Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Ark, “The Other You“, Review!

"The Other You" is a twist as we find what happened to Lt. Brice and find another Ark-1Re:cap - “Anamoly”; Alicia warns about the box. Brice takes it and runs though the ship to take it to the airlock, it flies into the FTL warp and streaks away! The last we have seen of it? Eva checks on Brice and they start kissing. Garnet and Lane find them and walk away. Marsh helps up Kabir. He says she can start walking. She apologizes for being angry. Angus wants to walk too, but Marsh says one at a time, funny! He is getting sweet with Kabir? Angus asks if he was inappopiate to Jelena. He says he doesn't need help and she gives him a cane. Dr. Kabir is impressed he is recovering. Angus wonders about Kelly’s blood. Marsh says she has nanites that cleaned up is infections. The Valiant Comics hero, Bloodshot, has nanites that heals his wounds. 

He wonders if he will not have glasses. Kimi eats alone and Felix sits with her. He attempts to apologize. Kimi says they don’t have to be friends. He grants her full security access. Alone, Kimi goes to a see Lati (Coral Mizrachi) at her bunk and asks about the lieutenant in whispers. She says, “Have patience Kimi, we’ll get him.” The likely suspect is Lt. Lane who sabotaged Ark-15. I like Kimi even more as a subtle villain! What will see do with access? Brice is at Engineering and they drop out of warp, nothing happens. Lane says they don’t see Ark-3 or stars and then suddenly Brice disappears and his suit falls! Eva is stunned! A space mystery! He’s in another dimension? Why?  “The Other You” is directed by Milan Todorovic. The writers are Dean Devlin, Madeline Hendricks, and India Sage Wilson.  

Eva picks up the empty uniform of Brice, then Alicia enters, and Lane tells her that Brice is gone! We get a moving pov though the ship to Pod 0419 which opens, Cat emerges, naked!  Cat now in unifom walks down the corridors. She sees Will and hugs him. She asks if he is cured and has a British accent. Lane, Garnet, and Alicia ty to work out what happened. Garnet runs to check the recorder. Felix contacts Garnet to the mess hall. She walks in and sees Cat. She calls heslf Catrina. She says Trust is her husband. Garnet asks what she remembers, she was in cyro, and cat is told she died. This is welcome to have back Christina Wolfe!, but we also got Denise Crosby’s return as Lt. Yar in an alternate reality after she had died. This was in “Yesterday’s Enterprise” (1990). 

THE ARK -- “The Other You” --  CHRISTIE BURKE, REECE RITCHIE,  STACEY READ, TIANA UPCHEVA -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

She calls Brice the Luna Colony hero. This is new. Lane says his father died in the attack. Alicia thinks it is an alternate history. Trust calls it quantum entanglement. Garnet says, “How do we get unntangled?” Dr. Marsh checks the knee wound of a patient, it is checked by Kabir, who want to get to work. She tries to get to sleep. A strange cacophony of voices is faced by Kelly. She is in her cell and tries to cover her ears. Felix opens the cell and Garnet with Kimi find that Kelly is hearing voices. Kimi puts on cuffs and they let her follow the voices. She moves down the halls and then to a panel. Garnet doubts her as well as Felix. She listens in to the panel and has heard Trust say, “Who are you?” and also hears Brice. She may have advanced hearing with her implants. 

Alicia says that they have been entangled with the other Ark-1. He wonders about Brice and Catrina. Garnet says Kelly has heard Brice. Catrina says she has sensitivitis and agrees with Alicia. Trust walks with Catrina and she says he’s beloved by everyone. He brings up his wife, Helena Davies. Jelena is at med bay and then Caterina walks up to Kelly. She says she specializes in post-humans. The twist on characters was also in the Star Trek episode, “Mirror, Mirror” (1967). Catrina says the augmentations ae off. Kelly asks about who works on the post-humans and Catrina says they regulate themselves. Mess hall, Alicia is intrrupted by Catrina and Trust, she says a quantum cup can break the entanglement. She suggests moving the ship. Eva is upset and the decision is left to her. 

At the engine room, they start to accelerate, it distorts and they are thrown against the walls. Brice is back about to start warp. Back to scene one. It is activated, but seems to fail. Brice suddenly wonders what happened and he’s naked. Eva socks him! Sasha wonders what is happening with Ensign Malkovich. Sasha calls in the report. Brice punches Sasha in the stomach and gets into uniform. It is a menacing Angus, without glasses, who meets up with Felix. Angus says Brice was dead. Brice is at the observation deck which we haven’t seen in some time. Felix runs into a man, Leon (Danilo Milenkovic) and kisses him. A glimpse of happiness for Felix? Will we see Leon again? They plan to meet for a date at the observation deck. Angus is there and sees Brice. He draws his security baton and then chases after him!

THE ARK -- “The Other You” -- RICHARD FLEESHMAN, PAUL LEONARD MURRAY -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

Brice takes a series of turns and finds himself in the mess hall with Garnet who passes out! She revives, she doesn’t recognize Dr. Kabir, they are married! Two couples married, The Ark is less commitment phobic as Star Trek. Brice says they have never been married, live the fantasy lieutenant!, he asks about Alicia Nevins at waste management. She calls for him at the floor. Garnet was also the fantasy of Angus last season! She is obviously not the captain in this reality and most likely the command crew is running the ship. Brice finds Alicia, hair messed up without glasses, and dirty. He brings up quantum mechanics. Brice says in his universe, Alicia is a genius, she laughs and thinks it’s a pick up line! I don’t like this reality. She says she can’t help him and doesn’t have five degrees. 

Angus catches up him and says to Alicia, “Hi babe!” He easily knocks down Brice and Alicia stuns Angus for cheating on her. He must have post-human implants, a hint of things to come? Alicia kinda flirts with Brice! Then, she kicks Angus! Brice goes to the secret area of the ship and activates Trusts’ pod to waken him. He asks about Catrina. Her pod is empty just the uniform. He identifies himself. Brice brings up dropping out of FTL. Trust realizes that it is quantum entanglement. He still suffers from Klampkins disease. Brice says the Mediterranean recluse spider and two ingredients will cure the disease. He heads over to talk to Captain Lane. Captain Lane (Howard Saddler) mentions the void and that Brice had died. Saddler was in the British soap, East Enders. He is a bit gruff with his son. We had scenes with the lost commanders in season one so we should get more with Spencer Lane's father. 

Spencer runs in to bring up the quantum problem. He is at fault with the attempted stop at Ark-3. Then, the ship is tossed by the Ark-1 movement! Trust looks outside the window. Trust thinks it is the moving at the same time. He suspects that he saw Ark-1 and that they can send a radio signal to coodinate. Trust takes piloting hoping to get back his wife. Garnet enters and wants to see Brice. She is tearful and says goodbye, kissing him. I don't know who has more romances, Sharon Garnet or James Brice!, or both? He walks into the bridge. Trust has thought that he left out the direction of the ship! Alicia has found the message. She wonders about the ship direction. It is up to her! The consequences of the quantum entanglement is not debated with the fate of Catrina. “The Other You” has some good moments with twists for the actors, but the ep feels too much like Star Trek and seems like a filler episode until we get to Ark-3. 

Three Compression Suits out of Five!

#TheArk, #TheOtherYou, #MilanTodorovic, #DeanDevlin, #MadelineHendricks, #IndiaSageWilson, #RichardFleeshman, #ChristinaWolfe, #SamanthaGlassner, #PaulLeonardMurray, #ChristieBurke, #ReeceRitchie, #Howard Saddler, #PavleJerinic, #RyanAdams, #StaceyRead, #MilosCvetkovic, #TianaUpcheva, #ShaliniPeiris, #JadranMalkovich, #TamaraRadovanovic, #DianaBermudez, #DaniloMilenkovic

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