Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Acolyte, “Teach/Corrupt”, Review!

Last episode, the man known as The Stranger killed Sol’s team on Khofar, including Jecki and Yord! He has been betrayed by Mae and dueled with Sol. Osha was the sole witness. Later, she attempted to arrest Mae, but was knocked out by her sister. Mae took Osha’s place and left with Sol. The Stranger put his cloak on Osha. “Teach/Corrupt” is directed by Hanelle Culpepper and she directed the pilot for Star Trek: Picard. The episode is written by series creator, Leslye Headland, and producer Jocelyn Bioh, who also wrote a 2019 episode of Russian Doll. There is eerie music as we find Osha once again waking up in Mae’s black shirt in a cave. She checks her wound at her side, it is bandaged, but still bloody. No bacta? It started to have wide spread use in the High Republic Era after the Great Hyperspace Disaster in 232 BBY. The Acolyte is set in 132 BBY. 

She is in a cave that has been furnished with a small, oblong-shaped pool, tunnels, very sparse. Osha walks over to a duffel bag and a tiny, rock-shaped critter, a Skura, with a curved, pink trunk, scrurries away. She finds Mae’s dagger and clothes. Osha walks out of the cave, a rocky spire rising from the sea, and a small islet has a ship. A pullback where we see the island. We see that it is an Unknown Planet not Ahch-To like some speculation, it is unknown, but the same place where Mae saw The Stranger at the end of the first episode. Osha walks down to the rocky beach where two Skura and a little one freeze in place to pretend to be rocks! She walks to see the landing platform, it is a short distance, but the waves are heavy. Osha maybe is a strong swimmer, we saw Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon swim so that might be part of Jedi training. 

She turns to see The Stranger casually walk in his black robe and duffel bag, his sudden appearance is no accident, Osha would have noticed him. Plus, he did make it a point that Sol attacked him with his back turned. Khofar, the Jedi ship, the Polan GX-8, takes off with Sol at the controls, a short time, the Unknown Planet must be close to Khofar in the Outer Rim or Sol was busy? He should be concerned about Jecki, Yord, and the bodies of the other Jedi, something is driving him. Sol contacts the Jedi Temple, he delayed doing this when we last saw him walk into the ship?, a hologram appears of Mog Adana (HarryTrevaldwyn). The actor stars in the historical comedy show, My Lady Jane. Sol says, “Emergency Code Zero.” The transmission distorts. He starts to say, “There is a - “, Sith?, and then that his team has died, except Osha whom he doesn’t mention? I always pay attention to what Sol doesn’t say more than what he tells. Then, he cuts off the hologram, suspicious. 

Mae dressed as Osha walks the ship’s corridor and she hears the voice of Indara administering her Jedi Testing Screen test to young Mae on Brendok, we didn’t see this in Ep. 3, and Sol gave the test to Mae. She hears Sol say he wants to talk with Master Vernestra and walks towards the cockpit. Bazil watches her. Sol is speaking to the hologram of Vernestra and says they were ambushed. He says someone knew they were coming, maybe someone that was a Jedi who sent them there? My prime suspect as the Master is still the person Sol is communicating. Mae climbs up to the cockpit and takes out her knife! Sol already knows she is there and tells Osha that he is going to “reset the transciever.” Sabotaged by Mae? He says she should take the pilot seat and walks away. Mae takes the ship out of atmo and into space. 

Sol gets to the transciever, a ship diagnostic screen, he shuts it off and looks troubled. A long pause. I think it is the secret from the past come to haunt him since it led to the Jedi deaths. He reactivates the screen and then walks on with Bazil there to watch him. The lil’ Tynnan walks in with Pip. He reads directions to attach Pip to a console and it activates the droid! At the Unknown Planet, The Stranger reaches a quiet sea pool, with Osha following him. He drops his bag and begins undressing, ok Leslye Headland, this for the ladies. The most we saw undressed was Luke in the Bacta tank. This is a story point as we see an reverse “y” scar on the formerly known Qimir’s back. A part of training? The Jedi have the Trial of the Flesh which involves pain. Osha picks up his lightsaber like when Sol gave her his lightsaber as a child. Stranger danger! 

In the pool, The Stranger with his back turned, asks her how it feels. She snaps into a defensive position and he says the Jedi may have taken her lightsaber when she left. He says her stance is good, but has to keep her elbow higher, he definitely had some Jedi training. Osha holds the lightsaber out and The Stranger asks if he can get dressed. He gets out and says she is thinking about if it is honorable to kill him unarmed and also unclothed. Osha steps back. He starts to put on clothes saying he can’t read minds, her anger betrays her thoughts. In Return of the Jedi (1983), GC-OT3, Luke says, “Your thoughts betray you father” before Vader throws his lightsaber. She asks why he brought her to the planet and then if he killed Sol. He says no and then says the same response for Mae. The Stranger asks why she asked about Sol first, he calls it a “special relationship.” 

He has dressed in a white tunic like a Jedi! He picks up his bag and leaves Osha. At this point, neither Mae attacks Sol and The Stranger is no threat to Osha which robs the tension of the ep which I thought ran through the series. I do like the training of what might be Sith which I expected in the so called Sequel Trilogy. Mae brings the ship to dock with the hyperspace engines. Sol joins her and suddenly hugs Mae. He says Osha saved us, I wonder who he is refering to, and adds she saved him. Sol tells her that “man” corrupted Mae and pushed him to place, interesting, “anger leads to hate”? The Stranger was pushing him into the Dark Side? Was this done to him by his Master? Sol apologizes and says he will set things right, face the High Council, and confess everything. Sincere? 

The members of the High Council we knew from Phantom Menace (1999), GC-PT1, at that time had three members. Yoda, Yarael Poof, who was pale with a long neck, and Oppo Rancisis who had a long beard, but had a brown furry face at this time. I don’t know if any of the High Council will show up, but this show is “full of surprises.” The holoprojector activates, then the ship powers down. He sends Mae to check on the systems. Night at the Jedi Temple, Senator Chuwani via hologram is speaking to Vernestra about support from the Expansion Region for a review of the Jedi Order. He is an Abednedo like the Resistance pilot, Ello Asty, in Force Awakens (2015), DC-ST1. This is the first we have seen someone from the Galactic Republic. At the time of the books, the Supreme Chancellor was Lina Soh. 

Mog enters, the transmission is ended, and gives Sol’s report. She already spoke with Sol, deception?, and sends a rescue team to Khofar, rescue?, they all died. Vernestra admits she sent Sol to Khofar. The Unknown Planet beach, Osha asks The Stranger was a Jedi and he says he was “a long time ago.” A nice nod to the opening cutting the “in a galaxy far, far away.” He must have been a youngling, Vernestra was 16 when she became a Jedi Knight, was he trained by her or Indara? She has not heard of him, training outside of the Jedi Temple? She says he is holding her for leverage which is kinda foolish since they can’t be found. Osha says Sol will come for her and he is powerful. He counters that she is strong in the Force. Was Sol taking her strength to become a Jedi Master? Is this his sin? 

He says that she should start swimming if she would each the ship, false option, when he then asks if she is hungry. Mae walks into the room with Pip, from a small hatch, Bazil walks in. He sniffs and then flips around before charging her, she tells him to relax, but his hug was really an attempt to attack Mae. Bazil stomps on her foot and shuffles away with the glowrod. Pip sprays her eyes with a liquid and Mae shrieks in pain, comedic attacks! Mae resets Pip, not a memory wipe?, reattaches him to the larger unit and check the power. Osha questions The Stranger about the Force, she thinks it fades without training. He says the Jedi told her that it fades. He says anger and fear can be used and also loss and passion, the last two we haven’t heard before. 

Osha says he killed her friends, he says they were Jedi that “threatens” his life, The Stranger struck first and used lethal force, not self defense. “Qimir” says that Yord turned her in, even when she was innocent and then Jecki would have been the same as Sol. This is not a defense of his actions, its blame shifting, and also conjecture with the case of Jecki. We know her relationship with Osha was different, she was questioning like Ahsoka. He holds out a bowl of food saying that the Jedi are limited unlike herself. Osha says she can’t be corrupted like Mae. She walks out of the cave, The Stranger taunts her with killing her and she holds the lightsaber to him, I would shish kabob him! He holds Osha’s arm, but she tells him that a Jedi doesn’t kill unarmed opponents, he answers saying she is not a Jedi. 

#TheAcolyte, #TeachCorrupt, #HanelleCulpepper, #LeslyeHeadland, #JocelynBioh, #AmandlaStenberg, #LeeJaeJung, #MannyJacinto, #RebeccaHenderson, #HarryTrevaldwyn, #HassanTaj  

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