Friday, August 2, 2024

The Ark, “Anamoly”, Review!

The third ep of The Ark has the strange discovery of a new lifeform! Re:cap - “Kill or be Killed”  the conflict of the new crew members from Ark-15 has led to the trial of Kelly. Dr. Marsh has revealed that Kelly has post-human implants. They have a chance of traveling FTL to Trappist-1 if they can recover parts fom Ark-3. The ship can make one jump if Trust can work on the navigational DOTE, but it requires a spacewalk! Garnet goes with Trust to set the DOTE and he gets space sickness! Garnet has discovered The Juno Project on Cat’s laptop. Trust explains that it was the genetic match for the surviving crew! Felix acts as prosecutor and Dr. Marsh is with the defense. Kelly testifies that she was sent to Ark-3 with Dimitri and Ross. Her memory is shut down so Dr. Marsh activates her brain implant. Ross had activated her post-human implants to kill the crew! 

Garnet makes the decision that Kelly is guilty of murder, but not deserving of the death penalty, but her actions has her mother, Evelyn Maddox, as responsible. Kelly is sent to the brig. Garnet walks with Kelly and says that her mother may have her feel less human, but she is human. She admits that she is a clone. Kelly says they are not alike, the crew hates her and loves the captain, maybe, but Garnet earned their loyalty. This is something that Kelly does not understand yet. Garnet unshackles Kelly and says the brig has been modified from a restroom. She sees the hole that leads to the next room. Garnet says that the engineering room is now ops. If the warp bubble doesn’t hold, Alicia says that they could drop out of warp, Trust says the worse case is that everything will be torn apart atom by atom and taken out of time. 

Garnet gives Eva the command to go into FTL. Sasha says the warp bubble is at 84%. A ribbon of energy hits the ship and the lights go out! A living being from the warp? It is Star Trek territory finding something defying classification like The Companion in "Metamorphosis" (1967) epThen, power is restored and in an empty corridor, The white lightning slips into an empty corridor! “Anamoly” has the same creative team as last ep; director Milan Todorovic and writers John Paul Nickel and Jonathan Glassner. Lane wonders about the Juno matches to Garnet. The locked cell of Kelly, the energy moves towards her, and then strikes the lock! She sees the sparking panel, opens the door, and walks out! Dr. Kabir wakes up in pain and Dr. Marsh looks after her. He realizes that she stays away from painkillers to stay sharp. 

THE ARK -- “Anamoly” --   STACEY READ, CHRISTIE BURKE, TIANA UPCHEVA   -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

He asks to massage her, he does ask permission!, and parts her hair making Kabir angry at him! Eva and Brice are in bed and he says, “That was nice.” She says he is not geat with compliments especially speaking in Serbian. Then, he admits that he was trying to say, “I love you.” She says he was told he was actually saying, “I’m a cheese head.” They kiss. Then, she says the actual words. Garnet is at her quarters, checks the Juno Project on her laptop, I think it should be known ship wide. I love the swirling FTL like snow on her window. She checks her match and is stunned. Kimi meets with Felix and wants he secuity baton fom Garnet to watch Trust. He asks if there was a girl on Ark-15, about nine years old, she must be on the other Ark headed to Trappist-1. She says no and he thinks it is in the ship that Ark-15 destroyed. 

Garnet goes to her cabin and unfolds the Cat Call poster smiling. At the bio dome, Brice asks about basil from former Ark-15 crew member, Lati Meir (Coral Mizachi), and she says is actually mint!  He chats with Lane about his relationship with Eva and he brings up Garnet! He says her hug with him “lingered", people are noticing! Then, the power shuts off! Eva reports to the group that the power is random. They leave Brice behind and he runs to catch up. Felix meets with Garnet about the baton. She says that he needs the help. Garnet orders him to give Kimi the baton. He hands her back the security baton and says she shouldn’t have gotten Garnet to force him. She says Garnet noticed she didn’t have it. Kimi has the flashlight as Trust works. Kelly walks past. Kimi has Trust follow as Kelly is about to open the airlock! It counts down as Felix suddenly stops it. 

Trust is angry at him and Kimi takes him away. Later, Sasha checks on the keypad. Felix watches over Kelly. He says he realized that Garnet was right as a parent. Kelly admits that she didn’t see any kid on Ark-3. Sasha asks about the keypad and he has replaced the unit. Kelly says she hopes Felix finds his daughter. Kelly hears Trust say Garnet needs his help. She sees the hole to Trust’s cell. They see each other and then make threats. The crew member,  Naomi (Jessica Yemi), checks something, in a hall guided by Eva. The energy is behind her and then strikes her, was she wearing a red shirt? She falls and Eva has Marsh check on Naomi. Sasha says she was electrocuted without power. At the med bay, Marsh says he has studied for 14 years. Jelena asks questions about him. She says she goes for older men!


Alicia sees the lights at a corridor. Eva monitors her. She checks a panel. Closeup as she turns to hear the electicity! The energy snakes down and she starts to run, holding a cable to ground herself, it hits her several times and then snakes away. Clever girl! Jurassic Park reference. Alicia explains what happened with grounding strips. Garnet says that this should be told to the crew. Alicia says it turned aound. Brice says it was “alive.” Everyone is a little suspicious and Garnet says she should go to Dr. Marsh. Then, Eva working on it. Alicia waves to Angus and then reports to Marsh. She realizes she sounds crazy. He tells he to sit by her boyfiend! Angus says he is bored. She explains what happened with the lighting bolt. Marsh examines her. She says she was hit in the stomach and then the back. 

He orders her to stay and Alicia is happy to spend time with Angus. She says, “I don’t need orders to stay with you”, awww. Angus says works about the energy’s sentinence, he thinks it could be food, Alicia kisss him and then runs off. Alicia excitedly says that electricity is looking for a food source. Felix says it is at Deck 11. Garnet runs with Eva and Alicia. The energy wraps around the ceiling. Eva says power should shut off. Alicia is about to shot off the power, but hesitates killing a life form. Eva shots it out and the door closes. The energy races fo them, then Garnet thows them down. Alicia says it went for a power souce, not them, and says they can “corral it.” In the dark, Alicia says electricity Trust brings up the Faraday Box, which blocks electromagnetic waves, named after inventor Michael FaradayReal science. They can cobble it together.

Alicia says the power to the ship and going to the engineeing room.  Garnet says it includes life support. Angus suddenly wakens and tries to stumble to the bio dome. Stops him and he is paranoid that Dr. Marsh scans his forehead and detects a high fever. The energy surges down and Jelena pulls Angus from the bed as it hits the panel. On the floor, he says to Jelena, “You are so pretty”, funny!  She helps him up and to a bed, he says he has a girlfiend. Kimi says she need cleaance and says that Kelly almost died. The energy lashes out and Kimi throws Felix down, her neck is buised. Garnet announces ship wide a system shut down. Eveyone suits up. Jelena puts an oxygen mask on Angus and Kabir. At engineering, the group gets ready in suits, the energy races though the ship, wow, great camera work, and heads to engineeing. Alicia says, “C’mon, little guy you can do it.” “Anamoly” has the first new life discovered, not categorized?, and even more surprises await Ark-1 on its journey. 

Four Compression Suits out of Five!

#TheArk, #Anamoly, #MilanTodorovic, #JohnPaulNickel, #JonathanGlassner, #ChristieBurke, #ReeceRitchie, #RichardFleeshman, #TianaUpcheva, #StaceyRead, #RyanAdams, #ShaliniPeiris, #PaveleJerinic, #PaulLeonardMurray, #SamanthaGlassner, #DianaBermudez, #JadranMalkovich, #TamaraRadovanovic, #MilosCvetkovic, #JessicaYemi 

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