Monday, July 8, 2024

The Mysteries of The Acolyte!

We are rolling to an end with The Acolyte so here are some guesses to the mysteries. There may be wild theories, but some points I think are valid. Still, show creator, Leslye Headland, in telling this story has many twists to the story so I'm fine if nothing I'm forwading becomes true. Movies, books, and othetelevision shows are referenced from clues in the series. What is the secret? We know that Palpatine says in Revenge of the Sith (2005), GC-PT3, Darth Plagueis “was so powerful and so wise that he could use the Force influence the midichlorians to create life.” It might have been that Plagueis told Palpatine he discovered this secret, but I think it rests with the Force Priestesses. They were seen by Yoda in the Clone Wars episode, “Destiny” (2014), GC-CW6/12. The Force Priestesses exist in the Wellsping of Life, the souce of the midichlorians, but I don’t think Plagueis or any Sith found the secret there from them. Nor do I think it was fom some ancient Sith text, it must have come fom the Force Priestesses. 

Also, I think they might appear, but in a vision so the connection to the episode does not make things complicated. I’m guessing here, but I’m imagining that the coven of Mother Aniseya could summon them! I imagine the Jedi, with Vernestra and her Padawan Indara?, discover the coven and in a battle, they may be broken into the Dark Side users who become the Nightsisters on Dathomir and Mother Aniseya’s group. Why is the coven is suspicious of the Jedi? Maybe the Force Priestess led them to Brendok like Themysicra in Wonder Woman. It could be a visionod Brendok  by Mother Aniseya. The goddesses showed the Amazons led Hippolyta there in the comics. 

So Mother Aniseya is desperate to have the secret from the Force Priestesses to save her people. Vernestra could have discovered the secret and then started the battle, but I think this would be before Brendok, the reason why they go there. I think the secret can only be done at Brendok with the conjuction of moons, The Ascension. The Force Priestesses may have taught Mother Aniseya the secret of creating life with the midichloians. If this doesn’t happen in the show, I would hope that the Force Priestesses have a part to play with the secret. So the Master, I still think Vernestra sends Indara, Sol, and the others to Brendok with the mission to discover the secret, at least Indara may know the real reason. 

Sol, meanwhile, has seen Osha and feels her strength in the Force. He is like Qui-Gon with Anakin gone wrong. Instead of helping Anakin, Osha is Sol's way to become a Jedi Master! I think this is why Osha failed in the Jedi Trials, Sol may have been using her power which caused her to fail. He may draw out her midichlorians through blood like a vampire? Maybe this weakened Osha during the Jedi Trials. Maybe he feared that if she became a Jedi, then her power would be known and the blame would go to him. This would be his sin. What may be The Stranger may be a youngling, a Jedi Initiate at the Jedi Temple. He said it was a “long time ago.” Vernestra may have taken an interest in him. 

Maybe she takes him from the temple to train The Stranger. She may have “Qimir” fail as a Padawan and wiped out his data from the temple records like Dooku. Maybe the instructions of how to remove records was left by her and used by Dooku! I think Vernestra would be the only one who could do so. It could be like Sol and The Stranger with Osha, he was compelled by her lightwhip. She must have abandoned him to stay with the Jedi Temple. Still, she may have ordered him to Brendok before the Jedi team to observe Osha and Mae. He must have killed the coven blaming the Jedi to make Osha suspicious. Then, took Mae to train. The big question, how did Vernestra or The Master become Sith? I dunno.

I think it would be revealed in the last episode, but she was very young during the Great Hyperspace Disaster. Dealing with the Nihil pushed the Jedi to extremes. The last known Sith was Darth Gean, the female Twi’lek apprentice of Darth Gravid, mentioned by Darth Plagueis. This was mentioned in the 2012 Legends novel by James Lucerno. Her fate and also what happened to her unknown apprentice, Vernestra?, is unknown. This is dated to be 533 BBY which would be before the High Republic Era. The series could fill in the gap of what happened to the Sith! Still, I don’t expect Darth Teneborous, Plageuis’ master, to show up unless there is a season 2. If at all since they are in Legends. The Master may not be Vernestra who is a fan favorite character, I do hope Justina Ireland continues her story in the missing years up to the show! The Acolyte offers some interesting possilities to the Sta Wars Universe! 

#TheAcolyte, #LeslyeHeadland, #RevengeOfTheSith, #DarthPlagueis, #ForcePriestesses, #CloneWars, #Destiny, #MotherAniseya, #Vernestra, #Indara, #Sol, #QuiGonJinn, #Osha, #Mae, #TheStranger, #DarthGean, #DarthGravid, #JamesLucerno, #DarthTeneborous, #JustinaIreland 

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