s brother who had previously died. Captain Garnet arranges “peace talks” with Avega and his lieutenant, Ristic. This is in exchange for Felix and Jelena. She says that Avega will face more ships at Trappist-B. Her offers of alliance if the EF ship disarms, but he refuses. Garnet has his hands on her throat and will be the first casualty in this battle. It is really Garnet's strength to put her life on the line to show her conviction. 

Avega agrees to the peace plan. Angus has been getting confusing visions of Kelly. He enters the medbay and she hasn’t been able to recover with her nanites. Angus gives her the Nanite Kiss and she revives. Avega thanks Garnet, but Lt. Ristic takes out a knife and stabs the captain! Lane fights with Ristic and afterwards, Garnet sees cuts on his torso, he collapses! The two patients are rushed to medbay. Garnet enters the bridge and tries to calm herself with Lane’s blood on her hands. Second lieutenant Ana Vujik asks her for an update. Garnet tells her about Ristic’s action which of course needs confirmation. Vujik orders Felix and Jelena brought forward. She says one of them will die unless Ristic is returned. Wait, he kills the captain, and it is more important that he is brought back to the EF ship? Vujik gives them an hour. Kabir is operating on Lane and Marsh is working on Avega’s damaged liver. Garnet rushes in to check on the patients. 

Dr. Kabir says that Lane is also dying with both kidneys and his spleen damaged, the knife took out two people! Garnet brings up Kelly’s nanites and Marsh replies that they can’t repair entire organs. Maybe a clone who was engineered for replacement organs? Brice says that they have crossed the hour mark. He says to Vujik that Garnet is not there. Garnet panics. Ian says that the clones are organ donors and points out Lane. He seems resolved to being used for his organs, this is a heroic sacrifice, but instead he says his dying brother should be harvested for organs? Ian has all functioning organs! Sharon Garnet cries and Kabir says Lane still has a working liver. Ian says saving another is what he would have wanted. Garnet has Marsh promise to save Avega and makes the decision. She looks at her bloody hands. Alicia can’t believe what is happening, Brice hugs her, and Vujik says the time is up. Eva runs in after being updated by Kimi, this took some time. 

THE ARK -- “It Should Have Been You” -- CHRISTIE BURKE -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

She asks about “little Sofija”, could this be Felix Strickland’s daughter?, Brice transmits the conversation to Garnet. Eva says the Ark-1 crew is like family. She says Felix saved her life and has a daughter Sofija’s age! Vujik agrees to wait. Ian sits next to Garnet as Marsh announces that the operation is successful. He says it will take 15 minutes before he can communicate with his crew. Garnet stands up to see Lane’s body. Tears fall as she kisses his forehead. Powerful stuff for a sci fi show. The aftermath, teh weapons are floating from EF-2, at the observation deck, Captain Sharon Garnet addresses the crew about Lt. Spencer Lane. Captain Ian watches. Alicia cries. “He’s a hero who gave his life for peace.” Kimi and Felix load Lane’s body into space. Avegea gives the signal to have a colorful explosion. 

Afterwards, Avega thanks Garnet, it must have been some time after his surgery. Angus wonders about Garnet to Alicia. Kabir feels the emptiness at the conference table. Garnet offers a toast to Lane. She names Brice as her second in command. Brice never wanted command and was happy that Garnet took charge. Ian joins Garnet in the corridor, she doesn’t want to talk to him, and wants him to bother Brice. Dr. Marsh goes to talk to Garnet saying Kabir blames herself for Lane’s death. Garnet goes to engineering by Sasha. Eva and Trust argue until Garnet puts her back in charge and Trust can advise her. Avega announces to Garnet that they going to FTL. Eva has everyone prepare for FTL, but it fails! She has Ian help with engineering, but a shock from the FTL device hits her, Ian, and Marsh! They are taken on gurneys, Kabir follows them to medbay, Brice worries, but Eva doesn’t want him in engineering. 

Brice worries and almost puts the blame on Kabir! In bed, Alicia is next to Angus, they seem unenthusiastic, she says she should get to engineering. She kisses him and leaves. At medbay, they waken, Marsh says their heart rate seems good. The medbay is empty and as Garnet finds out from her communicator, they are alone on the ship! Another dimension? No one is on the bridge. Ian sees a power surge. Garnet is working on the problem when Marsh and Ian join her with Ian’s casserole for a dinner. Then, Marsh suddenly disappears, he wakes from his coma, and finds out from Kabir he has been out for an hour and twenty minutes! Brice sees scars slices on his back. He reveals he volunteered as a young med student for post-human implants, but they failed. He has a central processing unit for post-humans. His augmentation has been activated! He wants his brain implant removed! Marsh screams in pain and falls back in the bed! 

THE ARK -- “It Should Have Been You” -- CHRISTIE BURKE, JADRAN MALKOVICH, REECE RITCHIE -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

Kabir realizes he has had a seizure. His brain is swelling! She sends Brice to get Felix and Jelena. Ian is now bearded in a sweat suit. He points out to Garnet a wormhole at the observation deck. She realizes that Ian wants to travel into the wormhole! She smiles at him. It has been a few years. Garnet kisses him. I think Christie Burke has kissed just about every actor on the show, she's the Captain Kirk of The Ark! There was a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Unnatural Selection" (1989) that had crew rapdily age, but this is more original in having a state where the duo live like "Time in a Bottle." A little Jim Croce. Eternity in moments. The operation. A chip is removed by Felix. He checks on Eva and Alicia at engineering. Again, Eva sends him away. At the other Ark, Garnet is about to pilot into the wormhole, it compresses, and then they enter space with stars. Ian realizes that they haven’t moved. Kabir has Marsh move his toes and then follow her finger. She saved his life. Garnet and Ian’s readings are high and Kabir finds that their brainwaves are in synch. 

Marsh thinks it is sharing the same dream! Kabir checks Marsh’s brainwaves in the coma, the same, she says that this may lead to cranial swelling. It will be permanent damage unless they are revived! There is some flowers as the older Ian sees Garnet walk down in her white dress. He takes a flower as a ring. There is a nebula outside the observation deck. She says it has been ten years. A lifetime together in a dream! Kabir is injecting Garnet and Jelena with Ian hoping to pull them from the coma. They kiss in their wedding ceremony and the light grows bright and they fall. Garnet and Ian pick themselves up. They saw Jelena and Kabir. She says that Kabir is trying to bring them out of the dream. She wonders how they can help. Angus has prepared Mango pineapple daquiri and offers it to Brice. He says it is excellent. Brice says his best friend died, his captain is in a coma, and he says he is a “terrible leader.” Angus says a good leader puts together the right people and backs away. Then, he shouts for Brice about sex. Angus confidently walks into Alicia's room and says Brice taught him a few things. In a few minutes? 

Felix shows a MX chip to Kimi, Maddox, and wants Kimi’s help. She shows him data that shocks him. Felix debriefs Brice, Kabir, and Trust about mind control, Trust says Maddox took over the project. A mind control, telepathy, like Professor Xavier and Andy McGee, Charlie's father in Firestarter (1984).  It uses electromagnetic waves. Brice says Parkinson’s disease that probes were entered into him and Kabir knows that it is a solution! Trust is surprised that he has a good idea. Kabir asks Brice his opinion. Brice thanks Trust for his help with the implants. He says engineering needs help. It is not just knowing who can help, but being able to talk to the person to take the position. At the bio-dome, the elderly Ian sees Sharon, who pulls down an orange. At medbay, the probes are inserted. The elderly Sharon feels something strange, and falls into Ian’s arms. Alarms, she starts to fade, Sharon gasps in Ian’s arms. When she wakens, she knows how to help them, they have to allow themselves to die in the dream! Great work by Christie Burke and Reece Ritchie! This episode of The Ark has another strange reality before we continue to Trappist-B, but this story gives time to explore the characters of Sharon Garnet and by proxy, Spencer Lane! 

Five Compression Suits out of Five! 

#TheArk, #ItShouldHaveBeenYou, #SandraMtrovic, #MadelineHendricksLewen, #ChristieBurke, #ReeceRitchie, #JadranMalkovich, #RichardFleeshman, #ShaliniPeiris, #RyanAdams, #StaceyRead, #PaulLeonardMurray, #PavleJerinic, #TamaraRadovanovic, #DanielFathers 


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