Season two of The Bad Batch continues with their dangerous mission to recover Count Dooku's war chest on Serenno! When we last left the Bad Batch, the former Clone Trooper squad are on Serenno to take the war chest of Count Dooku, split in two, Hunter and Wrecker are cornered in Dooku’s throne room. Hunter has found a lift underneath Dooku’s desk and the controls are jammed. Wrecker improvises, slamming it down, Hunter screams! The others are also under fire by Stormtroopers, Omega has released that the cargo containers have reentry boosters, and Echo separates the containers. They have to cling to the cargo net as the container hurtles from the sky! We now continue with part 2, “Ruins of War”! A pan up from Castle Serenno as the cargo containers fall towards it. Echo, Tech, and Omega are just able to hold on when the thrusters flip up. The container starts to level off and now they are safe. Inside the castle, Wrecker and Hunter reach an empty room, Wrecker notes that the exits are all covered, and Hunter points out that they can go straight down the castle. Hunter contacts Tech who reports that they are crashing in the forest regions!
The container crashes and is about to slide to the edge of a cliff, it is unusual to have such a rough treatment of cargo, but the descent is not piloted. It could track landing areas and head towards one. Hunter tells them to hide from Imperials looking for their cargo. The container begins to slide over the cliff and Tech is pinned by a box. He explains that he has a broken leg as the others help him up. Echo goes up top and sees that they are at the edge of another cliff over the forest! Captain Wilco is given an update of the situation and is brought a grappling hook. They headed to the ruins of the city bombed by the Empire, treading close to real world events, we just see domed buildings blasted apart. Echo and Omega pull up the wounded Tech onto the cliff. She looks over the edge to wonder about the war chest in the container. The V-19 fighters were flying escort and they should be immediately sent to fly over the containers. Also, the cargo ship itself should hover over the general area and track the lifeforms which could be detected like the lifepods in Star Wars. Minor plot holes.
Hunter and Wrecker watch as two LAATs (Low Altitude Assault Transport) land with troopers. These of course are remnants from the Clone Wars, but it looks like the Empire has not transitioned to the Imperial transports seen in Obi-Wan Kenobi. As Tech is helped along, Hunter contacts him about plan “Double Zero”, which he explains to Omega means “radio silence”, really comm silence not radio. Omega notices someone following them and manages to surprise him with her energybow drawn. He is an older man with a white beard, he says his name is Romar (Hector Elizondo) and lives on Serenno. This is Elizondo’s first Star Wars work, but he did voice Fiero in the Disney series, Elena of Avalor. Tech and Echo join them and Tech detects a heat source which he says is Romar’s home. At night, troopers report to Captain Wilco who divides up the teams to watch over the containers (which should easily be recalled to the cargo ship) and search for their targets. Troopers are being watched by Hunter and Wrecker. He spots Armored Assault Tanks, also lost artillery of the Clone Wars. The others have reached Romar’s home, built into a cliff, he explains that it is a refuge for the city’s survivors.
Romar says that the money in Dooku’s war chest was taken from them. So it should be belong to them, not certain why they didn’t raid Castle Serenno before the bombing, Omega offers to give the war chest to him, but he refuses? Romar just wants everyone to leave and climbs down into a shelter. Echo has Omega watch him instead of going after the war chest. Wrecker and Hunter enter the Separtist tanks, but the tanks are inoperative. They are spotted moving around the tanks by Stormtroopers. At Romar’s shelter, Omega finds a device like a kalediscope which she mistakes for gems. It looks like there will be some kalediscope trick for the war chest. Echo argues with Tech about using the war chest funds since the Empire is growing stronger. Omega sees as Echo leaves on patrol. Romar brings a box which he says is a Model 2 data core containing his people’s history. Tech realizing that there is history before the Clone Wars, helps work on the data core. It is nice to see more of the Serenno's people besides Count Dooku, but not why they supported him in the first place.
Wrecker is checking out a tank and finds a battery pack before the other clones fire on their position. While Hunter provides covering fire, Wrecker throws a smoke bomb before wrenching out the battery pack. A V-19 fighter closes in on them. Wrecker attaches the battery pack to the main cannon and blasts the fighter! Very clever to modify the pack to use a cannon. Now Wrecker uses it as a heavy cannon and they blast their way out of the canyon. Tech has restored the data core, Echo returns, but they find that Omega is missing! Echo heads out for her and Tech limps behind him. Omega is using Romar’s cable to rappel down to the container. Tech has said that they are close to the Marauder, Wrecker uses the cannon to cause a landslide. Three clone troopers on BARC speeders have found the container. Echo reaches the cliffside, but the speeders hear his call for Omega and fire on him! He falls to the container and seals the hatch. He tells Omega who has found some gems about the blasterfire. Tech has managed to catch up and stuns one of the troopers.
Captain Wilco checks on a trooper and then sends in air support for the others. Hunter and Wrecker reach the Havoc Marauder and Hunter has Tech send his position. Three V-19’s are closing in, but Wrecker mans the rear cannon to destroy one fighter. A clone trooper is pinning Tech’s cover behind a tree with an E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannon. The other trooper is close and has the trooper hold fire. Tech knocks away his blaster and they struggle for the blaster. The blaster cannon trooper hears blasterfire and then is struck by a stun blast before Tech falls exhausted. Echo and Omega are climbing up the container, her open backpack has gems, and she is hit by a dislodged box. Omega falls and the gems spill out. Her backpack falls and Echo says it’s not important. This is an Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade moment!, Omega is no Elsa. She admits that she overheard Echo talking to Hunter about her, Omega blames herself for their situation! A very powerful moment to the episode. They manage to escape the cargo container before it crashes down the cliff. Romar finds Tech and helps him to the others, but there is a gunship on the way! It kinda connects with the threads of season one, but this ep is more an adventure mission than what is happening in the galaxy. A thrilling and personal episode of The Bad Batch!
Four Viboknives out of Five!
#BadBatch, #RuinsOfWar, #Omega, #MichelleAng, #Hunter, #Echo, #Wrecker, #Tech, #Romar, #HectorElizondo
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