Monday, January 9, 2023

Brzrkr #11 Review!

We getting closer to B.’s destiny with Brzrkr #11!  The cover by Ron Garney has Brzrkr with the energy eyes and looking almost like a vampire in a black body suit over skulls and a background of red. The same color of red continues in the interior first page, nice touch by Bill Crabtree, colorist. The story by Keanu Reeves and Matt Kindt is illustrated by Garney.  The red is the infrared of binoculars watching as a helicopter lifts the B. Facility. The binoculars are lowered by Keever, the military soldier, whose attention is elsewhere. We see in a series of large panels; Unute screaming, lightning strikes an eagle, the bird of Zeus. Then a splash page as the kaiju-sized eagle, black and red, pierces Unute through the torso! The blue energy is siphoned by a satellite that is transmitted back to Earth.

A drone, from a third party(?) sends out cables to tap into the energy with the eagle. Diana, now another being in purple, blue and red combined. She can still speak to others and says she using her power to speak “with intent.”  She reaches out with her black energy to Unute saying she wants to understand. The panels fill the page with its epic size now. Then, the red and blue energy strikes Diana. Then, we get a two page splash showing Unute, Diana recoiling from the energy, the military temporary base, and the satellite that tapped into the blue energy. Caldwell greets the soldier code named Wild Child who says the circular facility is ready for him with the energy. Writhed in energy, Unute shouts for Diana, her black energy still connected to him. She communicates that it is the “only way.”  Caldwell with glasses and his regular clothes not a special suit?, is ready in a red chamber. One of the soldiers outside is shot! 

Keever is ordering his soldiers to stop Caldwell and they open fire on Caldwell’s troops. Caldwell is bathed in the blue energy. Diana shouts Unute’s name. He is weary and tells her about “the purpose” as his black eyes become starry. We see long vertical panels of the white enrgy with bursts of blue and red sending a bolt down. There is also the silhouette of a bird’s dropping which sprouts a leafy plant. Keever watches the battle with his infrared binocular calling Caldwell’s forces a cult and then reports to the floating sphere that the Berserker might arrive. In blue energy, Unute reaches for Diana. The sphere is a mystery, I suspect it could be Unute's mother who has been out of the picture for some time, will she protect him one last time? They start to fall. They are back to their human forms, Unute’s middle is bloody, and they see the silver eagle fall.  In a splash page, we see Caldwell scream with blue energy. The evil counterpart to Unute and Diana, reminds me of Agent Smith, Trinity, and Neo. The duo has to take on this wild professor turned mad god!  Brzrkr #11’s penultimate ramp up brings a surreal connection to our anti-hero, woman, and madman, to the conclusion! 

#Brzrkr, #KeanuReeves, #MattKindt, #RonGarney, #Unute, #Diana, #Caldwell, #Keever

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