Wonder Woman #778 Review!

Wonder Woman #778 is a trip through several worlds that amp up the fun with a shocking surprise!  Travis Moore provides the cover (and the covers since #770!) and interior art.  Moore has had art in previous issues of Wonder Woman.  It has Wonder Woman falling down the Multiverse with circular bands glimpsing the worlds she travels to in the comic.  This looks like Alice falling down the Rabbit Hole into Wonderland.  Siegfried is dangling from her right arm and Ratatosk swinging in on her right with the purple lasso, Brunnhilde’s rope?  “Afterworlds Part 9” by Michael W. Conrad and Becky Cloonan has Siegfried and Wonder Woman in this limbo world of floating rocks and green skies.  They are met by a ghastly voice and a mummified man with a red cloak who says they are in the Phantom Zone.  This is the dimension from Superman that traps people into this desolate world.  

Xa-Du as he calls himself will not let them leave the Phantom Zone.  The Phantom King was introduced in Action Comics #5 (2012).  Wonder Woman sees the portal cut by Janus start to close and Diana punches him, but the Phantom King breathes a torrent of flame!  This sends Siegfried back, falling over the cliff edge!, but he is plucked up by a red claw!  Siegfried is rescued by the dragon, Aethyr, who first appeared in The Phantom Zone #3 (1982).  The Phantom King defies Aethyr and tosses away Siegfried.  He did not like the violation of Janus and wants Diana to take care of Janus.  Then, he turns to deal with Xa-Du.  They travel through the portal to a strange world of city streets, there is a power plant called A.C.N.E. (funny!) and a signal with a squiggly line, and Ratatosk has heard a voice underneath some rubble.  

Diana is back in her Lynda Carter-era satin tights.  She lifts up a large slab of concrete, tosses it aside, to find Bat-Mite.  The lil’ imp was first seen in Detective Comics #267 (1959) and rumor is that he will a major villain in the Matt Reeves The Batman movie, ok, that was a fifth dimensional trick.  They are about to team up to find Janus when a fire truck swings in and it’s Mr. Mxyzptlk, say his name three times in a mirror!  A long time Superman foe since Superman #30 (1944).  He has appeared on tv in Supergirl, Smallville, Lois and Clark, and in a comics accurate costume in Superboy.  Bat-Mite has a prank war with Mr. Mxyptlk since World’s Finest #113 (1960) that goes all the way to Superman and Batman: World’s Funnest GN (2000).  Mxy points out the direction of Janus and Bat-Mite leads his team, the Integriy Squad!  This panel is probably one of the best in “Afterworlds”, hilarious!  

The next panels are great send ups of Batman: The Animated Series!  Bat-Mite has a monologue that also pokes fun at the Batman movies!  Plus, Diana breaks the fourth wall, hanging out of the panel saying they are in a rush.  Under a street light, they find Janus and her captive, Deadman, and Wonder Woman slams into her.  Janus slashes the air before Wonder Woman with her God Scraper and mentions building a future?  Diana knows that the future can't be built on anger.  The day is saved (?) by Bat-Mite jumping off of Janus’ head!  But wait there’s more!  Janus escapes with Deadman down her portal and Wonder Woman and friends pursue them.  After they have left, we have the first appearance of Wonder-Mite!, this issue is highly collectible, buy three issues!  This would mean that the trio could be the Fifth Dimension’s Trinity!  The best part is Bat-Mite and Mxy’s dialogue right out of Beavis, too funny!  

The portal leads to a world of crystals, Gemworld?, and Diana has yet another costume change, gold armor with a purple cape.  Wonder Woman is able to lasso Janus, but doesn’t want her force her to comply.  Deadman wakes up and recognizes Gemworld.  Diana is trying to get Janus to remember a time when she was not as angry.  Janus slashes open another portal and Deadman says she needs him to find the way to Earth.  The next world the Wonder Gang end up is Tarzan world, love it!  Siegfried has the Tarzan lioncloth and Diana has the cavewoman outfit.  They see Janus, but without Deadman, she makes her escape.  Siegfried thinks of how his world changed traveling with Diana while he slashes the insect beasts Conan-style!  Diana finds herself in the empty world, now in a long, purple gown, and what she finds there is shocking!  Young Diana deals with her mother’s choice, she speaks with Magala, and wants to bring the truth to all of the Amazons!  Wonder Woman #778 has it all; sword fighting, revenge, Bat-Mite, chases through the Multiverse, escapes, to kinda quote Princess Bride, it's funny with great art and story!  

Five Lassos of Truth out of Five! 

#WonderWoman, #TravisMoore, #PhantomKing, #Aethyr, #BatMite, #MrMxyzptlk, #WonderMite, #GemWorld, #YoungDiana, #Magala 
