Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Ark, “It Can’t Be True”, Review!

"It Can't Be True", the seventh episode of The Ark brings back a ship mystery that involves the whole crew! Re:cap - "Pretty Big Deal"; The Ark-1 is upgraded with parts from Ark-3 and goes to warp. They answer a distress call from Ark-8 and travel to the desert planet, Raynick-J. On the shuttle flight, Kimi asks Brice about Maurisa Yi and he suspiciously says he doesn't know her. The survivors find them and it is revealed that they are Gen-2 clones. Also, that one clone, Ian, looks identical to Lane! Other, unstable Gen-3 clones, attack the shuttle. They are able to escape throwing of the attack of the clones, had to do it! At the conference room, Ian is hungrily tucking into a meal when he says the Gen-3 clones shouldn't be rescued. 

Alicia explains that the Gen-3 clones are unstable because they are clones of clones. Kabir says that their genes start to degrade. Alicia says they can use gene therapy. There isn't enough room to house the clones and Eva says she can refit the storage dome to keep them in quarantine. Felix says that Kabir can make sedatives that he can use to tranquilize the clones with a security team. Garnet has Brice pilot the team so Lane can talk to Ian. At Lane's room, Ian says he grew up in a lab, had Ark-8 taken over by the Gen-3 clones, and crashed on the planet. Lane is not happy finding out that he is a clone since he had a family. Ian shows his foot explaining that the clones had tatoos on their left heel, I think of the dolls and action figures with company copyrights. 

Lane says he doesn't have a tattoo and Ian walks away. At the bio-dome, Kimi shows Lati a photo of Brice smiling next to Maurisa!, Lati says she thinks Brice and Eva are spies. She shows a photo of Harris Beckner (Dominic Cicak) was Eva's lover who died and Lati says he was Eastern Federation. Lati shows Eva's profile photo in mission uniform while the others are in training uniforms. Eva and Brice may have ties to Eastern Federation, but I sense more complications to their stories. Kimi wants more evidence on Brice and tells Lati to be patient. Kelly is frustrated trying to get her controller to work, in the next cell, Trust is annoyed at her complaints while he tries to read Sherlock Holmes. He says Moriarity, Holmes' nemesis, was misunderstood! 

THE ARK -- “It Can’t Be True” -- TIANA UPCHEVA, RICHARD FLEESHMAN -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

She admits Catrina from the quantum entangled world gave it to her. Trust says he can work out how to use the device and she hands it to him! Lane is looking at his left foot when Garnet who was told about the tatoo by Ian enters his room. He admits that he had a scar on his foot and his father told him it was from a cut he had as a kid, but he didn't remember it. Lane is confused about his identity and Garnet tells him that he is an "incredible lieutenant" and her friend. Angus with his flower is nervous, but knocks on Alicia's door. She kisses him and he shows her the flower, Alicia laughs. A sweet moment. Felix debriefs the team about using "non-lethal force." Kimi and Brice are in the shuttle cockpit when there is an explosion on the planet! Garnet enters engineering, Eva says that the explosion had a 100 mile radius, Garnet adds that the Gen-3 clones are dead!    

The seventh episode is directed by Milena Grujic, her first work for the show, she was third assistant for the fantasy show, The Outpost. The episode is written by Madeline Hendricks Lewen who wrote the fourth ep, “The Other You.” Eva a signal came from the observation deck. They head to there  to find traces of how the signal was sent. Kimi has found a device under a couch. Eva pulls it out. It has a Ark-8. It is Ian. Felix takes Ian into custody. Lane has no problem with Ian placed in the closet with the helmets. Garnet checks in at Lane’s room as he was playing on chess by himself, he needs an opponent. He still doesn’t know his brother. Lane sees Garnet has the Juno Project on her computer. She admits that she had no match. Lane didn’t know he was a clone. He says, “I guess it means were both available.” Hint hint. 

Brice lights a candle, Eva is suspicious, and he says he wanted to make her room into a sanctuary. 

He has found vodka and for the first time in some time she smiles. Eva wants him to stay and drink the vodka. He says she should have some tipsy dreams, kisses her, and leaves. Trust wonders about Catrina, Cat from the quantum entangled universe in ep. 4, working on Kelly’s control. He is making the adjustments for Catrina. A signal turns her into the Terminator smashing a door control. She walks out even though Trust is surprised. Someone has Kelly’s control! He opens the door control, he's no real prisoner, to follow her. Kelly walks into Eva’s room and gets her in a chokehold! He shuts off Kelly’s augmentation. 

Kelly releases Eva and her knuckles are bloody. She looks at Trust. At her room, Brice comforts Eva, Felix and Garnet wonders what happened. Brice blames Trust who had Kelly's control device. Garnet puts guards with Eva at all times. Kelly doesn’t know what happened. Trust says he was there to stop Kelly. Felix asks about her control. Trust looks to Kelly. She admits that Catrina gave her the control. Catrina giving Kelly the controller was a personal moment for her that she shared with Trust. Trust shouts to them that Dr. Marsh is the only one who can control Kelly’s implants. I like the ship mysteries. 

THE ARK -- “It Can’t Be True” -- CHRISTIE BURKE, PEVLE JERINIC, DIANA BERMUDEZ -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

At the bio-dome, Angus shows Alicia a plant, a budding apricot tree that he thought was her favorite. She admits that she is worried about Eva. He says he will keep her safe. Alicia laughs, thanks him, and they kiss. The Alicia/Angus relationship is great, but something always happens on this show! They walk back and Lati is angry that they are stepping on the crop. She says it is nice that they finally are together. At Ian’s cell, Lane has some pills for his clone. Ian admits that the research facility forced them to take pills that made them sick. He admits that they were bred for “spare organs.” Lane asks about their brothers. He says they took Fletcher’s heart and Danny’s lungs. 

Dr. Marsh is checking on the Ark-8’s radiation patients. Dr. Kabir says that they haven’t showered and Dr. Marsh says that smells like flowers. She admits it is from Angus. He says he wants to kiss her! Kabir moves away and doesn’t want a relationship. There are complications with this relationship, but I like the pairing up of couples on the ship. She says Jelena is into him. Garnet and Felix walk in to talk to him about Kelly. Felix asks for his wrist device. He sees that here is no augmentation controls on it! Dr. Marsh says someone wiped out the control and pleads innocent! 

At the conference room, they discuss Kelly. Garnet asks about Dr. Marsh. Brice brings up Trust. Felix wants to check on Trust’s device. Brice worries about Eva, but Garnet says Trust’s door codes are changed and guards placed with Eva. 

Kabir checks on Milos (Kiernan Mortell), a fight outside gets everyone's attention, and Milos uses the distraction to grab a jab of pills. At the room, Alicia and Angus kiss, she takes off her shirt, passionate. I guess they are both paitent. She is distracted working on the problem with Kelly. He falls off the bed and vomits. I suspect this has something to do with Kelly's blood in him. At the observation deck, Jelena talks with Kabir aobut getting close to Marsh. Kabir is upset that she is monitoring Marsh. Eva is restless, Brice was sleeping, she is sweating and then collapses! Brice rushes Eva to medical. Marsh checks on Eva. Jelena notes the Critical Condition alarm and doesn’t want Marsh to work on her. He sees she has a rash on her neck. Marsh thinks it could be poison! He injects a solution into her neck.

THE ARK -- “It Can’t Be True” -- SHALINI PEIRIS, JADRAN MALKOVICH -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

She revives, but is weak. Jelena tells Felix that Marsh is “clean.” He still keeps her at medical. Kimi and Garnet . He says Marsh’s device was switched. Kabir gets their attention. She says it has analyzed Angus’ pillow and finds that it is the poison ricin. At the observation deck, Kabir tells Marsh that he is not a suspect. He says there is something there, but she is hesitant about relationships. Kabir has had problems with past relationships and needs some time. He tells her, “I think you’re really great.” At the biodome, Angus says there isn’t any castor beans. He looks and finds a castor bean plant, and turns to Lati. She starts to run and Kimi knows that it is Lati! Felix, Kimi, and Garnet. Kimi admits that Lati went “off book.” She admits they are Federation operative hunters. Kimi says she wanted to bring Eva to justice. This episode is a return to a ship mystery with the cast and is the best of The Ark where the characters are so compelling, I don't worry about reaching their destination! 

Five Compression Suits out of Five! 

#TheArk, #ItCantBeTrue, #MilenaGrujic, #MadelineHendricksLewen, #ChristieBurke, #ReeceRitchie, #RichardFleeshman, #TianaUpcheva, #PavleJerinic, #ShaliniPeiris, #JadranMalkovich, #RyanAdams, #StaceyRead, #TamaraRadovanovic, #SamanthaGlassner, #PaulLeonardMurray, #DianaBermudez, #CoralMizrachi 


Monday, August 26, 2024

Those About to Die, “Rise or Die”, Review!

Those About to Die is a walk into the bloody, complex world of the Roman Empire from chariot races to political arenas!  The series is created by Robert Rodat who co-created the sci fi show, Falling Skies, and wrote the American Revolutionary war drama, The Patriot (2000). It was directed by Roland Emmerich who also executive produces the series and directs the first three episodes of Those About to Die. Rodat also wrote the initial three episodes and adapts the book of the same title by Daniel P. Mannix. It inspired the first Gladiator (2000) film. Interesting that it was released in the same year as The Patriot. Those About to Die debuted on July 18th with the Gladiator II upcoming on November 22nd. The show is currently streaming on Peacock, Amazon Prime outside the US, and it is surprisingly filled with good content that I will continue subscribing it for now. 

One of the shows that became a sensation was Game of Thrones, it was not the typical epic fantasy, grounding the story with violence and sexuality, plus the various factions vying for power. I think this show captures that vibe, so adult viewing only, with the sheen of a historical setting. A mix with the gladiator show, Spartacus, in the time of Marcus Licinius Crassus. Added is the appeal of sports, I think of it as a sports drama, just magnified with the chariot racing and gladiatorial arenas. The opening titles has blood drenching columns, statues, and the coins of Emperor Vespasian. Then, it fills all of Rome. 

A man is thrown against a column begging for mercy as the other, Gavros (David Wurwa), holds a dagger to his neck! They are stopped by another man, Tenax (Iwan Rheon), who calls him a liar and has Gavros kill him! Rheon is known for playing Ramsey Bolton in Game of Thrones. I recognize him as Papageno in The Magic Flute (2022). The blood from his neck splatters a column! The narration by Tenax says that ome citizens is only interested in “bread and games.” We get the Circus Maximus: Racetack of the Roman Empire” in big letters. He says Tenax is not his real name and looks up at the balcony, “under the shadows of the rich and powerful.”Tenax walks through the Circus Maximus where he owns the biggest betting tavern in Rome. 

He notes the four horse racing teams (echoing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?); Green, Blue, Red, and White Factions. All owned by the Roman nobles. We see a glimpse of them as there are scenes of the chariot racing with a final crash that takes down horses and charioteer. Tenax says it will all change. Dawn at the Circus Maximus, workers take away the bodies, a guard finds a charioteer who is still alive. Another takes a knife to his throat, but he is stopped by Tenax, who sees value in keeping him alive. Tenax walks to the Ludus Beastius, there is a tiger kitten in a cage, he negotiates with Carpo (Felix Lampert) over the price of horses and men. He mentions that the charioteer is still alive. 

Tenax tells the children that men are worth more than horsemeat giving them the harsh lessons he learned? Gruesome. Tenax notes the death of Emperor Nero with the civil war, the Year of the Four Emperors, four generals who want to rule the Empire. The setting is “Rome, 79 CE” as we see wisps of clouds over the city. There is an effects shot panning across the city, too many of these shots read fake, more models would be convincing. The last general was Flavius Vespasianus made emperor by his army and built a new arena, the Flavian Amphitheatre, its upper ring is partially constructed. Tenax notes with contempt that Vespasian came from “mule breeders.” Out of a carriage is Emperor Vespasian (Anthony Hopkins) in white robe and crown made of gold garlands. The acclaimed actor had played the famous psychoanalyst in Freud's Last Session (2023).  

He is helped by his older, bearded son in armor, Titus (Tom Hughes) whom Tenax says is a “famous general.” Hughes starred in the historical series, VictoriaOn his other side is Domitian (JoJo Macari), the “young politician”, dressed in a blue tunic. Macari played Oran Petrch in World War II mini-series, Masters of the AirTenax says they are the “Flavian Dynasty.” Vespasian declares to the nobles that Titus has defeated Judea and the general says the glory belongs to the legions. He notes the Golden House which Consul Marsus Servillius (Rupert Penry-Jones) says is small. Penry-Jones in The Batman (2022) was Mayor Don Mitchell, Jr. Domitian takes offense since he is master of the games. He says it large enough for chariot racing and ordered animals and gladiators all over the Empire down to Numidia. Vespasian tells them that the nobles do not have shares in the Flavian Amphitheatre, they have the Circus Maximus, but it belongs to the people.

A bell rings at the “House of Marsus, Esquiline Hill”, the nobles are angry at the emperor’s decision taking away from their wealth. Consul Marcus is watchd by his wife, Antonia (Gabriella Pession) with an elaborate braids decorated like a peacock imagery of Juno (Greek name: Hera), queen of the gods. Pession was in the Italian noir show, The Red DoorAntonia wants to stop the Flavians. She is warned this is talk of treason. Antonia says that the emperor is getting old and wonders about Domitian becoming emperor. We pan across plains, this is “Numidia: Roman Province of Northern Africa”, a city is nestled by the sandy hills. A Roman soldier demands water as we see Cala (Sara Martins), a Numidian trader asks for two bags of salt. Martins was in the medical crime drama, Alexandra Ehle.  

Inside a house, a young girl, Jula (Alicia Edogamhe) playfully dances as her sister, Aura (Kyshan Wilson) cooks. Edogamhe was Blue in the teen drama, Summertime. Wilson was in the Italian romance film, Under the Amalfi Sun (2022). They discuss in the Numidian language about Aura wanting to leave. The soldier enters and wants Jula to keep dancing. He throws Aura back and she hits him in the back with a pan. The legionary viciously back hands her! He starts to close in with Jula, but Aura takes a knife and stabs him! He dies on the floor. More soldiers enter and the commander says that they killed a Roman citizen means that they are both now property of Rome! Soldiers pull them away and then drag away the body. 

The trail of blood is matched to red spices stirred by a merchant. Cala is happy her daughters are making dinner. She goes to her home, sees the blood, and screams. Cala rushes out to see her daughters taken away into the desert. She races back to get a box of valuables to take on her journey. Cala's drive to save her daughters, thoughtful, but going to any length makes her avery strong character, Another trader asks about her son. It is dark at sunset as Cala’s son, Kwame (Moe Hashim), walks with a spear on a cliffside. Hashim was Moe Bumbercatch in the comedy show, Ted Lasso. He approaches a sleeping white lion with his pride. A trader says the mans will pay for the lion. Kwame says the white lion is the god Apedemak. The trader tells Kwame that he must take the lion or get no pay. 

Sunrise, the white lions are chased to the edge of the cliff, the hunters run with spears and shields while others drive them forward with drums! The visuals are beautiful in this scene! The white lion tears down two of the hunters! Kwame screams to get the lion’s attention. He turns to see his fellow hunters at the side. Kwame runs and the hunters snare the white lion in a net! He asks Apedemak to forgive him. A great intro that I think would be the back story for Djimon Hounsou’s character, Juba, in GladiatorThis shifts to “Ostia Harbor: Port of Rome”, another great shot. A white stallion is whinnying as it is being lifted from a ship to the dock. A Spanish horse groom, Elia (Goncalo Almeida), shouts he can help the horse off the ship. Almeida starred in the Portuguese telenovela, Amor Amor 

He is told they are not in Baetica, a Roman province in Hispania, the southern tip of current Spain. The ship owner says he moved more horses as his brothers, Adria (Eneko Sagardoy) and Fonsa (Pepe Barrosa), insist that Elia is good with horses. He gives up more concerned about his other six ships. Then, a soldier asks him about the grain ships from Egypt, it has been three weeks with the people getting agitated! The owner says the southern storms are delaying them. Elia calmly takes the horse down the gangplank. We move to the city gates where the starving citizens wait outside. A rider says the ships are delayed so they should leave until tomorrow. A man says that they were told the same thing before and shouts that the senators are not starving. The crowd starts hurling rocks and pull down the rider! The leader has the mob charge towards the Palatine.

Some men are told about the riot and goad the crowd on. Tenax wakens to the roar of the crowd. He sees the leader hand the agitators pouches of coins. Domitian hears the mob and smiles. We see the citizens at the “Imperial Palace: Palatine Hill”, they shout, “Pay for crimes!” Guards barricade the palace doors. Domitian watches the mob when his father enters. Vespasian is told that Titus is with the Judean queen. They do not have the soldiers to stop the riot. Domitian brings up that his father used a diversion in Alesia as general. Riders race to the “House of Titus: Via Appia” in the sunset. A soldier knocks at the door to inform the general about the riot. He is in bed with Berenice (Lara Wolf). The actress was in the drama, The Performance (2023). Titus is told that the emperor plans a race. Drummers start to play at the Circus Maximus. The Spanish brothers see the riot, but the crowds attention is pulled away by the race.  

#ThoseAboutToDie, #RiseOrDie, #RobertRodat, #RolandEmmerich, #DanielPMannix, #IwanRheon, #AnthonyHopkins, #JojoMacari, #DimitriLeonidas, #GabriellaPession, #RupertPenryJones, #TomHughes, #LaraWolf, #GoncaloAlmeida, #EnekoSagardoy, #Pepe Barrosa, #EmilioSakraya

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Re:tro Re:view - The Sword in the Stone (1963)!

 The Sword in the Stone is the most charming and funny Arthurian tales with some of the wittiness of the T.H. White book. The director is Wolfgang  Reitherman, one of the Nine Old Men and Disney Legend, he directed One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961) and The Jungle Book (1967). Bill Peet is the writer adapting the 1938 novel by White and he also adapted One Hundred and One Dalmatians. The songs are by the Sherman Brothers. It was produced by Walt Disney and was his last animated film. The Sword in the Stone was one of four parts that White compiled into the novel, The Once and Future King (1958). It was a clever re-telling of the King Arthur legend that kept the bones of Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (1485) and giving the legend a clever twists that gives it a good polish.  It also inspired the 1960 musical, Camelot. 

We see the sword in the anvil and then get the music by George Bruns previewing the new songs by the Sherman Brothers. This moves to the red book elaborately decorated of The Sword in the Stone. The book opens to show the pages while we get the title song sung by a bard with vocals by Fred Darian. He tells of the “Good King”, Uther, who died. Leaving England without an heir so the land falls into war. Then, there was a miracle appeared in Londontown, the sword in the stone. The narrator, Sebastian Cabot, continues with the inscription about pulling the sword from the stone and anvil to become “rightwise king of England.” There were many who tried, but failed, and the narrator says the sword was forgotten. He says it was a dark age and we plunge into a black forest. Then, we see the red eyes of a wolf and hawk that tries to swoop after a squirrel! 

This shifts over to Merlin struggling with a chain to pull up a pail of water from a stone well. He has the long, tangled beard, glasses, and floppy, conical hat that is blue as his robe. Merlin is voiced by Karl Swanson with just the right amount of grumpiness, goofiness, and wisdom. Swanson was also in the Hitchcock film, The Birds, that year as the Drunken Doomsayer in Diner. He grumbles about all of the inconviences without modern technology like electricity. This Merlin lives is life in reverse, Benjamin Buttoning 45 years before the film! It is an iconic performance, not a dark as Nicol Williamson in Excalbur (1981), but funny and unexpected from the wizard. He carries back the pail to his cottage, a simple home with a chemistry lab of tubes, and he expects an arrival in a half hour. 

A small owl from a birdhouse like a clock and says, “Who? Who?”, funny!, Archimedes is voiced by Junius Matthews. He also voiced abbit in the Winnie the Pooh short films. Archimedes is the counter to Merlin’s genius and later has a long laugh that has to go into animation history. Merlin says he doesn’t know his guest arranging a chair under the roof, “someone very important”, that he will guide to his “rightful place.” He says the boy will be about 12, scrawny, and his vision shows the tall, surly Kay. Then, the boy, Wart, runs up to join Kay across a stone wall. Outside of the forest, Kay is hunting with his bow, and Wart is on a tree branch above him. He has a squeaky, kid voice. One of the voices is Rickie Sorenson, who was Tommy Banks in the sitcom, Father of the Bride. The other voices include Richard Reitherman and his brother, Robert, sons of the director. They appeared in the documentary, Growing Up with Nine Old Men (2013). Kay is voiced by Noman Alden who later played Lou, the cafe owner in Back to the Future (1985).   

Kay spots a deer and draws an arrow, Wart is at the edge of the branch, and then topples on Kay as he looses the arrow that darts to the treetops! Kay swings his bow at Wart in anger, but Wart takes cover in the forest. Wart promises to get the arrow and Kay warns him about the wolves. He falls and this gets the attention of a wolf gnawing on a bone. It sneaks after him and Wart finds the arrow climbing the tree as the wolf’s jaws snap behind him! He tries to reach for the arrow, but ends up falling down through Merlin’s roof! Wart ends up in the chair Merlin set for him and a table set for tea. He introduces himself as Arthur, but is called Wart. The hapless, mocking name for the legendary king is a perfect beginning by T.H. White. He thinks Archimedes is stuffed which insults him! The owl flies back to his house and Wart offers him a cup of tea. Archimedes snatches it away. 

Wart and Merlin at the Magic Happens Parade, Disneyland, 2023, author’s photo.  

Wart wonders how Merlin knew he would be there and is stunned when Merlin says he is a wizard! Merlin tells Wart he has been in the future and shows a model of steam locomotive that he fills with his tea pot. The wizard has his magical sugar bowl, a tiny pot,  pour some sugar for his guest. Merlin asks if he has had any schooling and Wart says he is learning to be a squire. He is shocked that Wart has not learned history, biology, and Latin! The sugar bowl has shoveled a sugary pile in Merlin’s cup and the wizard chases it away. Merlin says he will be Wart’s tutor and the young squire is about to walk away. He gets Wart’s attention as he casts the spell to get everything packed in “Higitis Figitis.” It is fun magical song with books dancing and shrunk inside Merlin’s carpet bag. The sugar bowl gets in front of the glassware, but causes chaos. Merlin has forgotten his magic words and Wart reminds him. Archimedes is almsot swallowed in the bag and Merlin finishes with an empty house! 

#TheSwordInTheStone, #WolfgangReitherman, #BillPeet, #THWhite, #ShermanBrothers, #RickieSorenson, #RichardReitherman, #RobertReitherman, #KarlSwenson, #JuiusMatthews, #SebastianCabot, #NormanAlden, #AlanNapier, #GinnyTyler, #MarthaWentworth

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Ark, “Pretty Big Deal”, Review!

The Ark, episode six, gets deeper into the mystery of the other Arks and the past of Lt. Spencer Lane! Re:cap - “Museum of Death“, The Ark-3 had signs of bodies and an Eastern Federation shuttle! They discover dead crew members posed like mannequins! The only living person turns out to be Bojan, Eva’s lost brother! He has lost his mind from years of loneliness lef behind by the Eastern Federation and thinks a dead woman is his wife. At the med bay, Bojan talks to Eva about fulfilling her mission and this is overheard by Jelena. Kimi asks Jelena about Bojan’s conversation, but says she didn’t overhear it. Alicia has the idea of replacing the ship’s missing bridge with the command module of the Ark-3. Brice and Lane are piloting the command module. Bojan goes EVA to return to his wife. Eva is in a suit to get her brother back, but Felix pulls her away from an explosion of the old module and Bojan is lost.  

Afterwards, Jelena tries to tell Felix about the conversation, but he doesn’t want to hear about personal matters. This is overheard by Kimi. Eva logs into the ship’s computer and sees her record which shows six criminal charges. She permanently deletes it! Eva can be trusted after all she has been through with the ship, but what does her criminal past mean for the Ark-1 and Brice? A great twist to her character! “Pretty Big Deal“ is directed by Milan Kovalic and the writer is John Paul Nickel. The Ark-1 is begin fitted with the new parts, Brice is bringing in parts from Ark-3, Garnet says he has a “new toy” with the Easten Federation shuttle. I wonder what happened to all of the bodies of the Ark-3 crew that we saw last ep? Brice docks the shuttle to the ship. 

Lane is changing the Ark-3 designation on the command module to Ark-1. Garnet annouces that they are “fully operational.” Eva doesn’t seem as enthuiasastic. Cargo is brought in by Felix and Kimi. It is labeled “Remember Earth.” It is a locker of baseballs, guitars, Brice takes the guitar, Garnet puts sunglasses on Lane. He finds a chess set. Crew members begin to take items fom the cabinet. At the conference room, Garnet mentions Dr. Marsh on the council. He updates that the liquid gel is still inside Kelly. He doesn’t know if the explosive can be removed. Dr. Kabir says that it will take brain surgery to remove it. Garnet says that there are 24 rooms and she has given everyone of the council will have their own rooms. 


The new bridge is strange, Lane stops Garnet and wants her to be in the captain’s chair. Wow, command chair, she almost reluctantly sits in it and then gives the command to head to their “new home.” The Ark-1 goes to warp. Kimi talks to her co-conspirator at the bio dome. They are checking the crew list about Eastern Federation members. Alicia is at the computer while Angus just stands aound. She has decrypted the Ark-3 files to find about Earth. She discovers that more ships were launched. Angus finds out that the Eastern Federation ships are heavily armed. They will need the shield that Alicia developed! Kelly is unconsicious as Marsh carefully removes the liquid gel fom he skull. Kabir hands it to Jelena. He begins sewing the cut closed. Marsh says that her nanites will heal her. 

Brice is playing guitar when Eva enters, but she is not interested in taking time off. She is thowing heself into her work, does Eva hear the beating of her “Tell-Tale Heart”? She is upset that he wants sex! He brings up Bojan, but she storms away. At med bay, Marsh has checked on Kelly. She wants all of her post human implants removed. He says that many of her parts are pemanent. It’s tough to be the Bionic Woman! Lane argues with Garnet for a peek, he realizes that she already looked, they get an alert to the bridge. Brice says that they dropped out of warp for a distress call from Ark-8! Garnet hears the signal, Lane says it is two weeks old, Brice shows Raynick-J. It is a world that can sustain life, but is highly radioactive. How are the planets named? 

Eva is running on an treadmill, the other crew member walks next to her, and tries to bring up he brother. Eva stops and the walks away. Ark-1 drops out of warp next to the planet. Lane sends out a communication to Ark-8. Alicia finds damaged comms and a FTL drive on the planet’s surface. Garnet wants to lead the team to the planet. Brice pilots the shuttle down. The team is Felix, Kabir, and Lane. Kimi asks about her friend, Marissa Yee, he seems to pause. They hit turbulence. It is a desert planet with two suns. Ark-8 has crash landed. Brice notes that they are another planet, a good realization for explorers, really not shown in space shows. A hand grips some rock. Felix points out a shelter. They enter the remains of a ship. Lane sees the engineering section. Felix finds a used can of food. They take out security batons. 

THE ARK -- “Pretty Big Deal” -- #REECERITCHIE  -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

Men covered with nose plugs and yellow wrappings. They look like Dune’s Fremen and the survivors of the Wrath of Khan. One wonders about Lane and takes off his hood, identical to him! The leader with a wounded leg ties to refuse Kabir’s help. Lane’s clone, Ian, agrees to it. Lane can’t believe he’s a clone. The family members suddenly turning up seems to be the routine of season 2. It kinda makes sense with their contact of other ships, but I'm still engaged with the fate of Felix's daughter. Garnet introduces herself and also that she is a clone. Other clones were attacking them, the unstable Gen-3 clones. Lane thinks that they stole Ark-8. The clone says they are Gen-2 clones. Lati can’t get the water pressure to work, Angus shows how to get the water lines to work. He says they planted too many potatoes. Meir says that they are used for vodka. Felix reports to Garnet. He says the hyperdive is working, but Ian says it has a self destruct. 

Brice talks to Lane who is worried that his clone is happy. There is a warning from the port engine. Brice goes to check on it. He opens the hatch and finds a burly man. He is captured and the burly man has a knife, but Lane helps him to take on the two saboteurs. Garnet says the Gen-3 clones are closing on them. She wants the engine working, but Ian says that it is damaged. In the bio-dome, Angus cheers Lati with shot glasses. She brings up the vodka that is needed for sex. He mentions all of Brice’s relationships. Lati talks about Alicia. She says he only needs a flower and encouragement. Lane rushes into the shuttle. There is a struggle, Felix, Garnet, and others fight. Kimi is getting ready to take off with Lane. Some raiders try to bash the cockpit window. Garnet tries to close the hatch, but another tries to open it. She drops down sealing it with her weight. Brice finally finishes and then the shuttle throws off the Gen-3 raiders. “Pretty Big Deal” has two Lanes with the mystery of his clone past(?) and the question of these new survivors!  

Four Compression Suits out of Five!

 #TheArk, #PrettyBigDeal, #MilanKovalic, #JohnPaulNickel, #ReeceRitchie, #ChristieBurke,  #PevleJerinic, #DianaBermudez, #ShaliniPeiris, #JadranMalkovich, #StaceyRead, #RyanAdams, #SamanthaGlassner, #CoralMizrachi 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Lorcana: Shimmering Skies Review!

The latest Lorcana set, Shimmering Skies, has dropped and it is a welcome surprise! Shimmering Skies debuted on August 9th which was also the first day of the D23 Ultimate Fan Experience. The first Lorcana arc has wrapped with Ursula’s Return and also the game, Illumineer’s Quest - Deep Trouble in May. The Shimmering Skies story trailer is at: There is a celebration of fireworks, music, and  some food fights, it weaves around the Steel cards; Duck For Cover! With Huey, Louey, and Dewey taking cover behind a table and Food Fight! that has Goofy slipping with trays of desserts! 

Also, games including the arm wrestling of Ares and Hercules from the Ruby card Glimmer Vs Glimmer. The dialogue has Ares threat and Hercules’ come back, “We’ll see about that.” This moves to the concert tent with Gazelle: Pop Star from Zootopia singing! Martin, the musician, is nervous at the edge of a tent. There is no card of the Illumineers; Martin, Shanzay, and Venturo yet. Vanellope Von Schweetz, the Wreck-It Ralph cards make their debut in the set, notices the destruction at some tents. Another threat to the Great Illuminary. She looks at Wreck-It Ralph, but he is blameless this time! This moves to the Amber Chromicon, it is inscription reads, “Comfort the weak and weary”, it is mysterious the part has to play in the story.

The Great Illuminary now has dark clouds around it. Merlin from Vision of the Future with a large gem on his hat points this out to the Illumineers. At the castle, the Great Mouse Detective, Basil of Baker Street, is investigating with Basil's Magnifying Glass. Martin wonders about the mystery as the other Illumineers search other parts of the hall. Basil has found a petal-like opening in the floor, stairs that lead down, there are many secrets in the castle! Martin and Basil reach a dark room, he reaches out to find the Amber Chromicon, as Kronk is at the doorway. Past Sleepy: Sluggish Knight, is a globe, the Obscurosphere, that contains the Half Hexwell Crown. Broken in the fight with Ursula? Evil is still lurking! Below it, the celebration continues with crowds ready for the concert! 


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Alien: Romulus Review!

Alien: Romulus has the darkness and tension of the alien and its spawn crawling around the station that is the last hope for an orphan crew! It is the bridge between the first two Alien films, Alien (1979) which established the haunted house spaceship horror, and the sci fi military action of Aliens (1986). The movies are most beloved by fans, but the series continued with Alien 3 (1992), Alien Resurrection (1997), and crossover with Alien vs. Predator. Director Ridley Scott who launched the fanchise with Alien brought two prequels, Prometheus (2012) that dealt with the ancient Engineers and Alien: Covenant (2017). 

What may have unraveled the Alien films is that it isn’t the Alien itself or the world, but the trapped, innocent survivors. The writer and director, Fede Alvarez, is able to accomplish that feat, develop the Alien story, and give respectful nods to the entire series! Alvarez is also the director and writer of the thriller, Don’t Breathe (2016). The film’s co-writer is Rodo Sayagues who also worked with Alvarez on the horror “re-imagining”, Evil Dead (2013). The beginning has the darkness of space with stars and a ship comes out of it. We peer Io the window of the ship, Echo Probe, in the Zeta Reticuli system. This is the location of the first Alien and we have wreckage which appears to be the remains of the Nostromo. A large fragment is taken into the bay of the ship. 

The crew with face-shielded helmets watch as lasers cut into the fragment and it is raised by chains. A strange Frankenstein-like discovery. Underneath the mass is an almost familiar bio-mechanical shape! The last we saw of the Xenomorph, spoiler!, was that it was sent off into space by Ripley. Next, we get the setting sun, a woman, Rain (Cailee Spaeny) sits with her eyes closed. This year, Spaeny was also brillant as the war time photographer, Jessie, in the dystopia drama, Civil War. She awakens from her dream in a bunk with the constant rain falling outside the window blinds. Rain joins her childhood companion, Andy (David Jonsson), who is simple like a child. Jonsson was in the financial dramatic series, IndustryThey join the crowd of miners moving through the rain-soaked, night streets of the colony. The visuals are incredible. The cinematographer is Galo Olivares who also worked on the horror movie, Gretel & Hansel (2020). 

Andy sees Rain is troubled so he shares some jokes and he says she laughed at them when she was 12. We see from a building that they are on the Jackson’s Star Mining Colony. Rain has Andy stay outside as she enters the Office of Colony Affairs. She tells the Wayland Yutani Officer (Rosie Ede) that her parents had did and she only has her brother. Her request to transfer to the planet Yvaga is denied and Rain’s mining contract is extended five to six years! She returns outside and finds that a group of 10-year old punks are beating up Andy! Rain checks the memory slot on the Andy’s neck. He drips milk-like fluid from his battered mouth, an android like the Synthetic, Ash in Alien! Then, Rain gts a message on her wrist device, a meeting with her ex-boyfriend Tyler (Archie Renaux). Malyen Oretsv was played by Renaux in the fantasy show, Shadow and Bone

They meet Tyler who has his group of young orphans including his sister Kay (Isabela Merced). Also this year, Merced was Anya Corazon, in one of my favorites, the supernatural thriller, Madame Web. Bjorn (Spike Fearn) is their cousin. Fearn starred in the teen drama, Tell Me Everything, as Louis. Lastly, is Bjorn’s girlfriend, Navarro (Aileen Wu). This is Wu’s first film. They have found a beacon from an abandoned ship. The plan is to find the cryo pods that will enable them to travel to Yvaga. Since Andy is made by Weyland Yutani, they can get access to the cryo units. Rain admits that her father found Andy in the trash. Andy’s directive programmed by her father is to keep her safe. I like the group of young people like the Lost Boys of Peter Pan, but also the teens entering the haunted house. The contrast of the innocent boy like Pinocchio is great with Andy in comparison with Ash from the first movie and the selfless Bishop in Aliens. 

#AlienRomulus, #FedeAlvarez, #RodoSayagues, #CaileeSpaeny, #DavidJonsson, #IsabelaMerced, #ArchieRenaux, #SpikeFearn, #AileenWu, #RosieEde  

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Ark, “Museum of Death“, Review!

Five episodes and The Ark has discovered something chilling out of Eva’s past! Re: cap - “The Other You”; The Ark-1 has left warp, but gets caught in a quantum entanglement! Lt. Brice is lost in the other Ark while our Ark is visited by their Cat, Catrina! Brice discovers that he was a hero sacrificing himself to save the Lunar Colony from the Eastern Federation. The Quantum Double William Trust proves to be helpful to Brice. The same with Catrina, a scientist, who helps Kelly with her post-human augmentation. Alicia finds the plan of the other Trust to move the ship and break the quantum entanglement. She asks their Trust what direction he would go, forwards, so she chooses to reverse! The ship shudders, but the Arks pull free like a rubber band! Brice is back and naked! Eva hugs him. 

Alicia reports that they have returned to normal space, but Garnet sees Trust crying over the lost Catrina. Lane asks Brice about his father and he is told that it seems like was proud of is son. Felix bumps into a crew member, Leon, the man he was dating in the other reality. Another  chance at happiness for Felix? Brice is eating a meal at the mess hall when he is joined by Kimi. She brings up the lady, Catrina, said that he was on the lunar mission. Kimi asks if he was on the mission in the prime reality, he says if he was no one would have died. This is Kimi’s mission, revenge for the Lunar Colony? Brice talks with Garnet and says she was a “good kisser” in the other reality! Kelly is in her cell, she sees a bracelet, it has a message. “I see the good in you, Kelly. Everyone should have power over themselves. Now you do. Love, Catrina.” Kelly felt so alone and this a needed message of love. She smiles. 

THE ARK -- “Museum of Death” -- TIANA UPCHEVA, CHRISTIE BURKE -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

Brice approaches Ark-3 and they find a shuttle attached to it! The director of “The Museum of Death” is Sandra Mitovic. India Sage Wilson is the writer. The Ark-1 approaches Ark-3 which has an unknown shuttle. Garnet sends an identification message. They see the Eastern Federation marking on the shuttle. Garnet says it might be a war. At the mess hall, they wonder about other ships, Lane says they killed his father. Brice wonders why Eva is quiet, she asks if they might be peaceful. Alicia shows the shuttle image to Trust and he says the shuttle can hold 30 people. Felix and Kimi want to go in ready for a battle. At the med bay, Kelly wonders about self regulating her post human augments. Then, she takes Dr. Marsh by the throat! He says she has artifical lungs and musculatue in her arms. Of course Kelly would be the one to even the odds with a hostile crew. 

Dr. Kabir says she will be thrown off the ship. Kelly drops him. He says she is acting like a child. He says when she is constantly using her augments, she will shut down. Felix enters and then takes away Kelly. Garnet catches up with Lane. He says the Eastern Federation is dangerous. She wants him to stay because she cares about him! Garnet ties to say what Cat would have done. She says he is too close to the mission. Alicia hacks into the cameras, but she can only picks up still images. She shows an image of many crewmembers! Alicia thinks it is power source from the shuttle. Felix comes up with a plan. Kelly looks through the gap of her cell and asks Trust what he knows about post humans. He tells her about his wife, Helena, that she was devoted. Kelly thinks she was the same as her mother. Trust knows that her father moved her from town to town. I like that Kelly's part is just dealing with her past and her father. 

Angus is back at the bio dome and sees the Ark-15 member, she says the has been upgades, increasing the irrigation system. Angus finds he is not as needed. The shuttle Kimi and Felix’s team on evac led a team ove to Ark-3. Garnet pilots with Eva who opens th doos to Ark-3. Garnet uses a flashlight ot scan the ship in her suit, the Eva follows, the emergency lights are on. Eva says the air is breathable. Kimi enters with Brice. Felix with his team reach the ship. Garnet says it is cold like a freezer. Garnet and Eva enter a room, then sees an unmoving figure, they are dead or frozen! Creepy! I got the shivers! Garnet thinks that the Ark-3 crew has been set up like mannequins. The others in the mess hall are seen by Brice. Garnet says it is a museum of death. Felix also reports the same.  Garnet still wants the parts so she sends the teams out while Eva is to reboot the ship. This would put her in danger if there isn’t anyone to watch over her! 

THE ARK -- “Museum of Death” -- DIANA BERMUDEZ, TAMARA RADOVANOVIC, PAVLE JERINIC -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

The observation deck also has frozen bodies. I love the horror aspect. Garnet examines a moustached man (Vas Batricevic) whose eyes suddenly open and then he runs. They are hiding among the bodies? Kelly goes back to ask about her father. Trust says her father was a good man. She says she only has happy memeories about her father until his heart attack. Trust says her mother poisoned her father. He says he only flaw is the woman he married and Kelly says he has the same flaw. Garnet runs up to Eva and says he wore a different uniform. Eva says the fire system could check the heat signatures. They point out the lone signature in the middle of the ship. Garnet gets the “All Clear in the Mess Hall.” She moves with Eva to find the man. Eva hears a whistling that is a lullaby. Garnet sees the back of the man, he turns, Eva recognizes him, her brother! Bojan has a wild hair like a certain person we don't talk about from Encanto (2021) who went a little crazy! 

He laughs and they hug. Brice attacks him, but Eva pushes him back. He says he isn’t with the Federation and has his own crew. He says his wife is Millie and in another part of the ship. Um, we saw only his signature. Kimi thinks it’s a trap. He opens a panel and it is a dead woman. Bojan says she is shy. More shivers. He’s insane. A shocked expession on Eva’s face. Garnet says Eva has to convince her brother to leave on Ark-1. Eva say she is not in his right mind. He gets angry and says her sister is Eastern Federation. Kimi shocks him unconscious. At the med bay, Eva says he’s seeing things to Kabir and Marsh. Marsh says her brother created things being alone. Kabir says he has a place on Ark-1. Eva talks with Brice about him. She lost track of him after her sister died. Brice says she never mentioned her family. Alicia updates the crew showing a hologaph of Ark-1 about the damage to the ship. 

She says it is large part. Trust explains that the bridge section can separate into a station. Garnet asks Eva’s opinion, but she’s distracted. At the med bay, Eva talks to her brother. She apologizes for leaving him. He says he was searching for her, Bojan was left behind, and he says he met Millie there. Bojan asks Eva about finishing her mission. He becomes upset and is sedated. Garnet contacts Brice at Ark-3’s brig. Alicia begins the disengagement protocols. Similar to the bridge separation of the Enterprise-D. Bojan suddenly wakens, Kimi leaves, and Bojan sneaks out. Kimi talks to Jelena about Bojan as she eats at the mess hall. She asks if she is Serbian. Jelena says she doesn't know what Eva was told by Bojan. The Ark-3 bridge detaches. Bojan is at the airlock. He is going EVA to go to the ship. Eva says they are all dead. She says she loves him. Garnet wants him to retun. Eva runs to save her brother. Garnet orders the bridge to be moved, its boosters shatter it! "Museum of Death" has a focus on Eva, not a question of loyalty, she has proven effective in running the ship. It is how her past will affect her with Kimi's investigation and Jelena's knowledge! Episode five centers around Eva Markovic and gives a twist on her character, a mystery, and some drama with Kelly, mixed with some action! 

Four Compression Suits out of Five! 

#TheArk, #MuseumOfDeath, #SandraMitovic, #IndiaSageWilson, #TianaUpcheva, #ChristieBurke, 

#RichardFleeshman, #StaceyRead, #PavleJerinic, #SamanthaGlassner, #PaulLeonardMurray, #DianaBermudez, #TamaraRadovanovic, #VasBatricevic, #JadranMalkovich, #ShaliniPeiris,  #ReeceRitchie, #RyanAdams